Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Burlap Herters



Third Edition - Year 2011

ALBUS editions announces the third edition of the literary narrate , that aims the publication of first place in the homonymous series: Narrating . The first edition was won by Half full of Raffaella Santulli, the second edition of the dark do not talk about the seasons Maria Luisa Amodio.

You can contribute by sending an unpublished novel and / or a collection of short stories on any subject of no more than 75 pages typed in 30 lines of 60 characters including spaces.

will be awarded the top 5:

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· The publisher reserves the right to offer publishing contracts to others, if the judges are looking at other works worthy of publication.

· The works must be sent in paper format (2) copies, along with a brief curriculum literary: ALBUS Edizion the "Literary Contest narrate " Via Donadio 7 80023 Caivano (Napoli), not later than the May 10, 2011 (as confirmed by the postmark). On the first page of the work to specify the title of the data and author's name, address, telephone number and e-mail. Entries will not be returned.

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· DEADLINE: May 10, 2011

Mario Salieri Treiler

National Assembly for the general strike and widespread

In the 3rd National Meeting, convened in Rome in the new Colosseum theater, we saw a clear leap in quality and participation, raising the need for a renewed and radical protagonist of the class, which emerged from more than 30 responses from male and female workers.

Assembly was attended by more than three hundred delegates and workers who have thus wanted to urge maximum unity and maximum punch in the fight against the model that Marchionne, after Mirafiori and Pomigliano, being extended over the same Fiat. That model, under the pretext of crisis and global competition, points to the dismantling of trade union rights and protections and wants to bring the plight of workers and employees of a back complaint secolo.La Marchionne's plan, as the only model of crisis management , saw the need to relaunch the platform of struggle on which demand a large and united mobilization against these anti-people policies:

- Crash of layoffs, closures of factories, outsourcing, cuts to education, research and social spending;
- Fight rising rhythms and productivity;
- Against speculation and financial, the main causes of closures and relocations;
- For the distribution of work there is, "work less work all" on equal pay and access to and continuity of income;
- For the stabilization of all the s precarious / e and the atypical deletion of the laws on job insecurity;
- To say No to the elimination of CCNL and restructuring of the rights of all the world of work;
- For a real and effective direct trade union representation of workers in all workplaces, all of all eligible voters;
- Against Bossi -Fini, for the extension of rights to migrant workers;
- Withdrawal of the "related work" and Reform Gelmini;
- Against the status of work, for the defense of the Workers' Statute

The Assembly, also calls on all trade unions, social, environmental and governmental opposing offensive manor to find a common path that builds a timely manner, beyond the ambiguity of the timidity and the constant postponements of the CGIL, a day of struggle and national mobilization and a large demonstration in Rome.

Therefore, we propose to all interested parties, a path from the bottom and part aimed at building a national assembly that will launch the mobilization.

Finally, we reiterate the need to build local coordination and / or strengthen and develop existing ones, to build a national coordination actually representative of all areas and can develop the class struggle throughout the country, contributing the construction of a true strike General and generalized unit and below.

Rome, February 26, 2011

Urethral Play Gallery

March 1: for the blinding vision of women with migrant women

For accessions:

On February 20, several women and Italian immigrants met in Bologna to discuss the win with a vision towards the strike and the demonstrations of the next March 1, but not all. Already last year, many women went on strike and took to the streets, accepting the challenge to show what happens if migrants and expatriates living in Italy decided to fold their arms for one day, and with them all the Italians and Italian tired of seeing their work and attacked their rights, tired of institutional racism. Already last year there were many women, but not many could, and certainly not as many would have liked to be there. Why go on strike, to determine its presence, to make their voices heard is for women, migrants and Italian, a double challenge. The absence of women is determined by the double duties for which they are forced: the domestic and care work (paid or unpaid) and exploitation in the workplace that affects mainly women migrants. This situation brought about by a patriarchal system (which has no culture or nation or religion, but that is universal) passes through the attack daily women workers of the home, wives, to working in isolation, and is divided into a number of ways. In Italy, the Bossi-Fini law is the instrument used to reaffirm, in ever new and violent, the language of patriarchy. A law that affects women twice migrants by residence contract for work that makes them open to blackmail workers (both in factories and homes), always in danger of becoming "illegal", of being cooped up in the Identification and Expulsion Centres (CIE ) and expelled. Again, the Bossi-Fini law reinforces the patriarchy that is the case because the women migrants who are in Italy for family reunion depend on the residence permit of the husband and they find it difficult or impossible - even in the absence of factual support - free from domestic violence or subordination, as also happens in many Italian women, often carrying their husbands. In addition, the Bossi-Fini law on a transnational scale reproduces the sexual division of reproductive labor. Domestic work and care is always intended for women who are immigrants or Italian, although some women managed to free at least in part, from this "home destination" by paying another woman. As long as women migrants will be recognized only as "roles" (wives, prostitutes can redeem themselves only as victims, caregivers and housekeepers on which administers the new private welfare, paid for by women) free to all women is under attack. For this you need to win today's speech and political visibility of women, particularly those of migrants. Because the migration of women challenge patriarchal social structures and in both countries of origin and in those of arrival. From this power over the real difficulties, we must move together step towards a political presence. A presence that makes us pick up and return the word! In Bologna, it was clear that we women, migrants and Italian, we are no longer willing to accept that our exploitation and our subordination is justified by states, cultures, traditions or religions. We are no longer willing to accept a neutral anti-racism or politically correct language of multiculturalism to justify aggression against women that occur within communities and families. Criticizing this reality does not mean making a racist crusade hitting indiscriminately all migrant communities but it does mean to criticize the patriarchal practices engaged in by both men, both Italian immigrants. It means a battle to reaffirm the freedom of women, migrants and Italian. Therefore we call upon our exploitation and our subordination (those imposed by the Bossi-Fini law and those described as "tradition") by its proper name: patriarchy. We propose women inside and outside the movement of migrants and anti-racist, all those who are falling into the streets to assert their freedom of women against a power that is exercised first and foremost on their bodies, to build its own next to the visibility of migrant women First of all squares of March 1. But we propose to initiate a process of meetings, locally and nationally, to assert beyond March 1 the voice and participation of women, migrant women. Because their absence from the streets is a deafening silence. Because the visibility that women will take up blinding.

