few days ago we mentioned on blogs and in discussion, the role that should have and those who are concerned with political and administrative positions. It was decided to set no veto, and I think just because otherwise, by itself, would have been just prior censorship.
What - I think - but should stay out of the magazine is not this or that name. What needs to be left out is the logic that holds, for what little I know, the party system. In this microcosm exists a criterion, that of consent, which is very similar to the one holding the market sales. Rozzamante I could say that it is "better" because it collects a politician more consensus as is "smarter" because a dealer sell more cars.
A newspaper like the one we're working on, not to deploy, non-partisan, non-commercial, non-auto sales and does not collect consent. To no one but himself. Show and demonstrates what he believes to be really interesting, as Chomsky would say ''s task is to discover and report the truth, not to present the world as the powerful wish to be perceived . Regardless of whether this face sell more cars or more gather consensus for a party or for a deployment.
The logical "grid" will come to that if a story or topic, narrative does not make a consensus, puzzles, create "internal friction" not in public. I would not, I will not ever see anything like it in the magazine that I want.
I know this is hard to digest for those who share and (eventually) be found to deal with the consent, in a campaign or in a meeting of the secretariat. But it is good to know.
I know, because in twenty years of newspapers and magazines I've seen it many times, the search for consensus makes bad jokes. Are not you call a spade a spade and wine to wine. Because the bread and wine may be shocking to the moderates, the middle class, the centrists, of believers, friends, retired, friends.
Who cares more consensus for a deployment that the genuineness of the bread and wine to offer on the table publication, is better than looking for space elsewhere.
The magazine that I could bring too many tummy aches, too many long faces in the secretariat and meeting rooms.
The magazine that I would like to take such precautions, care, sensitivity, acrobatics, fintopluralismi it must be fooled.
bread bread and wine to live. Even if someone is indigestible.
Just to go away, do not want to see some tactics seen in Monza the city "until I was part of. How not to write that the parish priest of San Fruttuoso remove ago the posters of party unity, as some say it could irritate Catholic. Satisfy this or that, or those that do not disappoint. Because the risk is to do a newspaper without backbone, easy to bend to the blowing wind.
Back straight, the humility to recognize their limitations, defects and errors when they exist, but the courage of their ideas. All the rest, equilibrium and balance and kept out of poll terror. There are other places and other times for everything. The little factory
consensus has too much space and time in our lives. I have no desire to even offering him a little more '.
If someone does not go well, the newspaper that wants to work from another part. Or I do.
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