Sunday, May 30, 2010

Controls Pokemon Green On Mac

Our proposed plan for the provincial

May 2010

alderman Environment of the Province of Benevento

and pc

the President of the Province of Benevento
the Mayor of San Salvatore Telesino
Environment alderman of the City of San Salvatore Telesino

proposal from a Provincial Waste

Following the comparison public on 17 May, we should represent our position on the floor waste of our province.

share and recognize the waste plan prepared by the province of Benevento, the choice of incineration, the importance given to the collection separation, reuse and recovery, and reduction of waste at source, but we must also reiterate that there are several problems, starting from the analysis of existing plants, considered sufficient for the needs of the province.

Because of the time elapsed between the drafting of the document and its presentation, some data are now considered outdated and not corresponding to reality (landfill, waste production in the province, but this plant is now unavailable, "capacity" of the remaining landfill Sant'Arcangelo Trimonte, etc.)..

The plan is presented yet only as "a declaration of principles and objectives" and, in the absence of the business plan and its economic and financial analysis, which should demonstrate the feasibility, it is not possible to express a definitive opinion on the merits.

Instead it is the delay in the procedure, the date, now close, initiating a management regime provincialization, concern.

If the premises are to rely on those Molinara, composting site in isolation, the CDR Casalduni, MBT and composting to be adapted to and including an anaerobic digester, landfill Sant'Arcangelo Trimonte, which presents serious problems for safety measures, and other facilities to be verified, such as local ecological islands, as you can realistically start thinking about the cycle of waste management through the Company provincial SAMT from newly formed, and still not operational in just six months?

Not to mention the critical issues presented by other decommissioned (St. Bartholomew), who continue to pollute and require urgent action to reduce even more the financial resources of the province.

What immediately jumps to the eyes is exactly the problem plan, therefore the most important thing, in our opinion, to do is to select wet-dry.

Already this type of collection would manage the transition immediately, because the wet fraction, less than it would already be absorbed by home composting, properly stimulated and encouraged, could be managed directly by each municipality or by common members.

E 'is therefore necessary to find the tools and resources to enable municipalities to achieve rapid sized small composting plants on their territorial demands, which would have the possibility not only of manage this transitional phase but also to establish the facilities, when fully implemented, solves the problem of wet fraction, namely the notoriously more difficult, waiting for a collection more fully, then leads to a more virtuous cycle management of the whole.

This solution would also reduce the "load" on the landfill provincial T. S. Arcangelo, both in terms of quantity and quality (given without the wet fraction, or most polluting).

indifferentiation The subsequent processing activities, but no plan, would be much more simple.

same time, the site Molinara would be able to accept loads of wet fraction coming from outside the province when, as unfortunately often happens, our province is called to take charge (of course only if the material is differentiated to give proper and suitable for composting).

At this point it seems that a solution could be to "enhance" the role of municipalities with no more force them to a coercive and non-negotiated accession to the provincial society.

Effective waste management, in fact, can not be ignored on the one hand, the maximum involvement municipal government (and, consequently, citizens) and, secondly, their empowerment and the ability to independently manage all or part of the activities of their local (collection "door to door" with its own staff, construction of small composting facilities, choice of subject which confer different material collected). We believe that the choice of municipalities should be dictated by affordability on the market possibilities, and that there should be, instead, a requirement for membership of the chain given by the 'provincial company "which could become a" bandwagon " even more inefficient of these bodies.

On the other hand, waiting for the model suggested by the plan should be fully implemented, the municipalities are already providing for itself, and if they organized a virtuous management, perhaps with lower costs for citizens, it is not clear rational all these experiences to force a passage "coercive" to the provincial administration.

In fact this is the position of Mayor of Camigliano (EC), which is defending the virtuous system in place in his town, with excellent results (65% to collection, with further measures already planned to increase this figure even further), and greatly reduced costs for citizens, and who believes that the province had to provide only the management of the facilities.

So it seems reasonable to ask that the plan will be supplemented and amended by focusing on providing maximum accountability of municipalities, even at a synergy with the province in which the latter, in addition to facilities management (Casalduni, T. S. Arcangelo, Molinara, ...), to take only responsible for guidance, coordination and supervision of the municipalities.

Certainly we can assume a "power of call-back" by the Province with respect to municipalities that do not meet the "standards" set by the plan.

In order to ensure the safe collection and transfer, and prevent abuse, not only environmental, and we want the province immediately to the active control system called Sistri (developed by CNR-Ispra) already successful in Puglia. This is an innovative protocol, self-sustaining financially, and that is able to effectively protect the territory from "spills" illegal waste, checking the "producer" all the way to the final transfer of waste, including computerizing the forms (MUD), and then allowing time control real.

We remain at your disposal for any clarification and further discussion or more information, send our best regards.


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