From the chat the other night, long and passionate, it turned out that the desire to give substance to the project is concrete. I tried to summarize the opinions, suggestions, cautions, doubts in the following text. Could become the first step, or not. Add your comments and your comment to edit it and grab it. We decided to continue the comparison here, in the light of the sun, continue to share ideas openly. Already this seems to me to be a brand new attitude around here. A good first step.
For convenience and brevity will take up the formula of "5 W" to revisit the issues to be addressed. For each W carry the issues raised last night and my personal proposal / summary.
What / What
An in-depth review and analysis, citing the Journal of Advertising, "does not follow current events, would precede it. Otherwise the comments."
Should have the ability to be qualitatively very accurate (in writing or in any other form of communication will be appropriate to use video, photography, satire ...). That tell carefully
know what's happening in our country, without forcing us into the boundaries that exist only on maps (so as Vimercate Casatenovo as Sesto ...). What
be interesting to know, that combines the personal pleasure of those who produce it with the reader's attention.
not a commodity to be sold but an instrument. The goal is not to make the magazine just for the sake of doing it, but use the journal to analyze what is happening (and not happening) in this area. Do not stop the record (what happens), but try to understand why it happens, making investigation and reflection. Reaching a readership appropriate commitment and not just the narrow and restricted circle of friends and relatives.
Do not be afraid to tell their own, readers are given the freedom to read, think and respond.
The territory, urban and suburban, its transformations, its defense, its exploitation.
cultures, the ability to understand the why of what is happening and the search for paths less wrought.
citizenship, namely the relationship between people and the lives around him: other people, relationships and institutions that regulate them (relations, work, Representative, Delegate, City, State, European Union ...).
With close attention to what is commonly unable to get visibility and attention in a city and a region that has changed profoundly sociological. At this
employees are invited to participate according to their own personal skills and preparing to produce, collectively, comparison. Not just a magazine personality separate but also an ensemble able to relate respecting the independence, both inside and outside.
Why / Why
Because we are fed up and desperate, desperate for information and replete with meaning, we know everything that happens (or should say) and we do not know why it happens.
Why should understand well know, does not decide otherwise and does not affect reality. A magazine aggressive, capable of "shake," tease and stimulate. Pulsating. Militant without any political party or military deployment. Saviano says, citing as Celine, not interested in producing "pins bugger flies." Capable to intercept the ferment environmentalists, human and cultural interpreter to do with it, incubator and inspiration.
To achieve this it is necessary to establish a scope, a method and an order by which the collective work is recognized and also determines that, when necessary, the Supreme contributions inadequate. A "charter of values" to which all are called to give shape to be able to recognize and see our work paid off.
I propose my "principles": secular (and religious party), irony (the media Brianza are sad and boring), conservation of resources at risk (people's rights, environment) ...
Who / Who
writer (or resumes, photographs, drawings ...) is also owner of the newspaper. Through an aggregated form (simplified and streamlined by the more demanding cultural Cooperative Association) who writes the newspaper participates directly in the management of its future, its identity and its editorial line. Independence from the publishers (business or political) involves the personal investment of effort, work and resources. Both the Association that the cooperation involves the addition of a membership fee that may be established for members of a different kind "INPS" and members "ggiovani" , a sum of money and work for the first and the only contribution of work (more than a purely symbolic figure) for seconds. The structure must
provide for the common forms of organization of choice: the Steering Committee and chair, criteria for acceptance of entries and so on. This will ensure democracy and accountability recognized. The president of the association may be the director as the publisher coincides with the editors.
Where / Where
A magazine is not it 'the paper it' screens, are the contents that can produce and process. Identify the most effective tools to get it is up to readers who can not leave out a few things:
- Cadenza. Since an operation of mind "no-profit and voluntary can not become too heavy to produce it and must allow to be created in the "spare time".
- Costs. Without excluding the instrument in paper form, it is clear that the use of the Internet significantly lowers the threshold for access and visibility, ranging from zero cents using free services and increases in proportion according to the resources (and success) that the newspaper reaches. My idea is to start on a platform that "owns" that allows us to be independent of network providers and can manage in total autonomy database and tools. Minimal use (but adequate for a starting threshold of 800 readers a day) provide a means spending a few hundred euro, say 1000-1500, for a quality hosting service. The printing of a number minimum hard copy at a cost equal to, but for a single number and a few pages. Think of the press means so first of all think to find resources which can not be covered by subscriptions.
For these reasons, the form of a monthly magazine and is the more appropriate. The digital instrument more affordable than print.
When / Where
Once collected the statements of availability of each (time, money and ideas) can move to strike up the most appropriate dress. I invite you to express all the available personal time, effort, money, skills, interests. If we have 10 people € 2000 and you make a coat, if we have 20 people and 5000 € you a wardrobe, if we have 4 people and € 150 you make a pizza and friends as before. The perspective must be based on a period of at least two years and a minimum fund of € 6,000 (so that we can possibly pay those hosting the meetings).
I went off on an assumption of chrono-program.
