Sunday, August 29, 2010

Calves Ache When Sitting

TARSU / TIA - PRGRU (a breeze that should involve all)

In recent days, the citizens of San Salvatore Telesino are receiving requests for payment to the Tax Municipal Solid Waste (TARSU) of 2009.
After the already substantial increase "immediately" last year, there is a further increase in the rate of 23% in two years has almost doubled!
E 'useless now discuss the responsibilities and omissions that led to the current emergency situation (1), while the upcoming "re-start" the service of waste collection in our common calling once again we citizens make the "our side".
We are confident that there will be full cooperation of the citizens of San Salvatore Telesino which, while rightly annoyed folders for payment of the waste tax in 2009 (delivered with a singular coincidence, these days), are aware of their individual responsibility, regain confidence and to separate the wet paper, plastic, glass, etc.. dall'indifferenziato.
In fact, we know that giving less waste and mixed organic is the only way to hope for reductions in the tax and waste fee in the future, or at least to prevent further increases.
However, it is also now clear that the administration procedures implemented to manage the emergency phase, and their prices until the start of the new collection, and system costs and procedures, which will continue until the opening of the provincial administration.
Moreover, the Ministry for Environment had reported that, although it is a service that must be paid entirely by the citizens, there would be no tax increases in waste.
So it is only right that citizens are informed, with an analytical statement of all costs related to the service, on revenues related to TARSU. It should also be clarified whether the increased burden on TARSU 2009 is necessary to pay off old debts with the Consortium object a recent transaction.
Furthermore, it is time to demand strongly the initiation of procedures for the transition from TARSU the Environmental Health Fee (TIA), as provided by law for many years, and also as promised in the election program of the current council majority.
In this way, being a part of the tariff exclusively linked to the quantity and quality of waste delivered by each household, this would lead to a further incentive to make a collection of quality, and reduce with simple behaviors as appropriate or the quantity absolute rejection of undifferentiated given that the absurd waste of our hyper-consumerist society.
By ensuring that everyone pays the "right" without the "distortions" of the current system, where you only pay in proportion to the area of \u200b\u200bour homes, although uninhabited or inhabited by a single person, will be "rewarded" economically virtuous behavior.
Besides the economic aspect of the matter, then there's the environment, which for us is even more important.
Always in these days, in fact, the Region of Campania on its corporate website, and in particular in the environment Councillor pages, published PAPER FOR THE PROPOSED REGIONAL PLAN OF MANAGEMENT MUNICIPAL WASTE IN CAMPANIA (PRGRU) and PRELIMINARY REPORT ON THE POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS ARISING IN THE PRGRU.
Well, these documents, which form the starting point for the preparation of Regional Plan WASTE, unfortunately, always include the incineration of construction and even the other two plants, one in Naples and one in Salem, besides the two already planned by Bassolino. The first is already operational in Acerra, and its emissions regularly exceed the limits of the law, so much so that many times it was necessary to block its activity, we speak of "poisons" extremely dangerous: nano particles, dioxin, ..., with very serious health consequences, as we have repeatedly documented .
We are very disappointed with the Councillor for the Environment, John Romano, a former mayor of the town of Market Sanseverino (SA) and "champion" of the collection.
As we shared previously acknowledged the waste plan prepared by the province of Benevento, the choice of incineration, the emphasis on recycling, reuse and recovery, and reduction of waste at source (although she critical issues concerning the feasibility of the plan in a short time), so now criticize the decision made different choice regions, which, beyond a merely formal application of EU directives and national, openly and decisively tip incineration (though cleverly call it "energy recovery").
Even if at this moment, while "pushing" on the very different, however, a certain amount of residual waste from "destroy" the Acerra incinerator already in operation would be more than adequate for this purpose, provided that it shall definitely at all levels to achieve higher and higher percentages of recycling, reduction, recovery, reuse, recycling is taken to refer Vedelago, and work to turn even the "monster" of Acerra, rather than making others.
Citizens of Picentino where Salerno incinerator would be built, have long been in mobilization, but it is the case only when activated to stop the "threat" includes the territory, and instead stand up for the entire region and across the country, refuses the logic of the incinerators, which serve only to larger companies that we are enriched, and you only want to reduce, reuse, recovery, recycling, re-design of products, also relying on ... taxation related to the impact of such products and the conduct of companies on the waste cycle, encouraging virtuous practices by both citizens and companies.
also the region of Campania, as was done with the Province of Benevento, ask to value above all the responsibility of municipalities, providing that the provinces and the management of the plants, take only the tasks of planning, coordinating and monitoring the effectiveness of municipalities acting with the "powers of call-back" when municipalities do not meet the "standards" set out in the regional plan and in their provincial plan.
must become active citizens with its directors because undertake a more decisive steps towards the region to demand a different management Waste from the one described by PRGRU and at the same time, exercise a more active role in managing the same path and require a part of the process as an indispensable condition to start more sustainable and environmentally friendly policies.
behaviors and conscious and informed participation of citizens, and their ability to be responsible and to make themselves "feel" from the institutions, can and should influence the choices of the different administrations.

