What restricts somewhat the choice of a magazine?
limits there are many. For starters, the economic difficulties that an independent magazine has inevitably, if we were a bit richer we could do a lot of things we have in mind but we can not achieve trivially for economic reasons. So yes, certainly the budget for an independent magazine imposes limits. But it is also true that these limits in some cases may have a beneficial effect, become stimuli: You know you gotta do something with a limited budget and so you geniuses, you pull out of plans B, the solutions are not obvious and maybe new .. . From the economic component, for example, resulted in the choice of making a rag, a tabloid printed on a paper by two cents, but in the end is free, which is never bad.
What do you mean by independent magazine?
is simple. An independent magazine is a magazine that does not have a publisher behind it. When there is a publisher that puts the capital, and then - not by force, but very often, almost always say, it happens - it ends up more or less directly affect the content, the magazine is no longer independent. In our case, fortunately and unfortunately, we are editors, directors, employees of ourselves, and so we depend solely and exclusively by ourselves. Then there's the attitude, the spirit, the look the more you are free from the constraints (of whatever type they are) it is agile and more. The independence and agility go together.
What is the relationship with the land on which to operate? Despite Mousse has a record high and an international issue, there is always an eye and a close relationship with the territory of Milan.
Milan is our city, the magazine was born in Milan, the first issues were distributed only in Milan and then inevitably the imprint is there. At the same time, maybe it's unpleasant to say, I believe that with regard to private institutions, such as tunnels and foundations - public institutions will open an entirely different matter - Milan is the city where things happen more interesting and more breath distinctly international. And so it comes naturally, as a matter of physical proximity and then to a close in a spiritual sense, have an eye for our city. Nothing wrong, unfounded. If you happen to Naples or Rome or anywhere else no one would think a form of snobbery, I think.
How a magazine can act as an instrument of criticism and reflection?
In so many ways. For our part, we will answer starting from the size we have chosen: very poor, a rag as I said before, a format very democratic, and free distribution to run high. From the beginning the idea was to play on the duplicity - in some subtle way, if you want, but fun, we wanted to give the public a magazine that would stand for quality content and were proposed as a platform for deepening real, and the same time it was seasoned and packaged in an attractive and very pop, to make more palatable and digestible as possible the message (the messages!) we wanted to launch. If you notice, in fact, despite the casual appearance and "light", Mousse is made mostly of study: namely, a few news and lots of long articles, which had to stop and need to be read indeed.
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