In the next two to three weeks to gather comments, additions and subtractions to this draft summary (and I ask you now apologize for all that I forgot to bring) and is processed with the "Statute" which will also determine the editorial of the newspaper. I, on the basis of other similar experiences, I will present an overall picture with regard to the establishment of a cultural association that the personality becomes "legal" owner of the project, the owner of the head and setting the internal decision processes.
After two to three weeks we meet again (Tuesday, guests at the Stephen Wastrel with spaghetti attached) to give the body through one or more final draft "status" is the identity of the association / journal.
Within a month, embodies the personality "legal", the "charges" to the roles, tasks and responsibilities. The form of cultural association is very simple and light, there is not even obliged to go to a notary.
Next (Between 40 days?) Identifies a lineup of specific issues to be addressed, the structure of the newspaper (the amount of content, sections, interaction tools ...) and draw an outline of the first zero number that allows you to test the organizers (see who can act as a reference, internal communications, reviews ...).
At the same time drawing up plans to promote and raise funds (contributions from readers, advertising ...).
In this regard I think it is important to consider the possibility that the title of associate "INPS" or share with cash, could come into play other environmental or cultural associations on the basis of important examples National: on the editorial board of " Life" - the weekly non-profit - also join all those institutions paying a fee (in this case € 7500) and sign a memorandum of understanding ensures their visibility, discounts advertising and participation in the management (because obviously a single share, as any other associated "Social Security" or "ggiovane" that is). This may indicate a fruitful collaboration with the realities of the territory to which many of us already belong and will probably need a reference point for their communication.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Waxing In Richmond Bc
first meeting last night "Offline." Three hours of dense opinions, questions, suggestions, questions, provocations. Very interesting and promising. Soon I will try to take stock and prepare a roadmap for the next steps. It was decided to continue the discussion in the light of the sun, if someone wants to help could not attend, the doors remain open.
first meeting last night "Offline." Three hours of dense opinions, questions, suggestions, questions, provocations. Very interesting and promising. Soon I will try to take stock and prepare a roadmap for the next steps. It was decided to continue the discussion in the light of the sun, if someone wants to help could not attend, the doors remain open.
Monday, January 21, 2008
When Is Best To Wax Before Holiday
Meet Tuesday, January 29
Since you asked me, meet me. Tuesday, January 29 to 21 enjoying the hospitality of the JRC in Monza via Ambrogiolo 6 (a narrow street on Italy). I'd love to see you, whether you want to participate directly or you simply want be a collaborator "external" or - again - a likely player. The magazine is and remains for now only an idea, a hypothesis to be defined. You can also participate in its definition. consider it a chat to see how you can take the next step. All welcome, jerks and jinx excluded.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
What Do The Colors Of Faith Mean?
A magazine is (also) his readers
Many of you think you can do an online-only newspaper also. I still have doubts but this is not the point. A key issue is the role that readers should have . Online is "natural" to provide for their participation: comments, letters, forums and so on. But where is the boundary between editorial content and those of the readers?
few weeks ago, has caused some stir in the online bead Monza the Director's decision to publish only the city of Monza comments signed. In reality it is a decision entirely "normal" because all the titles (from the Republic to the Courier) provide - before posting comments and responses on their pages - even a recording, with a lot of acceptance of terms of use. Yet it is a fact that the comments on that paper (which is my client, for the uninitiated) are significantly decreased.
Well, I think there's a bit 'of confusion. First, between the nature of the various pages online, a newspaper is not a forum, an article is not a a blog post. This is substance. But the common perception is another, tend to believe that the internet everyone can write what he wants , where he wants and how he wants, without signature, without - somehow - bear the responsibility. Although he has not shared the decision of the Director, I just do not think this is so. I think it's fair to give space, as much as possible, but readers should mark a clear boundary and distinguishable . For one reason mainly: what is written in the magazine that I should be the result of collective thinking and shared the opinion, not the comment of a reader, not necessarily. And why did those in the magazine inspires commitment and effort should "ingioiare the toad" spat the first to arrive?
I do not like those who confuse respect for the ideas of others (perhaps different, even opposite) with the "duty" to publish them. If we have a close drunk and annoying, we should really open the door and let it sit on our couch, otherwise we are not democratic?
Many of you think you can do an online-only newspaper also. I still have doubts but this is not the point. A key issue is the role that readers should have . Online is "natural" to provide for their participation: comments, letters, forums and so on. But where is the boundary between editorial content and those of the readers?
few weeks ago, has caused some stir in the online bead Monza the Director's decision to publish only the city of Monza comments signed. In reality it is a decision entirely "normal" because all the titles (from the Republic to the Courier) provide - before posting comments and responses on their pages - even a recording, with a lot of acceptance of terms of use. Yet it is a fact that the comments on that paper (which is my client, for the uninitiated) are significantly decreased.
Well, I think there's a bit 'of confusion. First, between the nature of the various pages online, a newspaper is not a forum, an article is not a a blog post. This is substance. But the common perception is another, tend to believe that the internet everyone can write what he wants , where he wants and how he wants, without signature, without - somehow - bear the responsibility. Although he has not shared the decision of the Director, I just do not think this is so. I think it's fair to give space, as much as possible, but readers should mark a clear boundary and distinguishable . For one reason mainly: what is written in the magazine that I should be the result of collective thinking and shared the opinion, not the comment of a reader, not necessarily. And why did those in the magazine inspires commitment and effort should "ingioiare the toad" spat the first to arrive?