(1) To Rakes (center) to Bassolino (center) to the Head of Department "Protection uncivilized" (the title of the book of Piero Messina - Rizzoli BUR - 2010) Bertolaso, through the consortia and their respective directors, not to mention all the local administrators who are happy to be able to delegate, and with rare exceptions, have always been "overlooked" the obligations relating to recycling, with clear profiles of damage state representative, as well as injury to public health.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Woman In Long Latex Gloves

our territory and its "wounds"

Photo 1: The Quarry "Mature"

Photo 2: Quarry location Selva Palladino

Photo 3: "Redeemer" dominated by a huge tower with antennas of all kinds

Photo 4: the intensive rearing of pigs on the hill of the "Selva di Sotto"

Photo 5: The Quarry "ex Bove" behind the "pure" Monte Pugliano

6: storage of used tires.

7: storage of tires 2.

8: Industrial sheds as the eye can e. .. Soil

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Live In Gatineau Work In Ottawa

The Birth of Astronomy in the Far East - China

I decided to take a quick journey through history of astronomical knowledge of the 'ancient Asian people because it had a cultural growth independent of the developed West in ancient times. A hypothetical history of scientific thought would be incomplete omitting astronomical studies, tools and measurements of the ancient Chinese observers.
The Chinese civilization is much older than the Greek and Roman even if it was earlier civilizations that developed along the Nile and in Mesopotamia. It 'difficult to prove that Chinese astronomers made important measurements before the Egyptians and Babylonians; it is important to consider at least a comparison between China and Western civilization as regards the study of the movements of the stars on the celestial sphere, because to a certain point in time it has evolved in parallel and independently.
We realize that the Chinese astronomy, unlike the Greeks, for example, has developed from studies of a small number of solitary individuals but it was a discipline in the service of empire. The great importance of the imperial astronomers was directly proportional to the thoroughness of their comments, whose primary purpose was to draw up a timetable. The precision with which they were made is that they assume the best record of ancient astronomy, at least until the time of the Arabs.
Astronomy China has never developed a predictive theory mathematization of motion of the stars as it has been in the West, since the purpose of the observations had a purely practical.

astronomical survey instrument
The Chinese were the first astronomers to make observations on the sun using special rods embedded perpendicular to the ground, the gnomons . Subject
of measurements was the same length of the shadow cast by the gnomon on a horizontal plane when the star on the meridian that passes to the south. This direction was easily deduced from the fact that the length of the shadow of the gnomon falls gradually until the dawn of the day at a certain point and then resume rising.

The direction of the shadow at the lowest point is the direction of the south. Then, having noticed that this direction down the length of shadow at meridian passage varied within a certain range and had a length and a maximum. Those days are, respectively, the summer solstice and the winter.
The gnomons were provided with a horizontal scale, in terms of which were carried out measurements of the shadow. If the gnomon is short on the scale divisions should be extremely tight and precise, if it is long it is easier to read the subdivisions but the shadow is unclear and poorly defined. Astronomers avoid this fact by using a rod parallel to the land located at the top of the gnomon and a sheet of metal with a central pinhole in the horizontal plane. The definer shadow could be rotated and moved back and forth to make sure that the light could pass through the hole. This' which was projected on the horizontal plane was a small bright spot in the middle with the bar positioned sideways: the gnomonic hole had the function to focus like a lens, the image dell'asticella placed in the top of the gnomon. The measure
gnomonic shadow was also used to measure the latitude of a place to establish territorial boundaries. With this practice Chinese astronomers also were able to calculate the obliquity of the ecliptic. In fact, once you know the maximum height of the sun in the days of the winter solstice and summer solstice simple calculations lead to the determination of both quantities.

