Saturday, October 23, 2010

Niv Appointment Dates

The usual garbage crisis ...

announced now for a month, also announced by President Cimitile (threatened barricades, remember?) and the Councillor for the Environment, the waste emergency in Campania is promptly burst.

Benevento is not Terzigno. On the way there is no one, the climate is quite pleasant to stroll among Sant'Arcangelo Trimonte and Padula, and even Valentino Ponte, to re-look at the ground where "obviously" will be built in the luminance. You do not protest in Benevento, usually suffers. Colasanto is finally satisfied he will be famous in Benevento Province, as one who, jabbering for years against the center, now has managed to do even worse, together with his party. All

now invoke the demonstrations against spills by the "Neapolitan". But the Neapolitans were certainly not saved by this decision, indeed.

Despite the protests of Terzigno Caldoro ordinance that requires spilled into other provinces, the second landfill in the natural park of Vesuvius, rejected even by the European Commission, quarrying Vitiello, 10 million tons of capacity, is authorized by Council of Ministers. Now that you're calm, this is a landfill that is large. Just a couple of election campaigns!

The Codisam, the Committee Civic born and the landfill Sant'Arcangelo Trimonte last year, was not taken into account by any politician, and just last week asked the City of his credentials to satisfy a new request for documents. The province had set up a new commission which they belonged, but it was just a joke, yet another exploitation of the committee. It would be desirable that the grassroots movements and committees to preserve their autonomy from the politicians in office, instead of running after their mood changes and decisions .... For more than a year we talk about the famous reclamation of the landfill, but in these dramatic days, Aceto announced that he had received the necessary funds. Timely??

Now, however, local administration, provincial parties large and small, more or less famous masters, all talk of revolt.

Caldoro Yet the ordinance is very clear: the 9/29/2010 provincial authorities had been convened and it was decided to transfer, with effect from 1 October, the management skills of the regular cycle for municipal waste disposal to the appropriate offices regional and provincial councilors met just 1 October, it was decided that, with effect from October 6, 2010, activities related to the management of the flow should have been carried out exclusively by the competent regional offices. Compare also the order of Caldoro, the quote of the previous one of 14.10 "planning and waste management" to "Activity management of waste streams," with which, for the coordination of inter-flow is established a special coordination. The

29.09! The provincial government has certainly tried "other ways" in these 20 days, until a Sant'Arcangelo, in a few of the usual meetings, we had to fall back again in a script stravecchio, trying to involve citizens and committees, unique, have always continued the battle, but that is thrown away as waste and taken to your liking for any political manipulation or to hide their impotence. Impotence current, until yesterday was the presumption, arrogance and hubris.

Our provincial administrators, therefore, knew that the "new" emergency would have been used by waste Sant'Arcangelo, as well as San Tammaro and Savignano Irpino. The problem is the usual old question: how to waste!

In the province of Benevento do not have a functioning composting site, we do not have a strain that really works as a screening facility and produces the usual daily eco bales, remember that the Cimitile president himself is involved in the investigation on Stir, since it is one of the engineers testers. The landfill, as acknowledged by the Provincial Assessor, in the "shiny floor Samt waste" unless it receives the necessary clearance, has a spare capacity of only 87,000 tons (that is, as we argue, can not even meet the demands for more provincial 6 months, being at present the only facility available for our waste streams).

Unless, the submission of the Waste Plan, to be succeeded by things we do not know, and January 1, wow!, Molinara reopens, for now still in custody, and Sant'Arcangelo Trimonte, without exploding in all provincial and regional waste, will receive the now famous reclamation and have published the results of monitoring, Councillor promise since his inauguration, when he said that he "supervised" for ever on it .

Instead of wasting time responding to accusations of empty "Capezzone" on duty, the Provincial Administration, our direct contact should ask citizens for help and support in government newspaper giving in exchange, transparency and information It fills the void site Councillor environment, and allow inhabitants of the territories, continuously raped, she can trust those who, by misadventure, have been delegated to protect them.

The committees are not the people of the no. We know that the way out of the impasse of the waste there, and is easily achievable. Administrators and politicians need to support and implement our proposals, finally taking a strong stance against the central government and regional administrations. Citizens pay a Tarsu greedy and unfair, but the 'have accepted it because for now it is the only way to achieve a virtuous cycle of waste (and, please, never built!).

As citizens we have now, by decree, landfills el 'Acerra incinerator in the name of the emergency. Now, however, require composting facilities and systems TMM, mechanical treatment manual, in place of STIR regional (and without anaerobic digester, which frustrates the proper recycling) and above (without regard to the consent of industrial health you have to readjust the economy comes before us and not vice versa) the necessary ordinances to reduce packaging and all disposable items are not needed. Of the proposals we made to the province before the Assessor write the waste plan, the one that most we take is the realization of a recycling plant selection and how to Vedelago. We hope that the province make progress with the project that shows off at every opportunity, claiming the technical and economic feasibility in the region. The secret of all the virtuous cycle of waste lies in its simplicity and transparency of the system of politics.