I do not like those who confuse respect for the ideas of others (perhaps different, even opposite) with the "duty" to publish them. If we have a close drunk and annoying, we should really open the door and let it sit on our couch, otherwise we are not democratic?
How To Unblock Farmville Feed On Facebook
There is nothing to understand
in order to better understand the difference between simple information (news, commentary, press offices transvestites newspapers ...) and deepening See the image at right (if you click on it is stretched). Is the screen a feed aggregator, in practice anyone can be grouped into a single page with the latest news from their usual sites. This eliminates the need to jump from one site to another, the time savings is enormous. If an interested enough to spend on your mouse to read the introduction, if you really like, you click and you go to read more. I believe that here in Monza there are many aggregators (more or less successful, more or less effective), what is lacking is the page on which to end up once clicked .

Monday, January 14, 2008
Milena Velbabulletin Board
Before dawn, the voice schiariamoci
Many submissions requested me to arrange a meeting to see , meet to talk at 4, 8, 16, 32 ... eyes of what and how. Wait a little longer '. There are already a number of "membership" and this is very encouraging, but first I want to collect more opinions and suggestions here. On my " 5 W" and the assumption of a setting (this time not only for funding) similar to that of .
They deal with economics and economic policy, we could also take care of much more: «[...] try to inform and to offer an in-depth tool for those who are not satisfied with the proceedings and summary of the key words' order . A free and independent voice. Inform and, above all, we offer independent analysis of facts and information, with the aim of offering a useful service to all those who agree to measure, without prejudice, on complex issues. is our ambition? Be competent in critical, provocative and balanced in the proposals contained in . We want to be something missing in Italy: a head, which performs the function of " watchdog, watchdog, to critically evaluate economic policy, dissociating himself from the political use that can be made of what he writes . It is a role but not pretentious and ambitious, we believe, important. Especially in a time when any technical error, any design flaw or delay was very costly for our country.
They deal with economics and economic policy, we could also take care of much more: «[...] try to inform and to offer an in-depth tool for those who are not satisfied with the proceedings and summary of the key words' order . A free and independent voice. Inform and, above all, we offer independent analysis of facts and information, with the aim of offering a useful service to all those who agree to measure, without prejudice, on complex issues. is our ambition? Be competent in critical, provocative and balanced in the proposals contained in . We want to be something missing in Italy: a head, which performs the function of " watchdog, watchdog, to critically evaluate economic policy, dissociating himself from the political use that can be made of what he writes . It is a role but not pretentious and ambitious, we believe, important. Especially in a time when any technical error, any design flaw or delay was very costly for our country.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
365/360 Lone Calculater
The Voice of master
How to pay the cost of a newspaper? Examples near and far, there are many, from the "ghosts " financed by the state until the election sheets, with the exceptions as the advertising sandwich
exemplary for many other aspects, just look at the Section What do we want "to become fans.
they stepped into their pockets. has been online since 2002 and find out how he lives is very simple, just read an article in the July 2007 which speaks of the relationship with the press, the objectives and funding sources. It is very interesting excerpts below. The italics are mine, and who is following this blog finds himself many concepts already come to the surface between these lines
[...] In fact, the papers record everywhere except in India and China in a loss of readers, while the growth of the Internet seems unstoppable. But is it really the fault of the Internet if newspapers lose readers? And the web can really replace the printed word?
Two complementary assets
Our experience suggests that the Internet is much more complementary to the printed page than it might appear at first sight. Not only serves to provide updated information in real time. It also serves to provide analysis and commentary supported by links to original documents. [...] Provided that the newspaper never gave up its primary function of informing . There is a dangerous drift to the newspaper comment all short-notice, to differentiate themselves from both the Internet by the free press. [...] An open source site, like ours, is in print, radio or television stations that reflect the content found on the site an additional multiplier that allows him to reach readers who are not regularly using the Internet.
So be complementary to the benefit of readers , but this complementarity should be sought actively.
E 'more democratic Internet?
There is an advantage of the Internet than in print media: to have very low operating costs and to reach a wide audience at no cost. The budget of a site is generally much lower than that of a newspaper . [...] There can be more democracy on the Internet. And the more freedom of information.
We have in the past five years trying to qualify for these benefits. Building a site other because of the many existing comment and analysis, rather than on current update online. We believe that the future of the Internet is a future where there will be no need to select a lot, maybe too much in some respects, the information available through millions of sites accessible
Our mission has not changed: we want to help improve the quality of economic information, using our skills and our independence . We realize how often bound to be other means of communication in their opinions and stances, for political or economic interest. And as you may wish to always have the suspicion that the property affects the newspaper commented. The advantage of a work site free of University Teachers is in its independence from the constraints of the property . Venture capital de ourselves.
New targets
In five years we have grown: from a few thousand subscribers to our newsletter to over 50 thousand
[...] These numbers are relevant to an offer like this editorial, even when compared to sites in English that has a potentially much wider audience. These numbers are achieved without any advertising campaign (we do not have the economic means), but through word of mouth of those who appreciate us and citations that are becoming more numerous in the newspapers, on television and on other websites. [...]
