Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Vw Jetta Tdi Vs. Audi A3 Tdi
be independent and succeed. You can . It happened to Mousse . A truly free press (monthly tabloid newspaper type) is that only contemporary art and that within a year and a half has gone from a few thousand copies and distributed only less than 50 pages in Milan to 40,000 copies and about 120 pages bilingual distributed around Italy and beyond. The usual comic impataccato news agency launches and freeze-dried? even for a nightmare. Long articles, interviews and lots of attention and care. Carry some passages of the interview issued by a director, Alessio Ascari.
What restricts somewhat the choice of a magazine?
limits there are many. For starters, the economic difficulties that an independent magazine has inevitably, if we were a bit richer we could do a lot of things we have in mind but we can not achieve trivially for economic reasons. So yes, certainly the budget for an independent magazine imposes limits. But it is also true that these limits in some cases may have a beneficial effect, become stimuli: You know you gotta do something with a limited budget and so you geniuses, you pull out of plans B, the solutions are not obvious and maybe new .. . From the economic component, for example, resulted in the choice of making a rag, a tabloid printed on a paper by two cents, but in the end is free, which is never bad.
What do you mean by independent magazine?
is simple. An independent magazine is a magazine that does not have a publisher behind it. When there is a publisher that puts the capital, and then - not by force, but very often, almost always say, it happens - it ends up more or less directly affect the content, the magazine is no longer independent. In our case, fortunately and unfortunately, we are editors, directors, employees of ourselves, and so we depend solely and exclusively by ourselves. Then there's the attitude, the spirit, the look the more you are free from the constraints (of whatever type they are) it is agile and more. The independence and agility go together.
What is the relationship with the land on which to operate? Despite Mousse has a record high and an international issue, there is always an eye and a close relationship with the territory of Milan.
Milan is our city, the magazine was born in Milan, the first issues were distributed only in Milan and then inevitably the imprint is there. At the same time, maybe it's unpleasant to say, I believe that with regard to private institutions, such as tunnels and foundations - public institutions will open an entirely different matter - Milan is the city where things happen more interesting and more breath distinctly international. And so it comes naturally, as a matter of physical proximity and then to a close in a spiritual sense, have an eye for our city. Nothing wrong, unfounded. If you happen to Naples or Rome or anywhere else no one would think a form of snobbery, I think.
How a magazine can act as an instrument of criticism and reflection?
In so many ways. For our part, we will answer starting from the size we have chosen: very poor, a rag as I said before, a format very democratic, and free distribution to run high. From the beginning the idea was to play on the duplicity - in some subtle way, if you want, but fun, we wanted to give the public a magazine that would stand for quality content and were proposed as a platform for deepening real, and the same time it was seasoned and packaged in an attractive and very pop, to make more palatable and digestible as possible the message (the messages!) we wanted to launch. If you notice, in fact, despite the casual appearance and "light", Mousse is made mostly of study: namely, a few news and lots of long articles, which had to stop and need to be read indeed.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Dip For Veggies And Pita Chips
There is one aspect in the rise of "magazine that I would like" to look with great attention and concern. It is one of relationship between content, editorial work and the party system and sides, ie with what a metonymy inflated call politics.
few days ago we mentioned on blogs and in discussion, the role that should have and those who are concerned with political and administrative positions. It was decided to set no veto, and I think just because otherwise, by itself, would have been just prior censorship.
What - I think - but should stay out of the magazine is not this or that name. What needs to be left out is the logic that holds, for what little I know, the party system. In this microcosm exists a criterion, that of consent, which is very similar to the one holding the market sales. Rozzamante I could say that it is "better" because it collects a politician more consensus as is "smarter" because a dealer sell more cars.
A newspaper like the one we're working on, not to deploy, non-partisan, non-commercial, non-auto sales and does not collect consent. To no one but himself. Show and demonstrates what he believes to be really interesting, as Chomsky would say ''s task is to discover and report the truth, not to present the world as the powerful wish to be perceived . Regardless of whether this face sell more cars or more gather consensus for a party or for a deployment.
The logical "grid" will come to that if a story or topic, narrative does not make a consensus, puzzles, create "internal friction" not in public. I would not, I will not ever see anything like it in the magazine that I want.
I know this is hard to digest for those who share and (eventually) be found to deal with the consent, in a campaign or in a meeting of the secretariat. But it is good to know.
I know, because in twenty years of newspapers and magazines I've seen it many times, the search for consensus makes bad jokes. Are not you call a spade a spade and wine to wine. Because the bread and wine may be shocking to the moderates, the middle class, the centrists, of believers, friends, retired, friends.
Who cares more consensus for a deployment that the genuineness of the bread and wine to offer on the table publication, is better than looking for space elsewhere.
