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On February 20, several women and Italian immigrants met in Bologna to discuss the win with a vision towards the strike and the demonstrations of the next March 1, but not all. Already last year, many women went on strike and took to the streets, accepting the challenge to show what happens if migrants and expatriates living in Italy decided to fold their arms for one day, and with them all the Italians and Italian tired of seeing their work and attacked their rights, tired of institutional racism. Already last year there were many women, but not many could, and certainly not as many would have liked to be there. Why go on strike, to determine its presence, to make their voices heard is for women, migrants and Italian, a double challenge. The absence of women is determined by the double duties for which they are forced: the domestic and care work (paid or unpaid) and exploitation in the workplace that affects mainly women migrants. This situation brought about by a patriarchal system (which has no culture or nation or religion, but that is universal) passes through the attack daily women workers of the home, wives, to working in isolation, and is divided into a number of ways. In Italy, the Bossi-Fini law is the instrument used to reaffirm, in ever new and violent, the language of patriarchy. A law that affects women twice migrants by residence contract for work that makes them open to blackmail workers (both in factories and homes), always in danger of becoming "illegal", of being cooped up in the Identification and Expulsion Centres (CIE ) and expelled. Again, the Bossi-Fini law reinforces the patriarchy that is the case because the women migrants who are in Italy for family reunion depend on the residence permit of the husband and they find it difficult or impossible - even in the absence of factual support - free from domestic violence or subordination, as also happens in many Italian women, often carrying their husbands. In addition, the Bossi-Fini law on a transnational scale reproduces the sexual division of reproductive labor. Domestic work and care is always intended for women who are immigrants or Italian, although some women managed to free at least in part, from this "home destination" by paying another woman. As long as women migrants will be recognized only as "roles" (wives, prostitutes can redeem themselves only as victims, caregivers and housekeepers on which administers the new private welfare, paid for by women) free to all women is under attack. For this you need to win today's speech and political visibility of women, particularly those of migrants. Because the migration of women challenge patriarchal social structures and in both countries of origin and in those of arrival. From this power over the real difficulties, we must move together step towards a political presence. A presence that makes us pick up and return the word! In Bologna, it was clear that we women, migrants and Italian, we are no longer willing to accept that our exploitation and our subordination is justified by states, cultures, traditions or religions. We are no longer willing to accept a neutral anti-racism or politically correct language of multiculturalism to justify aggression against women that occur within communities and families. Criticizing this reality does not mean making a racist crusade hitting indiscriminately all migrant communities but it does mean to criticize the patriarchal practices engaged in by both men, both Italian immigrants. It means a battle to reaffirm the freedom of women, migrants and Italian. Therefore we call upon our exploitation and our subordination (those imposed by the Bossi-Fini law and those described as "tradition") by its proper name: patriarchy. We propose women inside and outside the movement of migrants and anti-racist, all those who are falling into the streets to assert their freedom of women against a power that is exercised first and foremost on their bodies, to build its own next to the visibility of migrant women First of all squares of March 1. But we propose to initiate a process of meetings, locally and nationally, to assert beyond March 1 the voice and participation of women, migrant women. Because their absence from the streets is a deafening silence. Because the visibility that women will take up blinding.
Women Migrants Coordination of Bologna and Province.
Association Todo Cambia, Milano.
Association plot of land, Imola.
Network Interdependence: Association for Women in the Family Way, Forlì-Cesena; Association. The Fan, Bologna; ANNASSIM Association, Bologna; Association that the party continues, Casalecchio (Bo), Association of Women of the World, Forlì-Cesena, UDI Association, Modena; Difference Ass Maternity, Modena, Women in Black Ass, Ass Vagabond , Parma.
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Women Migrants Coordination of Bologna and Province.
Association Todo Cambia, Milano.
Association plot of land, Imola.
Network Interdependence: Association for Women in the Family Way, Forlì-Cesena; Association. The Fan, Bologna; ANNASSIM Association, Bologna; Association that the party continues, Casalecchio (Bo), Association of Women of the World, Forlì-Cesena, UDI Association, Modena; Difference Ass Maternity, Modena, Women in Black Ass, Ass Vagabond , Parma.
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