Who finances? So far it is governed only on the contribution of readers (which gave us more than € 116,000) and editors who have self-assessed and have earmarked the proceeds to the site to participate in radio and television broadcasts and events various .
About two-thirds of our output is for the salaries of our diverse editorial staff who coordinate the work having relationships with editors and contributors, with the media and to our readers. [...] For our new goals, we need a budget of around € 100,000, plus than we can realistically ask every year to our readers. [...] For this reason also reached agreements to pay for work of economists of they themselves automatically donate to the site. Give account of all this revenue, as always.
We still need - even more than in the past - the contributions of our readers.
On July 4, 2002 we wrote "We want to be competent in critical , provocative content in the proposals and balanced." Our credibility is our reason for being. [...]

exemplary for many other aspects, just look at the Section What do we want "to become fans.
they stepped into their pockets. has been online since 2002 and find out how he lives is very simple, just read an article in the July 2007 which speaks of the relationship with the press, the objectives and funding sources. It is very interesting excerpts below. The italics are mine, and who is following this blog finds himself many concepts already come to the surface between these lines
Internet, print media and our 5 years 03.07.2007
[...] In fact, the papers record everywhere except in India and China in a loss of readers, while the growth of the Internet seems unstoppable. But is it really the fault of the Internet if newspapers lose readers? And the web can really replace the printed word?
Two complementary assets
Our experience suggests that the Internet is much more complementary to the printed page than it might appear at first sight. Not only serves to provide updated information in real time. It also serves to provide analysis and commentary supported by links to original documents. [...] Provided that the newspaper never gave up its primary function of informing . There is a dangerous drift to the newspaper comment all short-notice, to differentiate themselves from both the Internet by the free press. [...] An open source site, like ours, is in print, radio or television stations that reflect the content found on the site an additional multiplier that allows him to reach readers who are not regularly using the Internet.
So be complementary to the benefit of readers , but this complementarity should be sought actively.
E 'more democratic Internet?
There is an advantage of the Internet than in print media: to have very low operating costs and to reach a wide audience at no cost. The budget of a site is generally much lower than that of a newspaper . [...] There can be more democracy on the Internet. And the more freedom of information.
We have in the past five years trying to qualify for these benefits. Building a site other because of the many existing comment and analysis, rather than on current update online. We believe that the future of the Internet is a future where there will be no need to select a lot, maybe too much in some respects, the information available through millions of sites accessible
Our mission has not changed: we want to help improve the quality of economic information, using our skills and our independence . We realize how often bound to be other means of communication in their opinions and stances, for political or economic interest. And as you may wish to always have the suspicion that the property affects the newspaper commented. The advantage of a work site free of University Teachers is in its independence from the constraints of the property . Venture capital de ourselves.
New targets
In five years we have grown: from a few thousand subscribers to our newsletter to over 50 thousand
[...] These numbers are relevant to an offer like this editorial, even when compared to sites in English that has a potentially much wider audience. These numbers are achieved without any advertising campaign (we do not have the economic means), but through word of mouth of those who appreciate us and citations that are becoming more numerous in the newspapers, on television and on other websites. [...]
Who finances? So far it is governed only on the contribution of readers (which gave us more than € 116,000) and editors who have self-assessed and have earmarked the proceeds to the site to participate in radio and television broadcasts and events various .
About two-thirds of our output is for the salaries of our diverse editorial staff who coordinate the work having relationships with editors and contributors, with the media and to our readers. [...] For our new goals, we need a budget of around € 100,000, plus than we can realistically ask every year to our readers. [...] For this reason also reached agreements to pay for work of economists of they themselves automatically donate to the site. Give account of all this revenue, as always.
We still need - even more than in the past - the contributions of our readers.
On July 4, 2002 we wrote "We want to be competent in critical , provocative content in the proposals and balanced." Our credibility is our reason for being. [...]
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Best Places For Brazilian Wax In Montreal
The five W's magazine that I
What / What
not a commodity to be sold but an instrument. The goal is not to make the magazine but use the magazine to analyze what is happening (and not happening) in this area. Do not stop the record (what happens), but try to understand why it happens, doing research (which does not mean three or four people interviewed at random in the street) and reflection. Do not be afraid to tell their own, readers are given the freedom to read, think and respond.
The territory, urban and suburban;
cultures, the ability to understand the why of what happens;
citizenship, namely the relationship between people and the lives around him: other people, relations and institutions that regulate them (relations, work, representation, Delegation, City, State, European Union ...).
Why / Why
Because we are fed up and desperate, and desperate for information satisfied sense, we know everything that happens (or should say) and we do not know why it happens. Swallow words, images and sounds in industrial quantities and digest to make room for others immediately.
Why should understand well know, does not decide otherwise and does not affect the reality . Culture, not concepts.
Who / Who Who wants
, strength, ability to invest part of their time and their energy . Writing, photographing, drawing, filming, narrating. Working in groups, participating in the management in person. Sharing their experience without imposing or suffer.
For whom? for those not satisfied with the shiny surface more or less information for those who are not satisfied with the reality of the housing. not a deadline for elections but for a vision of civil, attentive to the quality of life and the environment, not only to finance or power . The instruments must be instruments, the way back to being the end.