If the Earth in its motion of revolution around the sun was not inclined, as indeed it is, the height of the sun on the horizon to the meridian passage is always the same on any day of the year. In a reference system integral with the sun, we could always see the Earth's axis perpendicular to the plane of the orbit. This actually happens only during the equinoctial. Also in a solidarity with the sun we could imagine seeing the earth move along the plane of the meridian passage of time on the day of the winter solstice at the same time on the day of the summer solstice. The direction of the Earth would vary with respect to the sun as a kind pendulum with the highest of oscillations in the days of the solstices.
So to measure the obliquity of the ecliptic is enough to calculate half the angular difference between the height of the sun at meridian passage on the day of the winter solstice and summer. The book chou them, dating from around 1100 BC, gives the value 23.88
The passage on the meridian was the subject of the measurements for the night sky observation. Water clocks for determining the time interval between the rising or setting of the sun and the passage of a star on the meridian. The use of measuring time with the flow Water is really the ancient Chinese civilization. At the court of the Emperor, there was a ministry official, whose office was hereditary, which dealt exclusively with the construction and calibration.
Chinese astronomy was mainly based on observation of the circumpolar stars and had a polar-equatorial character. You immediately notice the difference with the West, in which the positions of the stars were reported to the ecliptic. The Chinese model was correct for the fact that the observation of stars placed near the north pole is easier to put the observations of stars along the ecliptic, because under a certain height in the sky they are no longer visible due to atmospheric turbulence.
The distribution of the sky was completely different from the West, and consisted of about 250 small constellations, the most famous of which, the Dragon has come down to our skies. This constellation, which has become a national symbol, once held the pole star, as can be seen by considering the motion of precession of the equinoxes and the resulting shift of the north celestial pole.

E 'can then calculate the exact position of the north celestial pole at any historical period. In the year 2500 BC is calculated by the following map Equatorial

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Clip Art The Roots Of A Plant

San Francisco and its 100 million fewer plastic bags

Adapted from

In 2007, San Francisco has banned plastic bags the largest department store chains and food and pharmacy chains.

Now the city administration is considering extend the ban to all retailers, including bookstores, clothing stores and department stores and that would include all the possible formats and sizes of plastic bags.

Ross Mirkarimi, a member of the Supervisory Committee the city of San Francisco and author of Act of 2007 formally submitted a proposal to that effect to the Commission in early August.

Even the State of California is currently the ' legislative process of a bill, the' Assembly Bill 1998, supported by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger , which would ban plastic bags in all the state of California since 2012 with a tax of 5 cents for the paper bag provided.

The administration of San Francisco is not going to wait for developments of this bill because it is certain that the measures will be milder and less extensive than objectives to be achieved in a city . In San Francisco

the current law requires large supermarkets and chain drugstores to provide customers only compostable bioplastic bags, paper bags, recyclable and reusable bags.

The new legislation, if passed, would come into force March 1, 2011. In addition to apply to all sectors of retail trade expected as new charged five cents for disposable paper bag . Excluded from the measure intermediate bags for packing and packaging of food products but also, for example, plastic bags used by dry cleaners to protect clothing. According

Mark Westlund, spokesman for the Department for Environment, San Francisco, were 100 million plastic bags that were spared the environment three-year ban.

If the measure passed San Francisco would be the first city in California to follow the example of towns in the counties of Currituck, Dare, Hyde belonging to that region of the Outer Banks in North Carolina . Also here is the extension of a first measure limited to a few chains that will be effective from October 1, 2010.

Some shops have already moved to San Francisco from 2007 to paper bags. Stay at the local level, but not limited to, the accusation paper bags , even by the plastics industry, which emphasizes at every opportunity as even these were not without impact to the environment.

Compared to the solution in the plastic manufacturing paper bags require increased consumption of water, 70% more power and 50% of emissions of greenhouse gases caused most of the bag during his lifetime. Obviously

the plastics industry points out the weaknesses of the alternative paper and minimizes those related to the solution in plastic, non-biodegradable material, the dispersion in the environment with chemical pollution and its damages including economic ones , the ridiculous rates of recycling, the use of oil which is a source of energy in decline, and so on.