The magazine that I could bring too many tummy aches, too many long faces in the secretariat and meeting rooms.
The magazine that I would like to take such precautions, care, sensitivity, acrobatics, fintopluralismi it must be fooled.
bread bread and wine to live. Even if someone is indigestible.
Just to go away, do not want to see some tactics seen in Monza the city "until I was part of. How not to write that the parish priest of San Fruttuoso remove ago the posters of party unity, as some say it could irritate Catholic. Satisfy this or that, or those that do not disappoint. Because the risk is to do a newspaper without backbone, easy to bend to the blowing wind.
Back straight, the humility to recognize their limitations, defects and errors when they exist, but the courage of their ideas. All the rest, equilibrium and balance and kept out of poll terror. There are other places and other times for everything. The little factory
consensus has too much space and time in our lives. I have no desire to even offering him a little more '.
If someone does not go well, the newspaper that wants to work from another part. Or I do.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Bottomlessness Women Images
The news is that it really begins. At its meeting last night we decided to leave.
Here's how and when.
- He founded the cultural association publishing. In the next two weeks we shall finalize the statute / charter of principles which marks the general editorial line. The fee for those with an income of 100 € (or more, donations are welcome), for other than 5 €. The shares will make up the required cash fund to pay the cost of hosting and rental of venue for meetings, fees for registration of testing and other necessary formalities. All founding members enjoy the rights associations (vote and be elected). Entries subsequently have to be approved by the founding partners.
In these days we must give final notice on the desire to become founders and join.
- Who covers political and administrative offices can join.
- Members are asked to express themselves quickly and present their proposals for the charter of values, listing the principles of reference to contemplate. The next meeting will be approved the statute.
- President / Director will be elected by the members.
- The magazine has a monthly basis, will target a geographical area but would not give to meet, when they will be able, even national issues and more. The criterion will be the incidence that the issues are still on our daily lives and the ability to "say something clever about it." At the core content of the monthly principal and will be joined right tools to make active and lively daily journal.
- Readers will be given adequate space for action, suggestions, comments. The criteria for whether to publish will be simple and clear.
- The magazine, when they share the goals, participate in civil wars and social and they will take the lead.
- will be an irreverent magazine, independent and funny (we hope).
summary, over the next few days we must do:
- list of accessions
- complete questionnaire responses
- draw up the draft charter
- list of assumptions
name - list of available authors
- draft of zero
Next we begin to have fun.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Cruising In Birminghal Alabama
to "take us forward" with the work, there are some questions to ask everyone to respond with a few words. Some have said their own, please reiterate them briefly. Replicate
writing an email to ilgiornalechevorrei (at) or as a comment below.
- Do you have any ideas for the name of the magazine?
- Are you going to join the association-publishing? Junior or senior?
- Do you think that those who have political and administrative tasks can become a partner or not?
- What do you think the values \u200b\u200band principles that the magazine should be aware of?
- specifically, how many and what kind of content you think you insure each month (articles, interviews, comments, contacts, photos, videos, ...)?
- How many meetings you can attend every month and on what day you can participate more?
- Do you think the magazine needs to address national issues or international?
- Do you think the magazine should welcome the discussion through comments and forums?
- What role should have the tools and readers? Comments / contributions are published anonymous or not?
- Do you think the magazine should be militant, that should make their own and / or participate in "campaigns" and "battles" local and national, for example, the defense of Act 194, the issue of cartels Monza city of peace "" Cascinazza "etc.?
- List at least five general issues in the review should address (eg environment, culture ...) and 5 in particular (eg Monza Park, foothills ...)
- What you would never see the journal (which usually see in other newspapers)?
- What would you see in the magazine (which usually do not see in other newspapers)?
If you think you've forgotten you like to suggest other questions and write and update the questionnaire.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Can Pop Cause Canker Sores
Hor Dourves At A Wedding Reception How Much
Waiting to see us Tuesday night at the Wastrel (all invited, except for pain in the neck and jinx), I note two interesting articles published the latest edition of the monthly Paper Etc and available for download in pdf.
The first is the director Pierluigi On and speaks of health status and prospects of the press "left" in front of political and cultural flattening and atavistic economic difficulties they face all those who are not limited information-entertainment. The other is by Sandro Provvisionato and is a very clear picture of the many works and finally Don Abbondio who sign the Italian media.
Charter is not simply a newspaper, but a very detailed system information. It looks like this on His site:
'Charter is a means of social communication. Therefore, informs and connects together different sectors of civil society in every way possible. The main ones are weekly and monthly Paper Etc , national circulation. [...] They treat the life of social movements that the liberal media does not care, but also offer major reports, social surveys, in-depth on major issues and news of social Yards. "
I find it amazing the term " a means of social communication . That information, without all the pomposity of objectivity and neutrality, is communication first. For better or evil.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Microwave Spray Paint
We write Sergio Civati \u200b\u200b , the question is what role can have in the magazine those who - like him - also have administrative duties and / or political. Here is the text.
dear all
Tuesday 'porssimo not be there (the city council .. i) .. but maybe for you this may be a good opportunity ...