Women Migrants Coordination of Bologna and Province.
Association Todo Cambia, Milano.
Association plot of land, Imola.
Network Interdependence: Association for Women in the Family Way, Forlì-Cesena; Association. The Fan, Bologna; ANNASSIM Association, Bologna; Association that the party continues, Casalecchio (Bo), Association of Women of the World, Forlì-Cesena, UDI Association, Modena; Difference Ass Maternity, Modena, Women in Black Ass, Ass Vagabond , Parma.

For accessions:

Guinness Dog Accessories

The people of Libya win

a community of "Tide Socialist, left of the current Venezuelan PSUV

The people of Libya win.

The Arab revolt came in Libya. And this has taken its most violent. Gaddafi's government has unleashed a slaughter that shows to the peoples of the world the horror they are capable of dictators, or not subject to imperialism. airstrikes of protesters in the second largest city in Libya and the fire crosses Tripoli, the capital, is evidence of this massacre. Someone in the world tries to cast doubt on the reality of this revolt. suggests the interest of NATO and imperialism, in their desire to maintain control over oil and gas from Libya and the entire Arab world. This argument is preposterous, even if that interest exists. If proof were needed, the only measure to cut external communications, fixed telephony and internet, is a measure of a state of war. But in this case is against a nation that has rebelled against a dictatorship. From
independence leader, the late sixties of last century, capitalist dictator Gaddafi has become a partner in the European Union which provides the oil end of the desert, which was accepted by the United States which in recent years has been in close relationships. The price for this metamorphosis has paid and is paying the Libyan people. The same people who question the reality of the facts also suggest, of course, not openly, that something similar happens with revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. But none of the "defenders of the Libyan people" against the aims of NATO has expressed support for the democratic changes demanded by the people. And do not openly condemn the massacres that are happening.
insurrection across the board.
What is happening in Libya was a popular uprising across the board. A revolt against the dictatorship that is proving to be bloody. The division into different tribes, some allies and others that are supposed enemy of Gaddafi, are part of a reality that is manipulated to construct the history of obscure interests that hide behind the revolt. However, what happens is part of the earthquake, the earthquake Democrat who runs the Arab world, throughout Africa, Asia and Europe. Those countries that persist in rebellion, in particular young people, are tired of repression, lack of gag and the future, took to the streets and not tornernno back. Especially since there is no return. On the streets of Tripoli and the Libyan cities are doomed, or wins the popular uprising and goes out of Gaddafi and his regime, or wins Gaddafi and cause a bloodbath far greater than that seen so far. Therefore, an important sector of the armed forces rebelled. So the masses are not afraid of repression. Because they know that if you go back will be worse. There is an ongoing insurgency across the line, but will close this chapter of the democratic revolution in Libya, will not be with an area of \u200b\u200bthe old regime that seeks to impose an orderly exit. Will not remain stone on the scheme or its decrepit dictator. Long live the democratic revolution
"Socialist Tide" is categorically declares solidarity with the Libyan people and the Arab people who struggle for freedom and democracy. Under the veil of lies and false statements concerned, there is the reality of a subject people for nearly half a century. The democratic changes requested by the Arab peoples are not only the right to vote. It 'also, and above all, the need for a dignified life. Working, living standards and future prospects denied by these dictators and their regimes. The people, the masses of that region of the world have found the path of struggle to get what they want. This specter is haunting all continents. And their struggles have opened the doors to international revolution against capitalism and its systems of oppression and misery. Just
massacres in Libya
Viva la revolution Arab

