published on the website of CO.RE.ri
Recycling total, starting from a composting plant and recovery plant selection and restoration of a regional regulatory framework consistent with the laws Italian and EU are the only way to end the crisis.
Yesterday November 23, 2010 at 14:00 at the offices of Consiglioregionale, Building F13, the Delegation of the European commissine, led by Dr. Pia Bucella, Director Legal and Civil Protection, hearings convened in the Regional Coordination Waste - Campania (CO.RE.ri), Legambiente Campania and WWF Campania.La delegation wanted to hear the opinions of associations on planning guidelines regarding the management of waste produced by the junta's delegation regionale.La CO.RE.ri, formed by Nicholas Capone, Lawrence Weaver Edelen vellus showed that the collection was actually hindered by the exorbitant costs for disposal outside the region, of the organic sector and that no material was in these years organized for the real recovery of matter selezionata.Si therefore stressed the need to develop composting facilities already funded by the European Commission degliimpianti STIR and recovery systems to transform them into mechanical sorting of materials.
He denounced, in addition, the existing regulatory system derogatory inCampania. a schedule that prevents compliance with European directives in force. In that regard, the need was stressed that the Italian Government with emergency repairs, a whole region, a normal regulatory framework consistent with the Italian and EU laws, which give more to finally be put in a concrete way to the Aarhus Convention, allowing the effective participation of citizens in administrative decisions is on pianificazioneche to construct plants.
It is, then, warned the European Commission Delegation of the latest changes made by the Italian government in Article 205 of Legislative Decree 152 of 2006, which allows municipalities to waive the requirement to attain the rates of collection provided for in existing legislation, allowing them to compensate for low levels of recycling with the objectives achieved by the common so-called virtuous, simultaneously ensuring energy recovery in the share of mixed waste.
It was pointed out, again, that in our country the principle that you can recover energy from matter - inherent contradiction in the same European Directives - becomes the basis for legislation that fosters public funds diverted to industrial installations, such as incinerators, landfills, biodigester, cement, etc.. at the expense of the systems that contribute to the recovery and recycling of matter .
this background, the delegation CO.RE.ri gave a negative opinion on the validity of the future regional plan for waste management.
The Delegation of the European Commission has expressed its support for leanalisi and proposals of the representatives of CO.RE.ri, accepting both the findings from this move on the question of the damp and the proposal for transformation of plants in STIR of mechanical equipment for the start of a sector for materials recovery and recycling total * matter *.
He said that although it is not his job to intervene in the specific approaches proposed by the region, it can act in the event that the proposed plan subverts the hierarchy of the operations indicated by the recent European directive to first place the collection and recovery and recycling of matter. There will therefore monitor closely whether the recent changes, made by the government to the legislative decree 152 of 2006, have successfully implemented the latest EU legislation on waste stressing that if this were not so one could envisage the possibility a further procedure Community infringement.
CO.RE.Ri - Coordination Regional Waste in Campania
Tel: 3346224313