Let me explain: the need for a magazine in the area, I mentioned my positive, despite having put there big issues in the last match (Monza-Brianza, periodicity and online, professional and volunteer)
last meeting I caught more people the "inconvenience" of being able to play in the "company" people who make policy on this .. and I'll be frank and explicit, so that on Tuesday they may reflect.
L ', if any, of the "out of the politicians out .." I am highly puzzled and disappointed ..
Beyond my person, what you do not agree with is the idea that the independence of a journal must be the result of an "image" to give (but it was not we content? ..) And not determined by the content in its container, commitment and professionalism of the people who belong.
These days, now we "so-called political" or we are seen as "caste" or (in this case) "fever ".... (This statement is a bit 'strong but the idea ..)
After much blathered that "all politics", the professional politicians. etc. .. I'm one of the evils of the people who make it .. in fact, with these possible choices, the people who confine themselves to political office to only one ... and are not seen as citizens first and foremost (as I believe it is), people who have their own social identity, cultural and personal first even political
People who are then able to hold separate functions and roles in other places (which seems to have demonstrated in london town ..) I do not want that in addition to politicians, at this rate it turn cuts out " policy that hurts .. ". (It already seen a movie lately ..) I think this
reductive, if any, discriminatory and culturally conservative than the policy itself that we all want to renew
I had already given orally to treat space availability Antonio-book about the world of youth (it is was my job until a few months ago) and on politics as plural comparison and analysis about the issues that cross it (democracy, citizenship, participation, institutions etc.)..
I refer to you on the proposals and decisions, one thing must be clear (for as I have been made), if I were to participate in this adventure I would do with equal dignity and not as a "guest" tolerated.
With frankness and friendship, good job for Tuesday '!
sergio Civati \u200b\u200b
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Condolences Thank You Wording
For the second meeting "offline" I'll see you on Tuesday, 19 to 21. We will be guests of "The Wastrel" being Borgazzi 105 ( map here). A lot of irons in the fire: the formation of the cultural, the working groups, the statute ... As always, open to all ... nuisance and jinx except
Fireplace, Heat Grate
between information and fastfood ufficistampa disguised as editors, reliability and quality of information is revealed for what it is in a much acclaimed research into everyday English "by quality ". Just imagine what would be out doing an investigation on our own newspapers. From
A search for 'Cardiff University found that' s 80% of articles in newspapers as the UK are predominantly made recycling agency news or press releases - and that some journalists now produce at least three times more material than they did 20 years ago
From journalism to "churnalism, mass production of ignorance
Almost 's 80 % of articles published in national quality newspapers in the UK are largely made of recycled news agency or press releases. And 'one of the results of a recent survey conducted by the Department of Journalism' s University of Cardiff, that - among the 'other - some of Fleet Street journalists currently producing at least three times more than they did 20 years ago.
Research - said an article on - noted that most of the services contained in the British national newspapers are made mostly with materials supplied by Press offices or agencies. In particular, these proportions would be: The Times, 69 percent, The Daily Telegraph, 68 per cent, Daily Mail, 66, The Independent, 65, and The Guardian, 52 per percent.
excoriate what he calls "churnalism *, Nik Davies, an expert on the media Guardian, says:" Now more than ever, we are involved in a mass production of ignorance because the corporations and the directors cut the workforce, increased our pace of work and we have definitely stuck to our desk. "
The Telegraph, Guardian and Times did not want to comment on the research, while PressGazette sought reactions in the editorial offices of the Daily Mail 's Independent that however, reports on Nicolas Kayser-Bril' Observatoire des médias were like, 'Ah, but we do not, we do not like that, maybe others. "
The "bit of journalism that makes the press," said Kaiser still-Bril, "is derived from the strong increase in the number of articles that the journalist has to produce. Result: qualified staff gets paid to do copy-and-paste and produce mediocre products. So we all lose: the journalists, who no longer have the time to do their real work and publishers who find themselves with tons of unsold goods. "
Once again this example shows that the problem of the press is not limited to the Internet. The web has simply put an end to 'oligopoly that policyholders undue profit margins. 'S arrival in the online competition puts the traditional media in front of their contradictions. The content they produce is simply not competitive.
Only problem: to change the model and mentality (something that seems to take long, according to this testimony by Howard Owens ) it takes money. A lot of money. The British newspapers still do a little ', given that profit rates are still close to 10%. In France - concluded Kaiser-Bril - the task promises to be more difficult. And we in Italy?
