Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ebooki Grafika Komputerowa


Benevento - Library Masone
Sunday, December 19, 2010, 20:00

The Network Rainbow - Benevento Eco-solidarity (net of ASSICA environmental organizations in the province of Benevento) and the Regional Coordination waste in Campania have also organized a caravan to the passage of Benevento ENVIRONMENT.
It is a confrontation with the citizens to represent the grave state of the environment and democracy in our region, and to illustrate the alternatives to landfills, incinerators and militarization of the right to counter protests of citizens.
The program also includes the screening of "The forest of Chiaiano. The park of surprises

part of the caravan for the Environment, Co.Re.Ri (Regional Coordination Waste) in collaboration with associations of Rainbow Network, organized at the Mason Library Benevento, the screening of "The forest of Chiaiano. The park of surprises, " documentary investigation of environmental Cecilia Anesi and Giulio Rubino and produced by Waste Emergency.

The evening's program begins with Nicola Capone (Co.Re.Ri) and projection is preceded by a speech Cecilia Anesi, author of the documentary and journalist Waste Emergency.

Marilina Mucci and Francis Pascale (Rainbow Network Benevento) involved with the report "There are no landfill needed: our alternatives." Nicholas Colangelo (Codisam Sant'Arcangelo Trimonte) intervenes with close examination "From a Chiaiano Sant'Arcangelo Trimonte. Following debate

with the system integration alternatives, including regional, other members of the Network Acobaleno and Co.Re.Ri.

The documentary "The forest of Chiaiano. The park of surprises "was produced in a fully independent team of reporters and video makers of Emergency Waste seeking public support (through the reservation of quotas) to distribute the documentary and postprodurre from below, independently, through the platform

Emergency Waste also is developing another documentary on the landfill bells, spoke on the case of Sant'Arcangelo Trimonte.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Wear An Ascot Scarf

Province: Supervision of waste on people or ...?

After our last article in which they expressed doubts about the announced provincialization of waste management in the province of Benevento we received the Councillor Vinegar, as chairman of the commission supervision of the site of St. Archangel Trimonte a call "urgent", the table of the institutional institution, by telegram copy of which is downloadable from this link .

not being part of the committees of San Salvatore and Telesino Sanframondi Guard, the technical board meeting at which urgent inspection were invited, we sent our response to the participants is available here .

course, as part of the Supervisory Committee, the committee said Sant'Arcangelo Trimonte and contribute to the notification.

Some consideration should be made in respect of our submission to the strange reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Prefect of Benevento, and especially we do not know why, do a little intimidating out of place, we were asked to justify the content of our article.

Article published by almost all the newspapers online, but the Councillor was referring to what was reported by the Sannio. In any case, the original of our press had previously been sent to the President and alderman Cimitile Vinegar by e-mail.

We are confident that in the entire province of Benevento citizens and most of the local administrators are in the same state of uncertainty and concern that we reported in the article, and which still does not give any response nor expected any public meeting in which to democratically discuss and try to dispel any doubts, as we have been repeatedly requested.

On December 14, Ms. Poli returned to Benevento for an update on the understanding with the province for the construction of a model plant Vedelago. We believe that it should be a public meeting in which citizens and administrators should necessarily participate.

That is what we asked in our last statement.

Instead, we were only "invited", with a strange two-way intimidating, a meeting of "inspection" of a technical committee set up the Councillor to the environment of the province from about 6 months and has not yet produced anything or published any study arising from the monitoring of the area involved, pollution or possible geological hazards feared the collapse of the fences.

The Committee Sant'Arcangelo continuously sends requests for access to documents relating to the landfill but to date has never been answered and are not published as well as quantities of daily injections, even from outside the county (?), Or Arpac data and ASL.

The Province of Benevento participate in the regional institutional tables and approve guidelines to address unacceptable the region's waste crisis: landfills and incinerators; accept in silence the last undemocratic waste decree that, among other things, continue to "forgive" the municipalities that do not practice the collection but the Councillor "environmentalist" which should criticize policies unnecessary and devastating that do not resolve the emergency, even the worse, seems to identify the enemy as the only civic committees that try to find out how you plan to address the problems of our territories, and which seem to be guilty of "procuring alarm ".

can not understand the logic of such a stubborn reluctance to compare on key the environment and the health of our territories and that should be democratically discussed and shared, and such requests will be accepted and certainly not accused of scaremongering in order to create so evade them. Meanwhile, meetings of importance to us and that we would actually be carriers of alternative practices in our province, are kept in ignorance of the citizens who are denied the right to information and participation. And 'This is the democratic emergency that we are concerned and complaining about the last statement, the Councillor and the reactions are still not clear and worrying. Again we will be threatened without any answer is given?