For more information read the environmental impact assessment referred to the plastic bag, paper and reusable material.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Is Quadriderm Nf Used For Rosacea

the wolf

I am a graduate student in astronomy. Very often I have to correct my partners and explain that I do not study astrology, and that there is a big difference. Some believe that there is a right to food.
morning television listings spend more 'time that horoscopes the weather or traffic. It rains and you'll be in line for hours whatever you are a scorpion or an aquarium.
's been a few tens of minutes. In the bar you read the first and last pages. Quickly scroll through the titles, then turn the paper and browse the contrary carefully reading the horoscope the astrologer guy. Not only trait but also that of the person or persons dear to us or to us enemies.
Moon conjunct Mars leads us to buy a nice scratch.
Disinformation is fought with the information, the idiocy can not be refuted because 'there is no counter-information that we provide for the future. Simply
these spaces in the TV listings in newspapers or should disappear.
For several months the news has been circulating (false) in 2012, due to a series of events of heaven, there will be a disaster that will destroy the earth.
I would not want the ignorance that most people continue to cultivate sidereal giving heed to these charlatans can be resolved in a similar way to famous nursery rhyme of "wolf wolf".
One day, when probably affect some extraterrestrial event 'life on earth, no one will believe the work and research scientists. We discuss the usual hoax and billions of people will eat from a single wolf.
finish reporting a story by Asimov: "The last days of civilization on the planet will be"

"Planet Saro enjoyed the view of only six, at least one of which was always high in the sky. The darkness, as the natural phenomenon, it was unknown and were therefore unknown as the stars. The inhabitants had evolved into a world of light without any psychological conditioning against darkness having a high susceptibility to claustrophobia when they were deprived of light. Saro astronomers were convinced of the smallness of their universe. Unable to see beyond their own system of six, were content to demonstrate that its complicated movements could be understood perfectly well using the same law of gravitation valid on the surface of Saro. These rationalists shared their world with Cultists, the idealists who were handed the 'old knowledge' of a world of light beyond the sky, and a future of darkness, when the world was over. Many did not give credit for Cultists accused of irrationalism, but others felt their beliefs a sort of confusion arising from a tradition the sky looks very old, characterized by light and darkness. When astronomers predicted the existence, in their solar system, a black moon, never seen it, that could be perceived only when it reached almost to the point of eclipsing one of their own, increased social tension. The presence of the moon was necessary to explain the complex movement of only six. Some astronomers calculated that it would have eclipsed the second sun of the system, just when the star was alone in the sky. The eclipse was total then. The news leaked out this expectation. The tension grew among the people, while fomenting a fever Cultists eschatological end of the world, the eclipse began to devour the disk of the sun alone to swallow up everything, and for the first time the people of the night I will be met. The darkness blotted out the sky, and tens of thousands of bright stars appeared, enveloping the planet in a sidereal time of flickering lights. I will, in fact, was not the sparsely populated outskirts of a galaxy like the Milky Way, it was immersed in the depths of a bunch of stars "

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Graphs And Charts On Breast Cancer