The emergency must be fought with serious proposals and credible and consistent with actions: the only way we can regain trust in our fellow citizens who, these days, and as always, are opposed to yet another media-only spill in our province.

Committee Municipal Guard Sanframondi

Committee Municipal San Salvador Telesino

CORER - Coordination of the Regional Waste Campania

Friday, October 15, 2010

Los Hombre De Paco Streaming

Shoppers - One Step In addition, awareness

We report here an article from "The change . National law goes in the direction we've been waiting a long time. The awareness that our consumers can no longer be dictated only by advertising, from haste or greed of the accumulation of goods with which we hell program should not stop here. Many people, even entire communities or municipalities already acting on their own in anticipation of such national initiatives. We still have in our village we do not succeed and we are always in pursuit, is This is why we welcome those rare times when national politicians, more or less deliberately, to remember the interests of our citizens and we forced to adapt.

The government confirms: from January 2011 goodbye to plastic bags

of Legambiente - October 15, 2010

busta plastica terra
The government will respect the deadline of January 1, 2011 for the entry into force of the ban on plastic bags not biodegradable

Legambiente is very pleased with the statement issued yesterday by the House Roberto Menia . The Environment Secretary announced the government's intention to meet the deadline of January 1, 2011 for the entry into force of the ban on plastic bags are not biodegradable.

"A victory for environmentalism - said the deputy director of Legambiente Andrea Poggio - and 100 thousand people that during the days of Clean Up the World signed our petition against the extension of the stop to non-biodegradable bags, which pollute and consume oil. Has been seeking to ban their production and national distribution. With its decision, Italy is a leader on this front, between the industrialized countries. And the measure is of great importance to advancing separate collection of organic waste, for which the biodegradable bags is essential. "

" We are confident - Poggio adds - that the Ministry of 'Environment is working to define the transitional rules for the depletion of surplus stocks of bags and we put ourselves at his disposal to help their definition.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Strongest Brand Of Underwear


A recent directive of CIVITATE (Independent Commission for the Evaluation, Integrity and Transparency of government), No 105, September 23, laid down the guidelines for the preparation of three-year program for the transparency and integrity , a paper that presents a model of the section of the website dedicated to ' transaction transparency, and that must be prepared and adopted by the end of the year by all administrations.

The concept of transparency that comes out of the directive is highly advanced than that prescribed by Law 241 of 1990 and refers to the modern concept of open government : the transparency is intended as total accessibility , through the instrument of publication on institutional web sites of government, of information on every aspect of the organization, indicators of trends in management and use of resources for the pursuit of institutional functions, of the results of measurement and evaluation by the competent bodies, in order to encourage widespread forms of monitoring compliance with the principles of sound and impartial. It is essential level of services provided by government under Article 117, second paragraph, letter m) of the Constitution "(Article 11, paragraph 1 of the decree).

This is a much broader concept than that introduced by Act n.241/1990, where transparency was considered the tightest in terms of right of access to administrative records from the ownership of a qualified interest and subject to specific requirements and limits. Accessibility total assumes, however, access by the entire community to all "public information". E 'was introduced in our system that is a qualified position in the head and spread to every citizen, compared to the action of government, with the main " order to encourage widespread forms of monitoring compliance with the principles of sound and impartial .

All citizens, therefore, for the mere fact of being such, and then to pay the taxes (a key element in any democracy), are entitled to have data is clear, legible, as it is open to administer public and how do they spend their money .

access to any act of the PA is therefore now possible for everyone, not just those who have a direct interest as provided for the first L.241/90 that prevented even for a general access principle, stating that " Instances are not eligible for access control targets at a general government the work. " With the Legislative Decree no. 150/2009, however, " transparency very purpose is to diffuse forms of social control of public administrations and outlines, and then, a different regime of access to information .

With regard to the good performance of public services and to properly manage its resources, the online publication of the data allows all citizens with an effective knowledge of the government, with the aim of how to encourage and facilitate participation and community involvement. From this perspective, transparency is a form of guarantee of the citizen, both as recipient of the general activities of government, whether a user of public services.

The directive also provides a clear and final list all references to the law, what is required from now publish institutional Web sites in the famous section on transparency, integrity and merit. "

  • information on staff:

a) curricula and remuneration of directors, with specific evidence on the variable components of wages and wage-related components of output ( Article 11, paragraph 8, letters f) and g) of d. lg. No 150 of 2009), e-mail addresses, telephone numbers for professional use (Article LN 21 of 69 in 2009), role - the date of classification of membership in the range or lower, when the initial framework, the administration, commencement and completion of the tasks entrusted former Article 19, paragraphs 3 and 4, d. lg. No 165, 2001 - (Article 1, paragraph 7, of Presidential Decree No. 108 of 2004);

b) curricula holders of organizational positions (Article 11, paragraph 8, letter f) of d. lg. No 150 of 2009);

c) curricula, salaries, fees and allowances of those who hold positions of political administrative and related support offices, including, without limitation, the political leadership of the administrations, the heads of Cabinet members and the offices of and staff working directly in the ministries, the holders of other high offices in the regions and political entities premises (Article 11, paragraph 8, letter h ) of d. lg. No 150 of 2009);

