exemplary for many other aspects, just look at the Section What do we want "to become fans.
they stepped into their pockets.
Lavoce.info has been online since 2002 and find out how he lives is very simple, just read an article in the July 2007 which speaks of the relationship with the press, the objectives and funding sources. It is very interesting excerpts below. The italics are mine, and who is following this blog finds himself many concepts already come to the surface between these lines
Internet, print media and our 5 years 03.07.2007
[...] In fact, the papers record everywhere except in India and China in a loss of readers, while the growth of the Internet seems unstoppable. But is it really the fault of the Internet if newspapers lose readers? And the web can really replace the printed word?
Two complementary assets
Our experience suggests that the Internet is much more complementary to the printed page than it might appear at first sight. Not only serves to provide updated information in real time. It also serves to provide analysis and commentary supported by links to original documents. [...] Provided that the newspaper never gave up its primary function of informing . There is a dangerous drift to the newspaper comment all short-notice, to differentiate themselves from both the Internet by the free press. [...] An open source site, like ours, is in print, radio or television stations that reflect the content found on the site an additional multiplier that allows him to reach readers who are not regularly using the Internet.
So be complementary to the benefit of readers , but this complementarity should be sought actively.
E 'more democratic Internet?
There is an advantage of the Internet than in print media: to have very low operating costs and to reach a wide audience at no cost. The budget of a site is generally much lower than that of a newspaper . [...] There can be more democracy on the Internet. And the more freedom of information.
We have in the past five years trying to qualify for these benefits. Building a site other because of the many existing comment and analysis, rather than on current update online. We believe that the future of the Internet is a future where there will be no need to select a lot, maybe too much in some respects, the information available through millions of sites accessible
Our mission has not changed: we want to help improve the quality of economic information, using our skills and our independence . We realize how often bound to be other means of communication in their opinions and stances, for political or economic interest. And as you may wish to always have the suspicion that the property affects the newspaper commented. The advantage of a work site free of University Teachers is in its independence from the constraints of the property . Venture capital de lavoce.info ourselves.
New targets
In five years we have grown: from a few thousand subscribers to our newsletter to over 50 thousand
[...] These numbers are relevant to an offer like this editorial, even when compared to sites in English that has a potentially much wider audience. These numbers are achieved without any advertising campaign (we do not have the economic means), but through word of mouth of those who appreciate us and citations that are becoming more numerous in the newspapers, on television and on other websites. [...]
Who finances?
lavoce.info So far it is governed only on the contribution of readers (which gave us more than € 116,000) and editors who have self-assessed and have earmarked the proceeds to the site to participate in radio and television broadcasts and events various .
About two-thirds of our output is for the salaries of our diverse editorial staff who coordinate the work having relationships with editors and contributors, with the media and to our readers. [...] For our new goals, we need a budget of around € 100,000, plus than we can realistically ask every year to our readers. [...] For this reason also reached agreements to pay for work of economists of lavoce.info they themselves automatically donate to the site. Give account of all this revenue, as always.
We still need - even more than in the past - the contributions of our readers.
On July 4, 2002 we wrote "We want to be competent in critical , provocative content in the proposals and balanced." Our credibility is our reason for being. [...]
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