Where / Where
A magazine is not it 'the paper it' screens, are the contents that can produce and process . Li can where and how you want to publish, but before the substance, then the form accordingly. A month and a web address, who can be treated , interesting but not boring, funny but not stupid . It can be done, you can try.
When / Where
After forming a group of people who esteem and respect, and recognize that that does not require the expense of a sense of the magazine. Experience shows that some people are more inclined to share that unite, rather than requiring those who share. They should be left to show why not to go anywhere. Locate
clear rules and shared moments, the tasks and then move on to execution, seeking funding and setting goals.
Some ideas for funding are, they're proposing, but that comes later. Before the contents and the people with the desire. Now tell me what you think, what to remove? What to add?
What / What
not a commodity to be sold but an instrument. The goal is not to make the magazine but use the magazine to analyze what is happening (and not happening) in this area. Do not stop the record (what happens), but try to understand why it happens, doing research (which does not mean three or four people interviewed at random in the street) and reflection. Do not be afraid to tell their own, readers are given the freedom to read, think and respond.
The territory, urban and suburban;
cultures, the ability to understand the why of what happens;
citizenship, namely the relationship between people and the lives around him: other people, relations and institutions that regulate them (relations, work, representation, Delegation, City, State, European Union ...).
Why / Why
Because we are fed up and desperate, and desperate for information satisfied sense, we know everything that happens (or should say) and we do not know why it happens. Swallow words, images and sounds in industrial quantities and digest to make room for others immediately.
Why should understand well know, does not decide otherwise and does not affect the reality . Culture, not concepts.
Who / Who Who wants
, strength, ability to invest part of their time and their energy . Writing, photographing, drawing, filming, narrating. Working in groups, participating in the management in person. Sharing their experience without imposing or suffer.
For whom? for those not satisfied with the shiny surface more or less information for those who are not satisfied with the reality of the housing. not a deadline for elections but for a vision of civil, attentive to the quality of life and the environment, not only to finance or power . The instruments must be instruments, the way back to being the end.
Where / Where
A magazine is not it 'the paper it' screens, are the contents that can produce and process . Li can where and how you want to publish, but before the substance, then the form accordingly. A month and a web address, who can be treated , interesting but not boring, funny but not stupid . It can be done, you can try.
When / Where
After forming a group of people who esteem and respect, and recognize that that does not require the expense of a sense of the magazine. Experience shows that some people are more inclined to share that unite, rather than requiring those who share. They should be left to show why not to go anywhere. Locate
clear rules and shared moments, the tasks and then move on to execution, seeking funding and setting goals.
Some ideas for funding are, they're proposing, but that comes later. Before the contents and the people with the desire. Now tell me what you think, what to remove? What to add?
Scorpio Loses Interest
First, empathy and network
Even Casalini First, the editor of "Butterflies the network" and "Hugs and popcorn " says its network and by betting on a close-knit group that knows also exclude "because The greatest joy is to see some of the neighbor across the failure, but it is useless if you do not move well, which means that are necessary inclusions and exclusions. " The emphasis
Nb are mine.
Dear Antonio,
I read with interest some action, usually shared, about "The newspaper that I want" and for two reasons, I felt like my say.
The first reason is that they are so busy on the net that I would not have time to participate in other initiatives in addition to those that I do, for that very reason I write what I think, frankly, without any thought put, and in itself is a satisfaction.
The second reason is that the experience of this last year I made it clear in fact many things that I did not know and who may not have known then that I told her I could be of some use.
1. The theorem is the network, printing is a corollary, not vice versa . Will be even more so, even if many do not realize it yet. So if the magazine has to be the first to be reviewed online, then print, among other things, it also costs much less, but this is still the main reason.
2. E 'preferable that there is a counter Shinystat (best PRO FREE) is visited by visitors in your site or blog. It looks like a detail but it is not: about visits and page views not open counter is not working, and damages the credibility . If the game has to be competitive (which is a good thing) is games with clear rules: visits, page views and that post went Visits. Who is in the blog should be given the opportunity to see how things are going. It 's a choice but to pay, even though it is hard to do it, but not making it pollutes the rest. The game is competitive because it is like medicine in the minds of doctors, that there are more than eighty: a drug that goes away a coming out, if a site is visited blog or another means that it is no longer (except the growth of the pie that helps, but for the single person is). I know that this reasoning competitiveness repugnant to many, but one has to give a reason why they go to read the magazine online, and the only reason I see is that the visitor will derive added value: the visits do not come by themselves, are captured. is not trivial, because it is often assumed that simply because someone wrote that you read . This means quality: someone who can give her no, who continually puts the problem, those who ignore it, perhaps because it suits them to ignore it. It 'best not to pretend that these problems do not exist.
3. I read that should be an on-line magazine covering the Monza and Brianza. This made me think of the old duty. On the net, fortunately, there are no fences, which certainly does not mean that we should not be specific and concrete, but if you write something on the frescoes of Zavattari sull'autodromo, the Villa Reale, is written as if he were reading an American or a Spaniard, but Brianza! Fact, arrive, and targeted applications. should be avoided and a generic rootless cosmopolitanism, but also should be avoided Batracomiomachia localist low mintage that sometimes happen. We all know that there are underground and those are the worst.