the light of some news of recent weeks, an update is needed on the issue VOCEM and also on two issues which we have been concerned in recent months: the "ex quarry Bove "c.da in Puglia and the land offered for sale by the city in" stinking water ". The use of TAR
proposed by the Company controlled by the province of Bergamo against the decision contrary to the construction of the incinerator has seen a new reference at the end of year: So there will still wait before you can definitely save this story.
Meanwhile disappeared from the disposal plan finally approved in 2010 by the City of San Salvatore Telesino the sale of a portion of the former quarry adjacent Pugliano Monte Bove, we do not know if as a result of our protests (read our press of March 31, 2010 and April 14, 2010) or the intervention of the Judiciary, as is clear from reading the BURC of 14 June last year of the publication, pages 349-353, an "enlightening" executive decree of the Civil Engineers of Benevento. In this respect would be the case that the Administration will make public all documents in its possession relating to this matter (the Public Prosecutor's communications, records of inspection City Council and other bodies involved, orders, ...). He felt persistently say, from different sources, that the quarry had already "boundless", occupying and using the state-owned now, the decree of the Campania region confirms it! But the Council would not have had to intervene earlier, while also addressing the specific requests that have been made several times about it? Obviously mining activities in recent years have continued in spite of prohibitions and obligations imposed by the Regional Recovery now hope that the owner of the area once and for all, is obliged to comply with the requirements of recovery that were re-notified. We expect that this time, the Administration will do everything due to better protect "our" property, but we ask that it gives also a duty communication and confirmation to the citizens.
E 'must also reconsider the Administration also the decision to sell a parcel of land in "Water Fetente", bordering the town of Telese Terme, which would favor a new speculation on the model of the spa town now choked by cement.
Unfortunately, in fact, unlike the 'quarry operation, also in continuity with the plans of previous administrations (the current plan provides that all areas adjacent to the source and the stream Grassano are intended to tourist facilities, and therefore, potentially building anyway), was confirmed the decision to sell, for any purpose buildings, land owned by the city near the river fat, that area should be covered and protected (this also , it seems, already attempted in 2001 but not successful, thankfully).
And now, to encourage and make it more "attractive" selling the same area, you want to allow the construction of almost 700 square meters of commercial premises, 600 square meters of apartments for "residence" (?!), and 464 sq m House, for a total of nearly 6100 cubic meters (on average, about 1 cubic meter of construction for each square meters of land) ... all in less than 40 meters from the river Grassano.
The two buildings of which they will "stimulate" the construction on the plot of land offered for sale, as stated in the draft drawn up by the technicians of the municipality of San Salvatore Telesino, would be completely in the range of 150 meters from the stream protected fat, and there will be little the "mitigation works" designed by the designers (cannucceto existing band of trees planted) to reduce the environmental and landscape impact of the proposed park next to the fat.
Neither seems to have been duly considered the presence of a sewage treatment plant and its drainage ditch that runs parallel to the stream Grassano.
We have not even seen, among the project papers that have been performed in common, an expert geological or geotechnical report: it was assessed that it is possible for those lands, support the load of a foundation platform and three floors of reinforced concrete, with its overload and possible seismic stress, an area so large (over 1300 square meters)?
What geological investigations have been made?
Recently there was yet another "twist": reading the Municipal Council Resolution No. 10.06.2010 91, we learned that Mr. Carlo Carafa did not comply with its undertaking in the transaction of 24.07.2003, to return to the City of San Salvatore Telesino areas that the City has already put himself in the disposal plan, relying on its income (over 500 000 €) for " balance "the budget 2010.
Carafa also denied access to the technicians and a policeman in San Salvatore Telesino, even denouncing them for trespassing.
Therefore the town council has appointed a lawyer to support the action of an entity in litigation with the extrajudicial Carafa and obtain possession of the areas.
Then we saw that the area has been fenced off from Common.
In any case we believe that the Heritage Office of Environmental Caserta, the project must be submitted for approval, should withhold its consent to this and other real estate speculation on areas bound by the environmental and landscape, and thus rendering them ineffective from an economic standpoint, this operation you want to pass off as inevitable "fix" the coffers of our common and "balancing the accounts of the budget, and that could be just the beginning areas of our town near the territory of Telese Terme, now "saturated" with buildings wild in recent years, a new concreting for speculative purposes.
We expect this to open a formal action with regard to the Councillor for the Environment, which was absent on those occasions when you have decided on these sales, and subsequently made by the City Council approve the establishment of an environmental consult to enable the participation of citizens in environmental policies of the Administration, and we also hope to interest a story by the provincial environment.
As for the "suffering" of the budget, we believe that the 2010 budget should be revised, recovering with a number of measures, perhaps reconsidering those already listed in the resolution of the Extraordinary n.14/2008 the resources required to "cover" the "hole" in the accounts of the former Act 219.
Whether the measures indicated by the decision of the Commissioner are not applicable or sufficient, as claimed by the Administration, you might also think of a tax purpose, the recovery of revenues from concessions (for example, the antennas on Maple Mountain), for substantial savings can be achieved in energy consumption, and even to a public subscription, to avoid excessive building in any manner inconsistent like that now envisaged by our town just to "make money". The message we want to be clear and ' that the sale of "family assets", with impairment of the territory annexed and its tourism potential, can not and should not be the first solution to any hitch that meets the budget.
The land for sale are owned by all of us: it is possible that only 12 people, although democratically elected, they think they can decide for themselves? In this election program was not there! In fact, had been harshly criticized the transaction by which the previous Administration had yielded to Mr. Carlo Carafa an area of \u200b\u200b750 square meters in the same area.
So why so hasty decisions on these projects sales uncertain economic result and certainly affect not only the environment but also the consensus of those who assume?
Who benefits from this?
If you want to fulfill their campaign promises and encourage the participation of citizens in the administration of the Authority and the Government of the territory, it is time to do so, beginning with the start of a journey, really participated in the preparation of New City Urban Planning, in order to reduce land consumption by blocking the action speculative.
And why not begin to discuss the next budget? That for 2010 is now gone, and unless the necessary and / or desirable changes, such as those of previous years, has now been imposed on the citizens without any involvement. But for 2011, if there is real political will, there is time to start a participated and try to share with all interested citizens choices, you should take to ensure sustainability, including economic management Ente of competence and service delivery of the Commune.