Meanwhile, within and outside the province, this plan is advertised as an example of "another level possible," anti-incinerator and sustainable finally able to realize a virtuous waste management, taking as reference the model Vedelago.
Unfortunately, our province is not immune to the emergency, nor is managed in a more democratic and transparent. Despite the reassuring statements of virtuosity, and the triumphant tones about our situation than in Naples, our directors do not know or do not say what will happen starting next January 1, 2011. The final decree signed by Napolitano has not even been commented on by our administrators. The only information that leaked from the unique province of the President's meetings with former workers of the consortia that are pressing to be reabsorbed.
We ask once again to the Province (although now with skepticism) for an urgent meeting in order to provide the necessary clarifications about the actual feasibility of the plan (the only plan available to citizens and waste little more than a declaration of intent), both in terms of financial resources for the organization of the collection service by the SAMT from 1 January 2011.
There is apparent inconsistency between the provincial administration, which intends to stubbornly obtain waste management, while not actually show that they are ready, and the great silence of the local administrators that often, but timidly, expressed their disagreement to themselves be "managed", and prefer to wait for the evolution of events and hide behind such top-down.
We would especially that there was never explained how the Daneco continue to manage the pressing of Casalduni if \u200b\u200bthe Province has presented as its flagship model Vedelago.
The STIR of Casalduni, to say the person responsible Daneco facilities, will ensure improvements, but still continue to produce eco-bales or FOS, and certainly "will enhance" organic waste (with biodigester, blowing ... ) or send them to incineration, landfill sending "small quantities".
Vedelago However, since the system is an alternative to these techniques and tends to recycling and recovery of the materials, which provide a sense of STIR management that still remains hinged on the old unsustainable management of the integrated cycle?
The program proposed by Daneco is aligned to the old system, and continues to perpetrate the same approach, based on landfills and incinerators, which led us to the current disastrous situation. In this setting, a typical system Vedelago would not waste to be treated by extrusion (which is one of the key aspects that makes it attractive from the business point of view these plants), so we continue to mention it seems a mere publicity stunt.
If indeed the province would build a plant on the model Vedelago, should immediately start with actions aimed at reducing waste, especially difficult to treat a necessary precondition for easy retrieval of materials to be sent to the system. These actions, however, would be immediately possible at no cost, and have been widely announced in the Waste Plan, and will never materialize. Another complementary aspect to the model Vedelago is the presence of composting facilities and treatment of organic compost to be allocated for agriculture and gardening. But none of this is on the agenda.
Daneco also manages the landfill Sant'Arcangelo, with disastrous results that everyone recognizes. Landfill needs to close and reclaim both the hydrogeological situation of the places in which it was made, it is dangerous for the continuing pollution it produces.
It can not be silent about this and encourage the populist revolt against waste "Neapolitan" to defend the territory of the agricultural economy Sannio, proclaiming false victories against spills, and the virtual that they will reach € 10 million for stabilization, while continuing to stress the need of the landfill to accept waste in the coming years, as stated in the provincial plan.
The environmental disaster of a landfill is perhaps the origin of the waste spread?
How to justify the repeated and costly clean-up, already previously proved useless in the absence of adequate monitoring and remediation? Although the landfill will receive only the waste of Sannio continue to be a bomb ecological disaster for the environment and the economy of our province.
The public, moreover, are still kept in the dark the quantity of the spill, the type and origin of the incoming waste.
access Countless acts have not had any effect, the mayor of St. Archie refuses even to receive the components of the local committee and the province, despite having held a ridiculous technical board, it behaves the same way.
How can you think and act like that and at the same time, present at conferences and debates as a political virtue, and even environmentally-conscious land of democracy?
We associations and committees want the closure of the landfill and not we are interested in the economic expectations of the Province for the safety, with more "piling" in order to prevent further landslides.
reiterate that if indeed Mrs. Poli Vedelago build the facility on the model, there would be no need of a dump, let alone so large.
In essence, the province of Benevento there is so very unlike the other provinces of Campania, and nothing serves the heartfelt populism with which they hypocritically try to defend the regional landfill from the inevitable spills.
The waste crisis occurs, As always, as democratic emergency.
Civic Committees of San Salvatore T. and S Guard. - Corer - Codisam
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