4. In Brianza there are at least ten good blog with good visits. It 'better to hear their views and learn about the excellent work they are doing. Their opinion may be useful because interwoven experience measured in the field.
5. The discussion is fictitious site or blog? There are only two modes of different software (software developed ad hoc software or external), what matters is what you want to do and a blog today (Splinder or Blogger, for example) and advanced enough to meet your needs and increasingly will be in the future: it costs much less, is more easily accessible, even more friendly, which is important.
6. enough for a small group (five to ten people, not more) of people in a shared project, and departed with a position of respect and empathy among people , each of which must be followed the red thread of the things he knows, but this is where the problem arises because a force to discuss it all ends up inside, todos caballeros. While they are essential to comply with a level of quality in writing, a kind of dialectic, however, empathetic, and above all the sense of a common project. Otherwise, says a friend of mine, in a few months ends in stone. This is the most difficult, because the greatest joy is to see some of the neighbor across the failure, but it is useless if you do not move well, which means that are necessary inclusions and exclusions: there are two, three, four magazines network? No problem, those who have more wire weave the cloth, the other stop. The Festivaletteratura Mantova was born somewhere chat serotina nine friends, and now come from all over the world, just because there was a joint project that was based on an intelligent empathy.
7. would therefore be a useful multiblog , that is a blog where there are several independent contributors (guest), not just one that published his post and other comments. Us with "Hugs and pop corn" in the past ten months we have followed this path, which is simple but also difficult and we are satisfied, both as a personal relationship between the various guests and the number of visits and page views: The record is 385 Views (January 3), the record Page Views is 1211 (January 2), the rank is 16. Sorry for the numerology, but the blogs are weighing.
8. I chose the clear opinion at the risk of brutal and pedantic, but here in Monza space for a good magazine on the net is there, just knowing that we must grasp it and respecting the rules, and the drawl is lost time and will not go anywhere. should trigger a virtuous circle of a group is not large, trained, tuned and curious. I forgot: men and women, is essential.
thanks for the space
Primo Casalini
What can I say? Prime has clear ideas, perhaps even more than me that are not so sure there is network first of all. I agree with almost everything but most of the other, the need to form a working group that knows how to develop a collective course of the review, identify issues, grok them and expose them comparing them with readers, openly . The management can not be reserved for a single person and not too many. Instead, the concerns I have with regard to the idea of \u200b\u200b"multiblog" where everyone goes its own way, independence and mutual respect while maintaining a common and shared path, otherwise you make a magazine. Thanks First.
Even Casalini First, the editor of "Butterflies the network" and "Hugs and popcorn " says its network and by betting on a close-knit group that knows also exclude "because The greatest joy is to see some of the neighbor across the failure, but it is useless if you do not move well, which means that are necessary inclusions and exclusions. " The emphasis
Nb are mine.
Dear Antonio,
I read with interest some action, usually shared, about "The newspaper that I want" and for two reasons, I felt like my say.
The first reason is that they are so busy on the net that I would not have time to participate in other initiatives in addition to those that I do, for that very reason I write what I think, frankly, without any thought put, and in itself is a satisfaction.
The second reason is that the experience of this last year I made it clear in fact many things that I did not know and who may not have known then that I told her I could be of some use.
1. The theorem is the network, printing is a corollary, not vice versa . Will be even more so, even if many do not realize it yet. So if the magazine has to be the first to be reviewed online, then print, among other things, it also costs much less, but this is still the main reason.
2. E 'preferable that there is a counter Shinystat (best PRO FREE) is visited by visitors in your site or blog. It looks like a detail but it is not: about visits and page views not open counter is not working, and damages the credibility . If the game has to be competitive (which is a good thing) is games with clear rules: visits, page views and that post went Visits. Who is in the blog should be given the opportunity to see how things are going. It 's a choice but to pay, even though it is hard to do it, but not making it pollutes the rest. The game is competitive because it is like medicine in the minds of doctors, that there are more than eighty: a drug that goes away a coming out, if a site is visited blog or another means that it is no longer (except the growth of the pie that helps, but for the single person is). I know that this reasoning competitiveness repugnant to many, but one has to give a reason why they go to read the magazine online, and the only reason I see is that the visitor will derive added value: the visits do not come by themselves, are captured. is not trivial, because it is often assumed that simply because someone wrote that you read . This means quality: someone who can give her no, who continually puts the problem, those who ignore it, perhaps because it suits them to ignore it. It 'best not to pretend that these problems do not exist.
3. I read that should be an on-line magazine covering the Monza and Brianza. This made me think of the old duty. On the net, fortunately, there are no fences, which certainly does not mean that we should not be specific and concrete, but if you write something on the frescoes of Zavattari sull'autodromo, the Villa Reale, is written as if he were reading an American or a Spaniard, but Brianza! Fact, arrive, and targeted applications. should be avoided and a generic rootless cosmopolitanism, but also should be avoided Batracomiomachia localist low mintage that sometimes happen. We all know that there are underground and those are the worst.