Elements For Rheem Water Heater 71-40d

Stop the repression of the dictator Gaddafi!

the side of the Libyan population in revolt,
the side of the Arab revolution
against any military intervention (the U.S., NATO, UN)

National Executive of Sinistra Critica

Libyan revolt goes and goes the bloody repression by the mercenaries and the forces loyal to Colonel Qaddafi. A brutal repression, which has not hesitated to use the airstrike on the people who were demonstrating in the streets. The news that there's talk of thousands dead - and it is shameful racism cynical of those who speak of possible "landing" of thousands of refugees and "illegal."
The revolt in Libya is primarily the result of anger against an authoritarian regime, which has expropriated over the years and any dynamic political subjectivity, to establish a personal dictatorship and family who played on the field of international political and geopolitical alliances in ways to ensure unbiased Gaddafi, to his family and their associates more economic and political power.
These are the reasons under which the Libyan leadership has found itself at times to play the part of the subject "imperialist" - clashing with the U.S. aggression and supporting also directly leftist guerrillas in Latin America, has called hundreds of times in the revolt against Zionism, but always leaving the Palestinians alone and driving them from Libya when no longer useful to the aims of the scheme, told the tale of the new system created by the revolution , but allying with many multinational companies in the West - playing the role of quiet "Swiss bank" a large part of international capital, as recalled by Gianni Agnelli, the Fiat, which had the Libyans as a partner, as they have Berlusconi, Mediobanca, Unicredit, Finmeccanica. A social and economic system that is based on intensive exploitation of a half million migrants without rights, up to in recent years massive application of neoliberal policies and get paid handsomely for the role of policeman of the Mediterranean by the European Union (Italy in the first row) that he wanted to concentration camps for migrants outside Europe.
the face of the leading pan-Africanist and anti-imperialist!

Today, the wind of the Arab riots, the resurgence of tribal conflicts and clashes inside the regime, the unbearable condition of a closed political and cultural - and certainly the work of underground services from various sources - have led to directed and deployed nearly a "civil war". But talk of civil war can not be an excuse for not taking sides and not take the side of those seeking freedom and social rights, against those who decide to use planes and weapons (possibly Italian and other countries "imperialists") to crush the revolt.

Faced with what is happening to the U.S., NATO and the EU are not mere spectators, with all their ambiguities and their desire to curb the Arab revolution and maybe use them to assert hegemony renewed presence and a new "democratic" in North Africa. Already
in Tunisia and Egypt have seen the differences between European governments (and the Israeli government) who tried to save the last of their men the government of those countries and the administration that Obama has sought to manage and / or arrange for a transition in their favor - to halt the process of permanent revolution that was taking place and to reaffirm their political and military presence, especially in Egypt, at the crossroads Strategy of the "Great Middle East" already dear to the various Bush ...
regard to Libya we arrived at the paradox - seeming - to hear ministers such as Frattini argued that they could not export to Libya, "European models" (but it was not for export European model of democracy that you went for the wars in Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc. ???); Secretaries of not less significant like Giovanardi (the family's complicity with the operation of detention centers for migrants) to disprove the existence of mass graves and blaming the press that "exaggerated" (after having massacred the eyes and ears with unconventional weapons to Saddam, never existed, or dozens of other massacres, more or less invented to organize wars and military interventions of various kinds), and chairman of the board for days refused to call his friend Gaddafi "in order not to disturb" (while using the Italian arms for his war against the population).
and other European governments have lined up for days to silence and complicity Italian, worried only their business, their place in the distribution of oil and the necessity of military control of migrants.
The enlargement and extension of the clashes in Libya have begun to talk of military intervention options "all on the ground", even "humanitarian war - more!
For the moment NATO - whose secretary, however, Rasmussen has made available to UN and EU military force allied with - but does not seem so eager to set up an intervention which is not familiar with the issues and without the security of a management that does not turn into a boomerang - as in Afghanistan things are not just fine, and already out of that quagmire without too much negative military and political consequences will not be easy.
This does not mean that the risk of military intervention is removed, especially as the U.S. - have decided that sanctions "unilateral" and have already sent military advisers on the spot and people alike - have long been the new military command in Africa (Africom) and seize the opportunity to tap the Libyan oil could be so strong as to lead to some form of intervention (perhaps by using again the mask of the UN - which we know exists as Father Christmas ...).

