's not so interesting about this post, because the ' idea of \u200b\u200basking questions, as done by the author - Stephen Vignaroli - in every area of \u200b\u200btheir lives and confront the sustainability of the gestures we make and the projects we imagine from simple to more complex: these are the building blocks of 'intelligence label (title in itself illuminating book by D. Goleman) that should characterize our progress and our future if we want a ...
You are the change you want to see in the world. Gandhi.
"With a few practices and experience in a short time I drastically reduced my waste, the list is only partial and does not pretend to solve all problems. An individual citizen can not change the world ... but it can try and 'Unity is strength!
A - Carbonator tap water at home. No more' stick bottles at the supermarket. www.sodastream.it
B - Detergents on tap. is totally biodegradable and less products are effective and cheap (an average of 1 euro per liter). www.autoricambispaziani.it/
C - Self cleaning. If you have time and will be a lot cheaper and healthier cleaning products on your own with natural substances. My dishes are cleaned without chemical residues on food and drains. biodetersivi.altervista.org
D - solid soap of Aleppo. 100% biodegradable, made only of olive oil and laurel. www.saponedialeppo.it
E - Sports and reusable bags. Curiosa the expression of some committed to my rejection of their envelope. Sometimes I was told:'' Look, I'm not going to pay .'' Our culture is still behind? www.magazzinirossi.it
F - Composed. I prefer to keep food waste at home using a self-built home compost bin and I assure you that I produce a rich, natural compost for my plants. www.meetup.com/beppegrillo-263
G-natural drinks. Over the water I love tea and fruit juices. Why 'buy expensive, artificial and bottled in plastic?
-H Food on tap. The market still offers few opportunities, you can choose to limit the damage with a minimum of choice and care.
I - Toothbrush interchangeably. I have always felt a fool to pay a plastic handle), in theory, forever) for then throw it and buy it again after a couple of months.
L - Glass pocket and reusable. This simple object prevents much waste. www.dmail.it
M - Food Self. With little more than 1 € I make yogurt for a week simply by pouring the milk into the machine.
N - cloth napkins. In the house became a museum exhibit. I rediscovered avoid eating rolls and rolls of paper towels and disposable.
O - Interchangeable Blade. I avoid a lot of disposable razor blades being the rastura a''ritual'' almost daily. " Vignaroli Stefano - Rome
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