4. In Brianza there are at least ten good blog with good visits. It 'better to hear their views and learn about the excellent work they are doing. Their opinion may be useful because interwoven experience measured in the field.
5. The discussion is fictitious site or blog? There are only two modes of different software (software developed ad hoc software or external), what matters is what you want to do and a blog today (Splinder or Blogger, for example) and advanced enough to meet your needs and increasingly will be in the future: it costs much less, is more easily accessible, even more friendly, which is important.
6. enough for a small group (five to ten people, not more) of people in a shared project, and departed with a position of respect and empathy among people , each of which must be followed the red thread of the things he knows, but this is where the problem arises because a force to discuss it all ends up inside, todos caballeros. While they are essential to comply with a level of quality in writing, a kind of dialectic, however, empathetic, and above all the sense of a common project. Otherwise, says a friend of mine, in a few months ends in stone. This is the most difficult, because the greatest joy is to see some of the neighbor across the failure, but it is useless if you do not move well, which means that are necessary inclusions and exclusions: there are two, three, four magazines network? No problem, those who have more wire weave the cloth, the other stop. The Festivaletteratura Mantova was born somewhere chat serotina nine friends, and now come from all over the world, just because there was a joint project that was based on an intelligent empathy.
7. would therefore be a useful multiblog , that is a blog where there are several independent contributors (guest), not just one that published his post and other comments. Us with "Hugs and pop corn" in the past ten months we have followed this path, which is simple but also difficult and we are satisfied, both as a personal relationship between the various guests and the number of visits and page views: The record is 385 Views (January 3), the record Page Views is 1211 (January 2), the rank is 16. Sorry for the numerology, but the blogs are weighing.
8. I chose the clear opinion at the risk of brutal and pedantic, but here in Monza space for a good magazine on the net is there, just knowing that we must grasp it and respecting the rules, and the drawl is lost time and will not go anywhere. should trigger a virtuous circle of a group is not large, trained, tuned and curious. I forgot: men and women, is essential.
thanks for the space
Primo Casalini
What can I say? Prime has clear ideas, perhaps even more than me that are not so sure there is network first of all. I agree with almost everything but most of the other, the need to form a working group that knows how to develop a collective course of the review, identify issues, grok them and expose them comparing them with readers, openly . The management can not be reserved for a single person and not too many. Instead, the concerns I have with regard to the idea of \u200b\u200b"multiblog" where everyone goes its own way, independence and mutual respect while maintaining a common and shared path, otherwise you make a magazine. Thanks First.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
How To Decorate A Cake With Camo
Territory and those who try to defend
voice turns, word of mouth works. So Alfio Sironi accepted the invitation and on his blog relaunch my appeal. That's part of his speech. Nb
The emphasis is mine.
The project is not bad: I know nothing about publishing, I imagine it involves only barely put up a "review" or similar, so I would stick closer to reality for me. As an amateur commentator, as a citizen, as a student and as a means -columnist I can say that the creation of an in-depth magazine seems a good idea if you think in a synergistic context, and if inspired by high values \u200b\u200b.
in Monza and Brianza, there are many online publications, newspapers, newspapers, but all are limited to the record, the examples seem very trendy the famous "Metro" and "City": read news, short, easily palatable, strictly behavioral approach, description of evidence, point and stop. This is incompatible with the environmental / territorial than ever before, calling for a debate - rethinking and thinking - a critical review. If you really want a new magazine, it should be a space for careful analysis of the problems, reflection on the issues that deserve a few minutes of our time, and less and less valuable . A magazine of this kind, moreover, would propose as a tool consistently included in the project advocated by the 'Association Parks Vimercatese about the possibility of forming a regional coordination among the various associations involved in environment, landscape and local culture. Pino Porprio Timpani - president of that association - has repeatedly stressed the importance to unite and lead a synergistic effect, so as to gain some political importance and combat more effectively the party of the cement works full time, often without without scruples and expertise.
In such a framework of unity, the magazine would become a useful adhesive for the action of various associations and others, a means of sharing and building a space for discussion open to external stimuli . As with any project is easy to talk beforehand and to show off to their ambitions and aspirations, to be discussed are many variables (modes, times, shapes, lines, editorials), the difficulties are numerous, but I think we are in the experience men and minds such that we can prove, with reasonable margins.
What can I say? Beginner - fan would be happy to be able to give my little contribution.
voice turns, word of mouth works. So Alfio Sironi accepted the invitation and on his blog relaunch my appeal. That's part of his speech. Nb
The emphasis is mine.
The project is not bad: I know nothing about publishing, I imagine it involves only barely put up a "review" or similar, so I would stick closer to reality for me. As an amateur commentator, as a citizen, as a student and as a means -columnist I can say that the creation of an in-depth magazine seems a good idea if you think in a synergistic context, and if inspired by high values \u200b\u200b.
in Monza and Brianza, there are many online publications, newspapers, newspapers, but all are limited to the record, the examples seem very trendy the famous "Metro" and "City": read news, short, easily palatable, strictly behavioral approach, description of evidence, point and stop. This is incompatible with the environmental / territorial than ever before, calling for a debate - rethinking and thinking - a critical review. If you really want a new magazine, it should be a space for careful analysis of the problems, reflection on the issues that deserve a few minutes of our time, and less and less valuable . A magazine of this kind, moreover, would propose as a tool consistently included in the project advocated by the 'Association Parks Vimercatese about the possibility of forming a regional coordination among the various associations involved in environment, landscape and local culture. Pino Porprio Timpani - president of that association - has repeatedly stressed the importance to unite and lead a synergistic effect, so as to gain some political importance and combat more effectively the party of the cement works full time, often without without scruples and expertise.