* From "churn out ", "produce in large quantity ". See also "Churnalism" in Freeman, and "The Difference Between Journalism and churnalism" (Guardian).
- Research (eng) can be downloaded here :, February 4, 2008
Doujin Shotacon Online
L ' intervention Ivan Commisso is dedicated to those who have doubts about the possibility of living in a magazine " this" type. A free card I mentioned a few weeks ago as a concrete example (for 5 years and over 100 number) to which I myself have been able to participate.
some time I've been following your "evolution". It was Antonio, months ago, nice to report the discussion online. I see that you've arrived when defining what you want to do and how, from a reason. Dunno, I've never been a mind. Never had the intellectual capacity to design great things. I'll tell you mine, it's easier. Fourteen years ago, a group of guys bigger than me, invites me to an evening in which he would discuss a publishing project: a local newspaper outside the box to give birth. I do not know if not through a third person, it was enough for my general interest in the idea. We meet in twenty. There were enthusiasts, the gritty, the shy, the silent, the doubters and skeptics regardless. Very different stories but one common feeling: the attempt to tell what was happening in the city (or tell their own life) from a different perspective, stimulating and fun. A little 'what I think you're trying to do.
We put up a newspaper from scratch graphics, articles, proofreading, advertising, typography races. Everybody wrote about what he knew or was interested in, and despite this, we have never been cacophonous. It was enough to meet every week to the editorial meeting and straighten antennas that our common sentiment that bound us to automatically find tuning (and I think that you too will have no lack of harmony). That stimulus (or need?) That united us was translated into a language of our own, an approach which recognized a strong identity that lasted more than a hundred numbers, and still continues in other forms. It was not even that hard to continue the project, because we liked what we were doing, liked (and had to like) to us first, he had no messianic pretensions or cathartic. The nice thing was that more the numbers of the newspaper liked us more pleasure to readers. This story to tell you that I do not know what form of expression is most appropriate for what you feel and binds you, but I would advise you not to fly low, do not be afraid. I, on the for you, a nice thought in a carefully revised paper would. It is not nuclear physics, or produce some kind of a hard fight. But you want to put the taste to have in my hands an object in three dimensions, the fruit of your head and your efforts, you like? It is not too much, paradoxically, easier to do than to say. Good job Ivan
Saturday, February 2, 2008
How Long Do I Have To Wait To Get A Gun In Texas
Dear Antonio, I remain doubtful
[...] the possibility of opening a magazine, however, as you conceive. I would love that you did a content aggregator, to begin with, just like the bloggers better than me, or how does BlogBabel craft. Thus we see how much meat is on fire, who may be interpreters of the new publishing initiative, the writer of Brianza and especially because it does. might be a good start and a beautiful stone in the pond, the land has always been individualistic and suspicious of another's work (whether business or literary, little change ...). Aggregaci, dear Antonio. is a hand I'll give it willingly. foo
As Nicola Frangione say, the stress is Pippo Civati \u200b\u200b acute . Sure scares THAT ' aggregaci , at a time when the aggregation crumble like shit in the sun, drying.
was Gimmi Perego, in December, the first to speak of networks' I naturally, then, to think that more central to a newspaper, a federation, to a network. Of blogs, sites, organizations, places for those who did not have a site ... That once found a common paper of intent to work in a synergistic way. " Even before Casalini repeatedly discussed multiblog. I say my, such a hypothesis does not make me blood. Want to put the adrenaline to decide in five, ten, fifteen at the helm of the next issue, to exchange information for better bite in the arguments, divide the tasks, the effect will grin that title or that photos, anxiety closing time ...
I can not do anything, I think the collective processing remains a challenge that is worth addressing. Absolute respect for the individual personality, but the ants do great work all struggling together. That's why they call me Ant twenty years. The network of blogs, their connection, the development of the tools that they can "join" the best is, I admit, part of the project I have in mind. An important part because it could draw a really interesting and lively. But it should remain a part of the heart (!) And the head of the magazine should be in writing.
So yes, if nothing comes out better than you do. It's good enough to win on penalties. But if the marks Savićević lob from outside the box, then it is party.
do not know if the idea of \u200b\u200bthe magazine is unrealistic, utopian. But that "Politics is the art of the possible" remind us from morning to evening well Baci now. I smile puts a poster of José Muñoz: The utopia is possible because it is the art of necessity ".
Friday, February 1, 2008
Waxing Erection Brazilian 2010
More vintage that is just old. The new / old diary is beautiful, redesigned, moderate, dense, a little 'New Yorker a bit' book. From now on sale as a fortnightly, so there will be plenty of time to finally read its 100 pages (without commercials). Costs 7 €, but the quality is not a luxury. If the magazine that we would like him, I'd love to.