Friday, October 15, 2010

Los Hombre De Paco Streaming

Shoppers - One Step In addition, awareness

We report here an article from "The change . National law goes in the direction we've been waiting a long time. The awareness that our consumers can no longer be dictated only by advertising, from haste or greed of the accumulation of goods with which we hell program should not stop here. Many people, even entire communities or municipalities already acting on their own in anticipation of such national initiatives. We still have in our village we do not succeed and we are always in pursuit, is This is why we welcome those rare times when national politicians, more or less deliberately, to remember the interests of our citizens and we forced to adapt.

The government confirms: from January 2011 goodbye to plastic bags

of Legambiente - October 15, 2010

busta plastica terra
The government will respect the deadline of January 1, 2011 for the entry into force of the ban on plastic bags not biodegradable

Legambiente is very pleased with the statement issued yesterday by the House Roberto Menia . The Environment Secretary announced the government's intention to meet the deadline of January 1, 2011 for the entry into force of the ban on plastic bags are not biodegradable.

"A victory for environmentalism - said the deputy director of Legambiente Andrea Poggio - and 100 thousand people that during the days of Clean Up the World signed our petition against the extension of the stop to non-biodegradable bags, which pollute and consume oil. Has been seeking to ban their production and national distribution. With its decision, Italy is a leader on this front, between the industrialized countries. And the measure is of great importance to advancing separate collection of organic waste, for which the biodegradable bags is essential. "

" We are confident - Poggio adds - that the Ministry of 'Environment is working to define the transitional rules for the depletion of surplus stocks of bags and we put ourselves at his disposal to help their definition.


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