the light of some news of recent weeks, an update is needed on the issue VOCEM and also on two issues which we have been concerned in recent months: the "ex quarry Bove "c.da in Puglia and the land offered for sale by the city in" stinking water ". The use of TAR
proposed by the Company controlled by the province of Bergamo against the decision contrary to the construction of the incinerator has seen a new reference at the end of year: So there will still wait before you can definitely save this story.
Meanwhile disappeared from the disposal plan finally approved in 2010 by the City of San Salvatore Telesino the sale of a portion of the former quarry adjacent Pugliano Monte Bove, we do not know if as a result of our protests (read our press of March 31, 2010 and April 14, 2010) or the intervention of the Judiciary, as is clear from reading the BURC of 14 June last year of the publication, pages 349-353, an "enlightening" executive decree of the Civil Engineers of Benevento. In this respect would be the case that the Administration will make public all documents in its possession relating to this matter (the Public Prosecutor's communications, records of inspection City Council and other bodies involved, orders, ...). He felt persistently say, from different sources, that the quarry had already "boundless", occupying and using the state-owned now, the decree of the Campania region confirms it! But the Council would not have had to intervene earlier, while also addressing the specific requests that have been made several times about it? Obviously mining activities in recent years have continued in spite of prohibitions and obligations imposed by the Regional Recovery now hope that the owner of the area once and for all, is obliged to comply with the requirements of recovery that were re-notified. We expect that this time, the Administration will do everything due to better protect "our" property, but we ask that it gives also a duty communication and confirmation to the citizens.
E 'must also reconsider the Administration also the decision to sell a parcel of land in "Water Fetente", bordering the town of Telese Terme, which would favor a new speculation on the model of the spa town now choked by cement.
Unfortunately, in fact, unlike the 'quarry operation, also in continuity with the plans of previous administrations (the current plan provides that all areas adjacent to the source and the stream Grassano are intended to tourist facilities, and therefore, potentially building anyway), was confirmed the decision to sell, for any purpose buildings, land owned by the city near the river fat, that area should be covered and protected (this also , it seems, already attempted in 2001 but not successful, thankfully).
And now, to encourage and make it more "attractive" selling the same area, you want to allow the construction of almost 700 square meters of commercial premises, 600 square meters of apartments for "residence" (?!), and 464 sq m House, for a total of nearly 6100 cubic meters (on average, about 1 cubic meter of construction for each square meters of land) ... all in less than 40 meters from the river Grassano.
The two buildings of which they will "stimulate" the construction on the plot of land offered for sale, as stated in the draft drawn up by the technicians of the municipality of San Salvatore Telesino, would be completely in the range of 150 meters from the stream protected fat, and there will be little the "mitigation works" designed by the designers (cannucceto existing band of trees planted) to reduce the environmental and landscape impact of the proposed park next to the fat.

Neither seems to have been duly considered the presence of a sewage treatment plant and its drainage ditch that runs parallel to the stream Grassano.
We have not even seen, among the project papers that have been performed in common, an expert geological or geotechnical report: it was assessed that it is possible for those lands, support the load of a foundation platform and three floors of reinforced concrete, with its overload and possible seismic stress, an area so large (over 1300 square meters)?
What geological investigations have been made?
Recently there was yet another "twist": reading the Municipal Council Resolution No. 10.06.2010 91, we learned that Mr. Carlo Carafa did not comply with its undertaking in the transaction of 24.07.2003, to return to the City of San Salvatore Telesino areas that the City has already put himself in the disposal plan, relying on its income (over 500 000 €) for " balance "the budget 2010.
Carafa also denied access to the technicians and a policeman in San Salvatore Telesino, even denouncing them for trespassing.
Therefore the town council has appointed a lawyer to support the action of an entity in litigation with the extrajudicial Carafa and obtain possession of the areas.
Then we saw that the area has been fenced off from Common.
In any case we believe that the Heritage Office of Environmental Caserta, the project must be submitted for approval, should withhold its consent to this and other real estate speculation on areas bound by the environmental and landscape, and thus rendering them ineffective from an economic standpoint, this operation you want to pass off as inevitable "fix" the coffers of our common and "balancing the accounts of the budget, and that could be just the beginning areas of our town near the territory of Telese Terme, now "saturated" with buildings wild in recent years, a new concreting for speculative purposes.
We expect this to open a formal action with regard to the Councillor for the Environment, which was absent on those occasions when you have decided on these sales, and subsequently made by the City Council approve the establishment of an environmental consult to enable the participation of citizens in environmental policies of the Administration, and we also hope to interest a story by the provincial environment.
As for the "suffering" of the budget, we believe that the 2010 budget should be revised, recovering with a number of measures, perhaps reconsidering those already listed in the resolution of the Extraordinary n.14/2008 the resources required to "cover" the "hole" in the accounts of the former Act 219.
Whether the measures indicated by the decision of the Commissioner are not applicable or sufficient, as claimed by the Administration, you might also think of a tax purpose, the recovery of revenues from concessions (for example, the antennas on Maple Mountain), for substantial savings can be achieved in energy consumption, and even to a public subscription, to avoid excessive building in any manner inconsistent like that now envisaged by our town just to "make money". The message we want to be clear and ' that the sale of "family assets", with impairment of the territory annexed and its tourism potential, can not and should not be the first solution to any hitch that meets the budget.
The land for sale are owned by all of us: it is possible that only 12 people, although democratically elected, they think they can decide for themselves? In this election program was not there! In fact, had been harshly criticized the transaction by which the previous Administration had yielded to Mr. Carlo Carafa an area of \u200b\u200b750 square meters in the same area.
So why so hasty decisions on these projects sales uncertain economic result and certainly affect not only the environment but also the consensus of those who assume?
Who benefits from this?
If you want to fulfill their campaign promises and encourage the participation of citizens in the administration of the Authority and the Government of the territory, it is time to do so, beginning with the start of a journey, really participated in the preparation of New City Urban Planning, in order to reduce land consumption by blocking the action speculative.
And why not begin to discuss the next budget? That for 2010 is now gone, and unless the necessary and / or desirable changes, such as those of previous years, has now been imposed on the citizens without any involvement. But for 2011, if there is real political will, there is time to start a participated and try to share with all interested citizens choices, you should take to ensure sustainability, including economic management Ente of competence and service delivery of the Commune.
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