We must be then very clear about our position and our commitment in recent days.
not asking anything for an "international community" - and mystifying as harmless as they hide behind the governments and international alliances well defined - which in recent years has organized and justified wars and massacres in the name each time freedom, democracy, even
humanity ... by the European Union and the Italian Government - that we fund with our taxes and who speak in our name - we can only expect to immediately end all diplomatic and political relations with Gaddafi and other dictators, to remove any agreement Military and stop the arms trade to countries (and from each country, to put an end once and for all military spending), to do everything possible to welcome migrants and refugees arriving from Africa.
At the same time we say clearly that we are and will always be against any form of military intervention (UN, USA, NATO, European, African "...), in various forms over the years invented: NoFly Zone, troops" humanitarian "force Rapid Response - also embargoes against the people.

We say again: we are part of the Arab revolution, are on the side of women and men who have filled the streets of all the countries of North Africa and the Middle East in order finally to freedom, democracy and social justice. We are popular with the forces of those countries, with their social and political organizations, democratic and revolutionary.
Our allies can not then be the European governments or the opposition of their majesty as the Democratic Party in Italy in recent years that have fielded the same thought only military and economic policies and the same liberal and interventionist, not even the Arab military from the West who were armed and trained, not the new Arab bourgeoisie on the rise and are seeking to take advantage of them addressed to assert leadership. But they are not even any so-called leading "anti-imperialist" (like Gaddafi, as AhmadinNejad) that can govern only by crushing the freedom and the needs of their populations.

Our allies in Europe and around the world are the political and social forces that are fighting against privatization and globalization of capitalism and liberalism, against the expropriation of political participation, for social justice. With them we want to mobilize support for the revolutionary processes underway, with their strong demonstration of our NO to war and Western military intervention and our support for the democratic and revolutionary Arab networks.
Our allies are the social movements that in their meeting at the Dakar Forum launched on March 20 as "International Day in support of the Arab Revolt. On 20 March we will be there


National Executive Left Critique

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fruit Gets Rid Of Phlegm

Danila Satragno-"I want to sing

few days ago ... a few days ago ... three days ago, I attended the launch of a book, as often happens to me, to background music.

I emphasized the temporal aspect is difficult because I find the time to read a book (in this case more DVDs) of normal size in a few hours, it becomes imperative to give my opinion now. Probably the next lines will be evident why this unusual rapidity.

I'm talking about " Want To Sing," a book / manual that describes the " Vocal Care, method that reveals the secrets of the hand, providing educational elements potentially suitable for everyone, not just in art.

The writer is the Savona Danila Satragno , musician, singer, teacher and "Voca the Coach of the Star," as reported in the liner notes.

I had never seen, nor heard Daniel sing, and watching and listening, I gave immediate response to the usual question I ask myself every time I'm in front of whom, at some point in life, decides to told through the pages of a book. My mere curiosity.

I think that a book is often written as "sense of balance" in one phase of life; sometimes however is the need to leave "something inherited," or, for those already experienced a need for renewed vision. Objective things do not always have to say, because you can also play with the imagination. Perhaps a "crumbling" of these elements may also have touched Satragno Danila, but what I received in an hour of listening is something that I know closely and that every step I take everyday moves when I speak and write music.

I'm talking about sharing, that necessity is often the word that combines music, but in reality it is not make it automatic. The beauty of its results give no concern for everyone, and often enormous sacrifices necessary to achieve a goal become an excuse to keep everything for himself, the series "... that even others suffer as I have suffered, before reaching the goal .... "

my idyllic vision of some musical situations, and this is an example, I hope no steps to naivety, but on these occasions I like to think that the passion is the number one motivation. This is because "I has passed, " in a patch of time, the" Vocal Coach ".

But as Daniel told his life, which forms part of the book, I could not help but put my in the middle of the situation. Guess how many of the young people present to the library UBIK apparently alert, leave a bit in reality 'of space to your situation, perhaps envying Annalisa Scarrone (the father this sank the knife) or thinking to cling the school of Danila to invent a future filled with music and satisfactions.

But I have gone back 37 years, recalling a banal fact that I was traumatized for life musical life. The guitar was the first instrument to come into my house and I played with that group, as a teenager. One summer afternoon, Albisola, during the tests, the singer was absent and no voleve chanting " Impressions September . "You try Athos ..."

They are in tune but I have little voice and what little I piace.Però I launch.

After two minutes, no more, the drummer stops me mocked " Stop ... stop ... can not sing with a lisp limp!"

And from that day I have not sung. I, one that plays different instruments and he writes every day, unable to compose a song in full, blocked by shyness and a trial given many decades ago, came from a friend. Yet, in the following years I've to speak, without any problems, before hundreds of people!

is a human case "that could solve Daniel!