Civic Committees S. Salvatore T. Guard and Sanframondi

Press Release, 13/12/2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Can I Claim Insurance Without Police Report

San Salvatore Telesino: and participation? Combustion

On December 3, 2010, at 18:00, at the Council Hall of St. Salvatore Telesino, there was a city council to debate upon the following agenda:

1. Reading and approval of meeting minutes November 18, 2010.

2. Observations Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan.

3. Contact Planning City Urban Planning.

4. Regulatory approval for the installation and operation of radio-telephony and telecommunications.

5. Adoption Rules economic assistance to contrast extreme poverty.

For all items on the agenda would take up the role of the population, unless the convening of a council open. Instead, the site of the City warning was published just two days before the city council and, again only two days before, were posted a few A4 leaflets on notice boards in the country and some bars.

In particular, the new procedure regarding the PUC, initiated by the previous municipal administration, after more than a year of silence, is suddenly taken by convening a council to approve the (new?) Orientations. Meanwhile, meetings with citizens and associations, despite promises and assurances, not even the shadow.

even see the environmental sought by the administration itself, made up of citizens and particularly interested in environmental issues and eco-friendly development of our territory, was not informed by the council, whereas, in our view, should also be directly involved in the definition of orientations .

consultation for environmental protection is in fact just born with the aim of " expand and enrich the information on the state of 'environment in the city, improve the use land, protect the environment and natural resources, promote sustainability and promote the welfare of the community "and would therefore be an important venue for discussion and exchange of information between parties with the purpose of protecting the environment and nature and the city administration, supporting inter alia, the protection and enhancement of natural resources, safeguarding biodiversity, sustainable mobility, in the defense of the territory, to improve the quality air and water and water saving, pollution control acoustic and electromagnetic and development of alternative energy sources and energy conservation: all issues that will certainly see the PUC the main instrument to be addressed.

So why the visit was not involved in stage, most important, to define the orientations of the PUC, nor has been advised of the forthcoming local council?

And why was not expected to seek support even for the drafting of the "Regulations for the installation and operation of telephone and radio communications?

Then you need to see this?

The consultation, in view of our directors was created to make an effective contribution or for other purposes?

We had criticized the previous administration for the way in which it was organized the first public meeting on the new PUC: Eng. Ferrigno, after a brief presentation of the guidelines of the PUC, he asked those present if they agree with what he had advertised and if there were comments. Of course at that time no one could 'say much, because it was necessary to first document.

But it was not possible to start looking at some documents until after more than a year when, quite by chance, we know that at the municipal offices "lay" for some time the drafts of the new implementing rules and the new Building Regulations.

And once those considered implementing rules are shocked: it was the draft of those Telese Terme, where, precisely because of those standards, the speculation has irreparably destroyed a whole country!

However calmed us by saying that, they, would have completely revised and only after extensive participation.

But the suspect, and now has more than one suspect, is that despite having to perform a procedure dictated by the rules requiring the participation and sharing with the people, at least for the PUC in fact the participation and involvement, our administrators, beyond statements of fact, good for the electoral programs, are in fact to avoid or minimize, because today, as yesterday, especially on certain topics, not you want to open and it is considered that we must and we can continue to decide properly sealed in the "palace", the minority party on this occasion, for some reason, has decided not to inform the public of a 'apparent contradiction of the majority council.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Get Nice Tilt Lacrosse

zero and total recycling of matter: Province of Benevento 'virtuous'?

Since it was introduced the provincial level waste, a few months ago, no answer was given to the comments received from committees and associations, and no meeting is granted. The conference release of 12 November, when it was not planned, as usual, no citizen participation, has not clarified any doubts and inconsistencies in the plan. If possible, increase them.

Meanwhile, within and outside the province, this plan is advertised as an example of "another level possible," anti-incinerator and sustainable finally able to realize a virtuous waste management, taking as reference the model Vedelago.

Unfortunately, our province is not immune to the emergency, nor is managed in a more democratic and transparent. Despite the reassuring statements of virtuosity, and the triumphant tones about our situation than in Naples, our directors do not know or do not say what will happen starting next January 1, 2011. The final decree signed by Napolitano has not even been commented on by our administrators. The only information that leaked from the unique province of the President's meetings with former workers of the consortia that are pressing to be reabsorbed.

We ask once again to the Province (although now with skepticism) for an urgent meeting in order to provide the necessary clarifications about the actual feasibility of the plan (the only plan available to citizens and waste little more than a declaration of intent), both in terms of financial resources for the organization of the collection service by the SAMT from 1 January 2011.