In such a framework of unity, the magazine would become a useful adhesive for the action of various associations and others, a means of sharing and building a space for discussion open to external stimuli . As with any project is easy to talk beforehand and to show off to their ambitions and aspirations, to be discussed are many variables (modes, times, shapes, lines, editorials), the difficulties are numerous, but I think we are in the experience men and minds such that we can prove, with reasonable margins.
What can I say? Beginner - fan would be happy to be able to give my little contribution.
thank Alfie for the attention devoted to this topic. As I wrote, I think it's just the territory of one of the main arguments that the ideal my magazine should be addressed. If you are involved in the discussion groups and people who are active in that area I think would be a good opportunity. Let's talk.
My Period Blood Is Red And Very Mucousy
People think, think and respond.
Pasquale Cicchetti (Oneiros) is a graduate film student known on the pages of the city of Monza, to me a very positive surprise. He accepted the invitation and said my appeal. I find his remarks very interesting, so I put it out here.
As usual, the emphasis is mine.
First, I think it is fair to specify that they are the newest. Behind me there is neither craft nor experience nor militancy, if we exclude the five years spent in the trenches of high school Piazza Trento e Trieste. So take my comments for what they are: opinions thrown down listening to Joan Baez.
The newspaper I would very much like what you describe, although probably my imagination graphics are less precise: with some crayon coloring, à la Linus early, so to speak.
earthen as a reference to the five points Vittone, as his idea of \u200b\u200bthe impartiality of the Elders concert me Convince little, as you have written Sunday, politics is a tool with which to address issues, and - I might add - to decode, make problem, recognize the social and cultural matrices.
A work of this kind arises out of the problem of equitable allocation of heads, especially if - very much agree with you on this point - consider the reality of social networks as they have developed to date. The idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to oppose the red and black to red to black, otherwise plagiarizes people, I'm tired of . People think, think today can even take the word and respond. The emancipation of the media also passes through here, do not you think?
then put aside all the stream of discourse that looks to the newspaper shape, whose analysis - shared - to an area of \u200b\u200bprofessionalism and pull of daily life that I respect, but they are something other than what we are discussing.
earthen good but the observation of Mojoli: which ones to network, today is a necessity . This is dictated, so to speak, the spatial organization of the system. Of course, you must first create a recognizable identity, a reason and here we recover the three applications for Arcari, so rephrase that: identity which give this magazine?
The question remains open. Probably should answer those who know this land and its people better than myself. But I will not be a coward, so I'll jump: I would like to read a scathing review, shiny, sharp, able to read reality applying modern cultural paradigms, consciously European, open to debate and criticism. No news and no politics from the press conference, but the watchful eye of civil society, if it still exists.
authoritative intervention, welcome then, as long debated and not simply accepted. Also on the drawing stable I would agree, but the implications Financial those choices are not very competent, and I stop.

As usual, the emphasis is mine.
First, I think it is fair to specify that they are the newest. Behind me there is neither craft nor experience nor militancy, if we exclude the five years spent in the trenches of high school Piazza Trento e Trieste. So take my comments for what they are: opinions thrown down listening to Joan Baez.
The newspaper I would very much like what you describe, although probably my imagination graphics are less precise: with some crayon coloring, à la Linus early, so to speak.
earthen as a reference to the five points Vittone, as his idea of \u200b\u200bthe impartiality of the Elders concert me Convince little, as you have written Sunday, politics is a tool with which to address issues, and - I might add - to decode, make problem, recognize the social and cultural matrices.
A work of this kind arises out of the problem of equitable allocation of heads, especially if - very much agree with you on this point - consider the reality of social networks as they have developed to date. The idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to oppose the red and black to red to black, otherwise plagiarizes people, I'm tired of . People think, think today can even take the word and respond. The emancipation of the media also passes through here, do not you think?
then put aside all the stream of discourse that looks to the newspaper shape, whose analysis - shared - to an area of \u200b\u200bprofessionalism and pull of daily life that I respect, but they are something other than what we are discussing.
earthen good but the observation of Mojoli: which ones to network, today is a necessity . This is dictated, so to speak, the spatial organization of the system. Of course, you must first create a recognizable identity, a reason and here we recover the three applications for Arcari, so rephrase that: identity which give this magazine?
The question remains open. Probably should answer those who know this land and its people better than myself. But I will not be a coward, so I'll jump: I would like to read a scathing review, shiny, sharp, able to read reality applying modern cultural paradigms, consciously European, open to debate and criticism. No news and no politics from the press conference, but the watchful eye of civil society, if it still exists.
authoritative intervention, welcome then, as long debated and not simply accepted. Also on the drawing stable I would agree, but the implications Financial those choices are not very competent, and I stop.
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