On second thoughts went immediately to Ian Anderson, leader of Jethro Tull . Ian is best known for the use of the flute while for others it is an excellent acoustic guitarist. But what made that group able to mark the significant moments of my life is her voice. Now this entry is no more, and I think the motivation is linked to a serious illness and a subsequent operation on his vocal chords. In fact, every year, we're, we rush to see his Italian concerts, suffering two times, once for the lack of quality time and the other for the physical strain that is manifested before our eyes, the neck stretching up to defy the laws of nature in an attempt to channel the release notes.

" Who knows, 'I thought," if Danila Satragno could help ... help us. "

I read the book and saw the DVD. I could not even wanting to test the principles set out , but at least I think I'll try.

Officially is suitable for everyone, experienced singers, aspiring vocalist, teachers, lawyers, actors ... all those people who are in daily need of his own voice and body to communicate. Even silence communicates and may be more deafening an old concert Who , but the way of behaving and relating is key, whatever you name it.

Each company spends time and money in training, and many of the concepts that I found in this book are the same that I have learned in years of "compulsory school".

The first part is autobiographical and, especially Savona can find elements of interest and full communion.

But much of the book is devoted to teaching. Our knowledge of the physical exercises, tests and responses to 360 degrees outlining the guidelines of proper nutrition suggested by Gigliola Braga, with the intervention Scientific foniatra Franco Fussi .

The DVD is in my view essential to make explicit that the parties, if only in writing, may leave some doubts.

I never thought that the voice is unique for every human being, like a fingerprint, such as the iris of our eye, and this would seem an obvious note, could lead to realize that our voice, being non-replicable, and defense should be treated with care. And for those with singing ambitions, at any age, Danila reminds us that only a tiny proportion of the population, 3%, it may be hopeless. For everyone else, including me, the future may change from gray to pink.

A comprehensive manual that makes you want to test their skills, and to test Satragno Danila and his fantastic (certainly in intent) method.

News for Daniel and his school can be found at:

my part, I reread the book and maybe attend some stage, because sooner or later, even I, I can sing a song, with no major worries.

an innocent, childlike hope ... that's what prompted me to "devour" Want To Sing. "

A little light at the end of a tunnel ...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Luidspreker Voor Mp3 Van Phillips

COMMENTS PTCP RAINBOW NETWORK - coordination of environmental groups

Rainbow Network - Benevento eco-solidarity

Coordination of environmental organizations and civic committees in the province of Benevento

the President of the Province of Benevento

Fortress of the Rectors - Piazza Castello 82100 Benevento

SUBJECT: Comments to the Territorial Plan Provincial Coordination Plan (TCP).
After participating, 19 November, at the Fortress of the Rectors, the public meeting to present the PTCP, where we summarize some requests submitted by the Network of Environmental Associations and the Civic Committee of the province (Rainbow Network - Benevento eco- inclusive), with this note we intend to formalize a few observations.
During the meeting of 19 November, we have expressed our clear disagreement with the prediction in terms of implementation of the planned logistics platform in Contrada Olivola as infrastructure that we formulate an economic system in decay. In addition, we asked attention than the prediction of small systems biomass and related sectors, which were arranged for in the provincial energy plan (facilities that we would like to avoid, or at least not limited to power over 1 MW), and expressed our concerns with respect to solar farms on land, plants should only be performed the existing building.
Also with regard to the regulation of wind farms, we ask that in every town, and then throughout the province, are not granted permits over a number of wind turbines per hectare of land, taking account of those already made. The energy demand in many areas, in fact, is already largely met by the many already made, which often remain inactive.
Another observation that submitting to the attention of the Province, concerning the new high-voltage line connecting with Puglia seems to be provided by Terna. Where it is not possible to eliminate this infrastructure, we identify the corridors of existing services where the airline will cross the territory by reducing the visual and environmental impacts. For example, could be used on railway lines Benevento - Foggia, which already has a considerable impact. In general, high-voltage power lines should still be a preference for burial, and all connecting infrastructure should use existing tracks, avoiding other disfigurements the landscape.
In our view, environmental protection, biodiversity, landscape and economy based on agriculture and tourism quality should be the main goal of any instrument of territorial planning, and therefore, where possible and necessary, ask you to integrate documents with tools to plan:
the active protection of river and lake ecosystems (water, woodland, farmland, etc..), which are not only indications of constraints (ecological corridors), and the definition management strategies with the involvement of environmental groups and the provision of an agency / office management / supervision of the areas of Natura 2000 (SCI and SPA);
the identification of valuable forests and reforest areas with native species, not just the mountain but for all the different environments / ecosystems (plains, hills, wetlands, ...), in order to increase the overall biodiversity of the province;
identifying ways of leachate, routes, in addition to ecological corridors to allow species to reach the ground, the various places of our province or region without obstacles such as roads or urban areas, nature trails
mapping- and ecological areas for the creation of geological and archaeological sites in areas of academic interest;
identification of areas where there are old landfills, make sure the levels pollution, have the change of use;
prediction of areas where they can create ecological islands, places of storage for the recovery of secondary materials from waste composting plants and small sized for no more than 15 000 inhabitants.
In general, we ask you to make even the most stringent guidelines of the plan in order to protect agricultural land and limit the consumption of land for new development and new areas of expansion, in the presence of rooms per residence already in excess of requirements, and thousands of production facilities have already been completed throughout the province, especially in the last 20 years, and largely abandoned. Another objective is to be
objective is the restoration and enhancement of existing buildings, focusing on building quality and improving efficiency.
In this regard, we deem it useful to point out that the Rainbow Network Benevento adheres to the national campaign "Stop the use of the land," a campaign of opinion, formed in December 2008, which currently has over 40,000 citizens is approximately 250 associations and local committees, and we recommend that you carefully consider the arguments and proposals of the association.
The campaign aims to stop the consumption of land, offering to restore the existing buildings and limiting employment with new development, if really necessary, only to already urbanized areas, without providing further expansion, and also promotes the care, maintenance and the safety of the land, buildings and historic and artistic heritage. These policies, which take over the commitments made by our country with the signing of European Landscape Convention, may also be a great virtuoso flying to the economy, opening up hundreds of sites that not only safeguard the natural heritage and the beauty of our country, but the very lives of citizens.
On the other hand, Article. 9 of the Italian Constitution states: The Republic (...) the protection of the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation. The founding fathers we have therefore given a clear task: to take precautions to defend and protect the common good, not reproducible and non-mercerized which is the territory.
more so, having had to watch again, even in recent days, more and more frequent images of terrible mudslides that erase human life and dragged downstream the sacrifices of so many workers, disasters are always a result of the casting of concrete seal the area and spoil the landscape, we can not fail to insist on the PCTP, pending approval by our province, recalls that the municipalities will have to prepare or adjust PP.UU.CC. to limit the consumption of soil, carefully considering the real needs of the population compared to the volumes already built, both for housing needs for the service industries and manufacturing, paying the utmost attention to the security of populations in relation to landslide risk.
conclude with a summary of the recommendations already brought to the attention of City of Benevento in the procedure for approval of the PUC