There is apparent inconsistency between the provincial administration, which intends to stubbornly obtain waste management, while not actually show that they are ready, and the great silence of the local administrators that often, but timidly, expressed their disagreement to themselves be "managed", and prefer to wait for the evolution of events and hide behind such top-down.

We would especially that there was never explained how the Daneco continue to manage the pressing of Casalduni if \u200b\u200bthe Province has presented as its flagship model Vedelago.

The STIR of Casalduni, to say the person responsible Daneco facilities, will ensure improvements, but still continue to produce eco-bales or FOS, and certainly "will enhance" organic waste (with biodigester, blowing ... ) or send them to incineration, landfill sending "small quantities".

Vedelago However, since the system is an alternative to these techniques and tends to recycling and recovery of the materials, which provide a sense of STIR management that still remains hinged on the old unsustainable management of the integrated cycle?

The program proposed by Daneco is aligned to the old system, and continues to perpetrate the same approach, based on landfills and incinerators, which led us to the current disastrous situation. In this setting, a typical system Vedelago would not waste to be treated by extrusion (which is one of the key aspects that makes it attractive from the business point of view these plants), so we continue to mention it seems a mere publicity stunt.

If indeed the province would build a plant on the model Vedelago, should immediately start with actions aimed at reducing waste, especially difficult to treat a necessary precondition for easy retrieval of materials to be sent to the system. These actions, however, would be immediately possible at no cost, and have been widely announced in the Waste Plan, and will never materialize. Another complementary aspect to the model Vedelago is the presence of composting facilities and treatment of organic compost to be allocated for agriculture and gardening. But none of this is on the agenda.

The same

Daneco also manages the landfill Sant'Arcangelo, with disastrous results that everyone recognizes. Landfill needs to close and reclaim both the hydrogeological situation of the places in which it was made, it is dangerous for the continuing pollution it produces.

It can not be silent about this and encourage the populist revolt against waste "Neapolitan" to defend the territory of the agricultural economy Sannio, proclaiming false victories against spills, and the virtual that they will reach € 10 million for stabilization, while continuing to stress the need of the landfill to accept waste in the coming years, as stated in the provincial plan.

The environmental disaster of a landfill is perhaps the origin of the waste spread?

How to justify the repeated and costly clean-up, already previously proved useless in the absence of adequate monitoring and remediation? Although the landfill will receive only the waste of Sannio continue to be a bomb ecological disaster for the environment and the economy of our province.

The public, moreover, are still kept in the dark the quantity of the spill, the type and origin of the incoming waste.

access Countless acts have not had any effect, the mayor of St. Archie refuses even to receive the components of the local committee and the province, despite having held a ridiculous technical board, it behaves the same way.

How can you think and act like that and at the same time, present at conferences and debates as a political virtue, and even environmentally-conscious land of democracy?

We associations and committees want the closure of the landfill and not we are interested in the economic expectations of the Province for the safety, with more "piling" in order to prevent further landslides.

reiterate that if indeed Mrs. Poli Vedelago build the facility on the model, there would be no need of a dump, let alone so large.

In essence, the province of Benevento there is so very unlike the other provinces of Campania, and nothing serves the heartfelt populism with which they hypocritically try to defend the regional landfill from the inevitable spills.

The waste crisis occurs, As always, as democratic emergency.

Civic Committees of San Salvatore T. and S Guard. - Corer - Codisam

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

What Causes Rash And Blisters On A Baby's Bum


The Nov. 26 ruling was filed by which the Campania Regional Administrative Court has decided three appeals pending on the history of the project of the Company VOCEM to build a biomass plant / incinerator in the municipality of San Salvatore Telesino.
The first two actions (ie those of a community of love and Telesino San Salvatore and the province of Benevento against the release of the EIA positive response from the Campania region and VOCEM against that of the City of San Salvatore Telesino) were declared ineligible, while the use of VOCEM and the Province of Bergamo against the negative decision of the Conference of Services was dismissed as unfounded. Interesting
the reasons for the sentence. Basically the application was rejected because the project was not compatible VOCEM from urban point of view (... " It, therefore, decisive in this case the fact that the Administration regional - on the basis of the 'position mostly negative about the construction of "emerged within the conference services and in accordance with the provision art. 196, paragraph 3, of Legislative Decree n.152/2006 - has decided to take over not only the negative opinion of the City of San Salvatore Telesino compliance planning the project, but also further negative opinion of same town on the existence of the conditions to make a variation to the planning instrument general ...).
not been evaluated by the administrative courts then even further complaints of lawyers VOCEM than the negative decision of the Conference of the Services which has denied permission.
against the decision of the TAR could VOCEM a further appeal to the State Council.
Recall also the VOCEM made subject to resubmit the project under Presidential Decree 387/2003.
expenses were compensated.