d) names and resumes of the members of OIV and Head of the functions of performance measurement referred to in Article 14 (Article 11, paragraph 8, letter s) of d. lg. No 150 of 2009);

s) absence rates and increased presence of staff to separate management offices (Article 21 of LN 69 of 2009), and the role of civil servants (Article 55, paragraph 5 of Presidential Decree No. 3 of 1957);

f) annual salaries, curricula , e-mail addresses, telephone numbers for business use of provincial and municipal secretaries (Article 21 of LN 69 of 2009);

g) total amount of bonuses allocated to the performance and the amount of premiums actually paid (Article 11, paragraph 8, letter c ) of d. lg. No 150 of 2009);

h) analysis of data on the degree of differentiation in the use of rewarding, both for managers and their employees (Article 11, paragraph 8, letter d ) of d. lg. No 150 of 2009);

i) codes of conduct (Article 55, paragraph 2, of legislative decree no. 165 of 2001 as amended by Article 68 of legislative decree no. 150, 2009 )

  • Data for appointments and consultations:

a) paid and unpaid positions granted to civil servants and other entities (Article 11, paragraph 8, letter i) of d. lg. No 150 of 2009 and Article 53 of Legislative lg. No 165, 2001). The tasks considered are: i) paid and unpaid duties conferred or authorized by the administration to its employees within the authority itself or from another government or public or private; ii) paid and unpaid duties conferred or authorized by a government employee other administration; iii) paid and unpaid tasks assigned to it, in any capacity, from administration to outside parties. In order for this type of information you need to know: the person in charge, curriculum of that subject, the subject of office term of gross salary, subject to the transferring mode of selection and appointment of the independent and kind of relationship, negative statement (where the administration has not given or authorized positions).

  • data information about the organization, performance and procedures:

a) Information concerning any aspect of the organization (organization, articulation of the offices, duties and organization of each office also executive-level without general names of responsible managers of individual offices and the legal sector attributable to the activity they perform - Article 54, paragraph 1, letter a) of d. lg. No 82 of 2005);

b) complete list of mailboxes active institutional, and whether it is a certified e-mail (Article 54, paragraph 1, letter d ) of d. lg. No 82 of 2005);

c) Plan and Report on performance (Article 11, paragraph 8, letter b ) of d. lg. No 150 of 2009);

d) information about the size of the quality of services provided (in accordance with the principles laid down in Article 11 of legislative decree no. 150, 2009 and the information referred to in Resolution No. 88, June 24, 2010);

s) three-year program for the transparency and integrity and status of implementation (Article 11, paragraph 8, letter to ) of d. lg. No 150 of 2009);

f) list of the types of proceedings conducted by each office of the executive level is not general, the deadline for the conclusion of each procedure and any other procedural deadline, the name of the official proceedings organizational unit responsible for the investigation and any other procedural compliance, and the adoption of the final (Article 54, paragraph 1, letter b ) of d. lg. No 82 of 2005);

g) and deadlines for the fulfillment of the proceedings identified in accordance with Articles 2 and 4 of LN 241 of 1990 (Article 54, paragraph 1, letter c ) of d. lg. No 82, 2005).

  • data on economic and financial management of public services:

a) services provided to end users and intermediate (under Article 10, paragraph 5, of legislative decree. August 7, 1997, No. 279), accounting for their costs and highlighting the actual costs and those charged to the staff for each service provided and the monitoring of their development (Article 11, paragraph 4, of legislative decree no. 150, 2009) to extrapolate consistently to the contents of the Plan and the Report on performance ;

b) additional contracts entered into , technical report and illustrative financial, certified by the supervisory bodies, the information provided for the purpose of forwarding to the Court of Auditors, the model adopted and the outcome of the assessment by the citizens on the effects expected from the operation of public services as a result of bargaining (Article 55, paragraph 4, of legislative decree no. 150, 2009);

c) data on the consortia, institutions and companies in which the government part, indicating in the case of companies, its share of participation as well as data concerning the outsourcing of services and activities including by means of conventions.

  • data on the management of payments and good practice:

a) indicator of the average time of payment for the purchase of goods, services and supplies (indicator of timeliness of payments), and average time of definition of processes and service delivery with the preceding financial year (Article 23, paragraph 5, of LN 69 of 2009);

b) good practice with regard to the timing for the adoption of measures and the provision of public services (Article 23, paragraphs 1 and 2, the LN 69 of 2009).

c) Information on grants, contributions, loans, subsidies and economic benefits:

d) institution and accessibility by Internet of registers of beneficiaries of an economic nature of providence (Articles 1 and 2 of Presidential Decree No. 118 of 2000).

  • Information on "public procurement "

a) data under Article 7 of Legislative lg. No 163 of 2006 (Code of public contracts for works, services and supplies). Please note that the identification of such data for the purpose of publication, it is the Authority for the supervision of public works contracts, services and supplies.

P. Santillo