"We ask that you give priority to the protection of land and its wildlife, historical and archaeological and safeguarding the environment and quality of life as a tourist attraction, and that poses the greatest attention to the protection of the calling environment and rural land.
The recent development of tourism in the inland areas of Campania, in the coming years that will guarantee the economic livelihood of our communities, if we preserve the area's resources, derived from the need, more and more popular, to benefit not only of the many sites important artistic and archaeological sites but also common that, their quality of life, allowing visitors the opportunity to persist for longer times and for longer periods in the territories in the hinterland, not yet stifled by building and reckless . The tourist is maturing
the need to identify goals that are not consumed by one-off but giving the opportunity to interact in a more concrete, ongoing relationship with the land and their host.
For these reasons, we believe that it should be encouraged perceived quality of life, from the city and then by the visitor, especially preserving the rural vocation of our country.
You must also not be tempted to divide the territory into specialized areas: archaeological association, green, residential, commercial, administrative. A daily living requires that all functions are not centralized, but spread as far as possible.
To maintain and further promote tourist flows is therefore required to protect the agricultural landscape and natural everyday connotations that still characterize our region.
There are numerous examples, unfortunately, in our province, in urban areas who suffer from the lack of this agricultural landscape, creating a filter from a location other, is capable of regenerating the environmental quality of settlements. It 'important that tourists who travel in our area may experience the same ugliness that does not want to escape by turning to our territory, accompanied by those connecting roads to suburban commercial structures, clearing, to the eye, the agrarian landscape, tend to turn a small town with its own identity in a city (Or conurbation) without end and without borders to the village.
isolation, which in the last century has marked the inland areas of Campania, had constituted a barrier to development that now, in XXI century, in hindsight, is proving to be a competitive advantage in terms of identity resources and economic .
And the current system-wide crisis is leading to even more small towns and rural areas.
Over the past fifteen years, European industries have expelled 30% of the working class. The population growth of metropolitan areas has reached its climax and, in the last fifteen years, there is a reverse trend of the growth of small towns at the expense of large cities.
The world's population, already more than 6.5 billion, growing by 84 million individuals per year, within a few years, will come to the alarming figure of 8 billion. At that point, all will not be enough arable land on the planet to meet the food demand of the world population. And Italy has the duty to preserve a minimum of autonomy in this sense, preserving agricultural land from real estate speculation, especially the most fertile and rich. About 32 000 companies
Benevento, 14 500 farms are: when the economy of scale, typical of industrial production and retail, is in a recession, areas such as the Sannio, non-industrialized and low population density, are the most advantaged to hook that economy which, based on short chain, food safety, environmental and cultural tourism, is the only growing sector in the twenty-first century.
The world will emerge as players in the XXI century, the province and small cities: vaults of biodiversity and liveability, with their model of development, have preserved, despite the homogenizing metropolitan areas, identity and economy real.
We ask you not to pursue a strategy doomed to a maximum of overbuilding and infrastructure, which are the cause of the loss of environmental and rural vocation, to the detriment of the tourist industry and food industry (which is the only business activity that is undergoing the global economic crisis). This upset our rural identity and social, squandering a heritage that is, for the foreseeable future, a factor of growth and wealth that few other companies can boast.
We are witnessing a sea change that will in the world, the adoption of a new development model: administrators are now in a position to take responsibility for the future of their communities, "and this is particularly true for the establishment of supra-territorial planning instruments, which Provision of character that should enable it to address adequately and evenly, the future social and economic development of our province. Pierluigi

