ENVIRONMENT: THE Our impression.
E 'was launched on Saturday 17 April, a project expected the Councillor for the Environment of the town of San Salvatore Telesino, namely the establishment of a body formed from people sensitive to environmental issues, which could assist the Administration in identifying critical issues and in setting priorities, until the investigation and preparation of documents for decision-makers with all the administrative implications and consequences for the environment (land management , urban planning, the choices inherent in public works, the waste problem, and so on). The Deputy Mayor has repeatedly said, also supported by some interventions from the audience, that consultation must be an impartial body, which anyone can join, regardless of party or proximity to an array of list. Even
for us so, and can not be otherwise, having to act as a horizontal instrument, not top-down, in which each person (children, youth, elderly) must be represented with respect to his needs and his fundamental rights. Consultation must also become a permanent instrument of participation, not tied to the destiny of the individual consiliatura.
E 'was given ample space for contributions from citizens, and we believe that this has been very positive. We believe that it would be useful, however, that had emerged with greater clarity what it is, and how it should operate the Consulta, and, above all, what could be the mode of confrontation and "exchange" with the Administration, what are the times of "implementation" plans and the tools which will be made available.
The fear, in fact, is that you only think of the Look as a means of communication to the public against the activities of "government land", and perhaps only to the environment, while it is clear that the municipality, in each case, must make every effort to find and implement their own channels of information to citizens.
For example, you improcrastinabile, in our view, a general comparison with citizens on administrative action in recent months and on the "progress" in implementing the program, and this irrespective of the path part that you'll want to do with the Consulta.
entire administration, that is, must own in all fields and for each subject, the method of effective and genuine participation of citizens, including by holding frequent moments assembly which not only inform, but also on board the requests that come from the bottom horizontal .
Yesterday we also wanted to remember with some of the photographs on the walls "environmental problems" and, as expected, those images have aroused considerable interest and discussion among citizens, indisputable sign that people are well aware of the problems, and this is a resource that can not be left to itself.
intervention Arch. Vallone pointed out, inter alia, that the municipality of San Salvatore Telesino has already adopted guidelines for the implementation of the "housing plan" and, in fact, the relevant decision of the City Council shall be published on the site a bit 'of time but the administration did not consider on an issue so important to have a dialogue with its citizens, or prior or subsequent approval of the act.
If they did we could point out that, as we are concerned to preserve the historic center and the industrial area, so too was made a reflection on 'archaeological area' and that was the opportunity to introduce this now more precise requirements on actions for energy saving in buildings.
In yesterday evening, the Councillor for Culture has rightly referred to the need to protect, the environment, including our historical memory: well, it is necessary and indispensable, even when making decisions that affect the transformation of the territory , and urban planning in particular, must take account of this requirement.
Moreover, for months we are waiting and wondering, the new administration on a preliminary comparison "next PUC" rightly relied upon by the architect. Vallone, but so far without success.
However, firm commitments have been made public, and we expect that soon we can move to the implementation of this project.
As we always say, the environment, understood in its broadest sense, and public participation in administrative decisions, are critical to initiate a virtuous path, while taking into account the need for timeliness with which they must address the various problems that arise with the City officials and administrators, can ensure that all citizens of San Salvatore Telesino to be taken, however, always the best decisions for the interest of the Community.
In particular we refer to the planning Planning and programming, but we believe that, gradually, even every little choice, without being always subject to a path of participation and discussion, should be made taking care that is consistent and congruent with the goal of ensuring environmental sustainability and only the economic one.
I mean, there are concerns as to have the "funding" to support specific activities and initiatives, so we must worry instinctively that the administrative decisions are sustainable from an environmental perspective, which does not adversely affect health and our natural resources, history, archeology, which also preserve production capacity of agricultural land and, above all, that they will not damage the interests of future generations.
All this has meant the public administration, which also had the merit to be open to listening.
What is actually manages to do this idea so innovative for our area, but now practices in other contexts, not so far, is in the public interest, and the establishment of consultation may turn, finally, the need for participation in the law participation.
A proactive participation, can affect the determination of decision-making and public policy, aware of their own instruments regulations. A
participation "informed" that can be put in place since the initial phase of political and administrative proceedings, a mature and constructive heard.
consultation should enhance the expression of active citizenship and common knowledge, knowledge production, communication, environmental, relational knowledge that you are in cognitive processes and this has chepromovono innovative and lifestyle-conscious care of the land, the landscape and of ' environment.
For Citizens in Motion, the Environmental Consulta be understood as a means of revitalizing democratic life, it is indeed necessary to address the crisis of representative democracy, often occupied by groups and small groups that vie for power.
must naturally avoid it turning into "campaigns" for all projects that do not safeguard the territory and, therefore, we will work to boot participate in the political, social, cultural, technical, legal, can enrich the process and determination of public policy.
It must be interpreted as a place of true democracy, space for growth and mutual understanding for the different components that contribute daily to transform the area.
Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to play their part, each with their own responsibilities, and at the outset, it should build a working method it possible to ensure effective participation and effectiveness. Several approaches have focused on the needs of the citizens to listen to people, to fully understand what is the perception they have of their environment, identify and critical resources, including through the involvement of schools. He recalled, for example, that in reality many administrative practice is now clearly established the involvement of children in the preparation of the PUC.
We are also hope that our community can also be an example to its neighbors and, perhaps, that throughout the Valley are started Telesina similar paths of democratic participation, because, as rightly pointed out some interventions, environmental emergencies do not respect municipal boundaries.
Citizens in Motion - Laboratory of citizenship
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