After our last article in which they expressed doubts about the announced provincialization of waste management in the province of Benevento we received the Councillor Vinegar, as chairman of the commission supervision of the site of St. Archangel Trimonte a call "urgent", the table of the institutional institution, by telegram copy of which is downloadable from this link .
not being part of the committees of San Salvatore and Telesino Sanframondi Guard, the technical board meeting at which urgent inspection were invited, we sent our response to the participants is available here .
course, as part of the Supervisory Committee, the committee said Sant'Arcangelo Trimonte and contribute to the notification.
Some consideration should be made in respect of our submission to the strange reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Prefect of Benevento, and especially we do not know why, do a little intimidating out of place, we were asked to justify the content of our article.
Article published by almost all the newspapers online, but the Councillor was referring to what was reported by the Sannio. In any case, the original of our press had previously been sent to the President and alderman Cimitile Vinegar by e-mail.
We are confident that in the entire province of Benevento citizens and most of the local administrators are in the same state of uncertainty and concern that we reported in the article, and which still does not give any response nor expected any public meeting in which to democratically discuss and try to dispel any doubts, as we have been repeatedly requested.
On December 14, Ms. Poli returned to Benevento for an update on the understanding with the province for the construction of a model plant Vedelago. We believe that it should be a public meeting in which citizens and administrators should necessarily participate.
That is what we asked in our last statement.
Instead, we were only "invited", with a strange two-way intimidating, a meeting of "inspection" of a technical committee set up the Councillor to the environment of the province from about 6 months and has not yet produced anything or published any study arising from the monitoring of the area involved, pollution or possible geological hazards feared the collapse of the fences.
The Committee Sant'Arcangelo continuously sends requests for access to documents relating to the landfill but to date has never been answered and are not published as well as quantities of daily injections, even from outside the county (?), Or Arpac data and ASL.
The Province of Benevento participate in the regional institutional tables and approve guidelines to address unacceptable the region's waste crisis: landfills and incinerators; accept in silence the last undemocratic waste decree that, among other things, continue to "forgive" the municipalities that do not practice the collection but the Councillor "environmentalist" which should criticize policies unnecessary and devastating that do not resolve the emergency, even the worse, seems to identify the enemy as the only civic committees that try to find out how you plan to address the problems of our territories, and which seem to be guilty of "procuring alarm ".
can not understand the logic of such a stubborn reluctance to compare on key the environment and the health of our territories and that should be democratically discussed and shared, and such requests will be accepted and certainly not accused of scaremongering in order to create so evade them. Meanwhile, meetings of importance to us and that we would actually be carriers of alternative practices in our province, are kept in ignorance of the citizens who are denied the right to information and participation. And 'This is the democratic emergency that we are concerned and complaining about the last statement, the Councillor and the reactions are still not clear and worrying. Again we will be threatened without any answer is given?
Civic Committees S. Salvatore T. Guard and Sanframondi
Press Release, 13/12/2010
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