shared observations and signed by:

Benevento Rainbow Network - Association for a solidarity economy
Town of Euphemia - Node solidarity economy - San Lorenzo
WWF Association Sannio Benevento
CAI Italian Alpine Club. Chamber of Benevento
Civic Committee of San Salvatore Telesino
A Guard environment. Police Civic Committee of Slow Food Sanframondi
Southern Hemisphere Association for Fair Trade. Benevento
Center E 'finest set
Garden House Bethany. Garden Social Benevento Benevento
RNCD Clown Doctors
Lerka Minerka
La Cinta Onlus

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Knee Surgery Clean Scar Tissue

Show" Emanuele Luzzati "The Book of Lost Tales

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Causes Of Retroperitoneal Adenopathy

Left Critique: Gaddafi murderess, solidarity with the Libyan people. Also hunt for accomplices of the Colonel!

The revolt of the people of Libya confirms the wave of riots we saw in North Africa. A spontaneous mobilization, infamous and bloody tired of regimes, pressed by the economic crisis and the neoliberal policies imposed by the complicity Western governments. The Italian complicity, in particular, it is quite evident in the case of Libya, whose government has so far been backed by the governments of Rome and pampered, and center-of-center - especially for doing the "dirty work" of the control and suppression of African migrants - up to the climax of the Berlusconi government that has had personal relations with Gaddafi and reverential frankly shameful.
solidarity to the people of Libya, as in the past that the people of Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt and then to Yemen, Bahrain or Morocco by Sinistra Critica is clear. why we have already signed up and participated in various events convened by the Libyan community in Italy as in Milan and Rome, and continue to do so in the coming days.

The murderess Gaddafi - who with the bombing of civilians in the streets shows how far one can cling to power collapse in most blind violence to defend himself - he has to go and with him the whole clique of power around him from his family. To the murderers made in these hours the Libyan dictator should be tried and convicted. A new era has opened for Libya and north Africa, a phase based on popular participation and direct democracy is taking place as part of Tunisia with the formation of the Committees in Defense of the Revolution.

But with Gaddafi have to go even his accomplices, objectively complicit in these hours of the deaths and murders. Berlusconi has to go, its support for the Libyan colonel clearly qualifies the nature of his government. need a great popular festival that recalls the example offered by the people on the other side of the Mediterranean, the discarded policies of the crisis and cuts in social and strongly requests the resignation of Berlusconi and his government.

The assembly of social movements of the WSF in Dakar has meanwhile decided an international day of support for the Arab revolt against war and for Sunday, March 20. We offer to all parties concerned to build a national initiative to discuss an initiative to be open and inclusive.

Sinistra Critica - Organisation for anti-capitalist left

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Free Stream Behind The Green Door

From the blog of Beppe Grillo: San Salvatore

The bankruptcy of Commons

A mayor must not meet any of the chasms of the budget, makes them stop. A City in red equals fewer social services, schools, transport, etc. that fall on the portfolio of the public. A mayor who spends and is spreading like crazy in freedom that draws from our current account figures at will. It is not necessary to introduce new taxes to reduce the Italians in poverty, just remove the public services which will then pay out of their pockets. If the municipalities are bankrupt, people are in bankruptcy. No one ever does this association, but it is. We must cut the nails of our employees in the municipality. Prevent the continued misappropriation by us. The mayor, to avoid carrying the books in court, buy derivatives to collect an alleged future earnings immediately. Since 2008, this accounting trick added to craters chasms. The mayor in this case, blame the banks and waiting for the slow course of justice which obviously affect his successors. A little interested in him. Then there is the territory of asphalt, a source of income until the last lawn, with building permits and infrastructure costs. Many mayors are novel Tanzi, but with less experience.
If a bankrupt, at best, ends up under house arrest, the mayors take refuge in Parliament as did Scapagnini , former mayor of Catania, and Rutelli & Veltroni, former mayor of Rome. Both for Catania, about a billion of debt, which for Rome, 8 to 10 billion, the State has intervened with an act of indemnity paid by our taxes.
The mayors do not have to spend a euro more than the price they receive. In the case of an emergency situation should consult with taxpayers for permission to activate a extraordinary costs, as would an honest administrator of the condominium.
The top ten municipalities provincial capitals of Italy is the most indebted bipartisan. The color of the debt does not change second party. The first municipality with patched ass is Torino Chiampo with the champion, the second with Zubbani Carrara, who was the Olive Tree, the third is Milan Mortizia with cement, and CO2, followed Teramo, Still, Genova (Genoa maledetti. .. i must have only loans, no debt), Reggio Calabria, Biella, Benevento and Pistoia. The majority of debt is to the north, so the League wants to introduce new local taxes. Municipalities Po Lombard Celtic are at risk failure. The City most virtuous of the country, discrediting the usual platitudes, is Caltanisetta .

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Do You Write In A Hen's Card

Telesino - Transparency and participation: unfulfilled promises

A lthough the new municipal administration of San Salvatore Telesino, despite the proclamations and promises, the evidence shows that it can not be said to have made transparency, information and public participation, its distinctive mark.

Perhaps the only subject on which the councilmen, both majority and opposition, were prodigal of papers and press releases, is the situation of the municipal budget, but only to continue a polemic dressed up with personal bitterness, already begun in the election campaign and you want to keep alive without this resulting in no further interest from citizens. The "suffering" of the budget are now a fact ascertained, and no need to waste time and energy to establish who is responsible for this situation would be better to strive to find solutions. And better still would seek joint solutions with the public.

ask how many years, had to be activated by direct channels of communication and information (even zonal public meetings, technical meetings, thematic conferences, etc..) In order to activate a participation as possible aware, before to take certain decisions.

And instead, the new administration has seen fit to make his choices in different areas (economic and financial balance, organization and responsibilities of the municipal offices, the new City Urban Planning, expectations of the service of waste collection, etc..), and significant impacts and repercussions on the daily life of the community, present and future, in terms of both social and economic (tax, health, availability of services, public green spaces, etc..) relying only on herself, without a public discussion and without the opportunity to propose alternatives.

Evidently, even for the current administration, citizenship is not a subject with which to compare active continuously, which give an account and explain the reasons for choices and decisions. And that, in light of what happened in the past (for example, for each incinerator) and after the recent laws on the operation of public administration, it becomes increasingly unacceptable.

In perfect keeping with this situation in recent days seems to be repeating the same script as before: dealing with a problem that affects all of (the established inability to sell land to raise cash and repay a "hole" budget, with responsibility, it seems, not only political but also administrative), and they come to meetings or the majority, it gives some news (maybe) the directors of minority and look for another "solution" to be imposed on citizens, and as always learn about the status of the few things from the chatter of the street and the news from time to time published in local newspapers.

Given the difficult time we are going through and the specter of financial collapse that appears on the horizon, are necessary first of all information and clarity to citizenship to analyze critical issues and share possible solutions.

The "communication " Mayor of the City Council of 28 December, under Resolution No 60, recently published on the website of the town, is very serious! We therefore reason: that portion of the municipal area of \u200b\u200b6000 square meters in area "stinking water", the stream Grasonville, could not be sold as land for you to build two ugly buildings designed by the same municipality. In fact, even the province of Benevento, the current procedure for approval of the Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan, seeks to protect that area, together with the whole hill Pugliano, the Rock, Mountain Maple, Teles, etc.., Considering absolutely precious environment and landscape. But it was all ready for sale! Even had approved the Superintendent (!), And the auction was scheduled for December 16 last, without regard to the "intentions" of the Province, without listening to the citizens and, apparently, without even having the "cards right."

If someone, even if at the last second, had not leaked the truth (that land can not be built), today would have found the resolution of a crime by the administration city.

should now be clear to everyone that the facts relating to the administration of our municipality is required absolutely clear (try to defuse a game of words), and more! It should be competence, commitment, approach, passion, but also humility, ability to listen, ...

majority as the opposition, beyond even their "good" intentions, remain in substance to carry out their role with the old logic and relate to citizens as persons not worthy of discussion and attention if not for the need to retain their individual consent, and remember that, as a community stakeholder group, the end of the electoral mandate, when will be asked to vote again, perhaps with the same promises that have since become a dead letter.

It 's time that you need to take stock of what has happened and that definitely changed the way of administering the country. If this administration is capable of self-criticism and change, well, otherwise it is better you reset and start again all over again.

Citizens in Motion