Friday, February 25, 2011

Luidspreker Voor Mp3 Van Phillips

COMMENTS PTCP RAINBOW NETWORK - coordination of environmental groups

Rainbow Network - Benevento eco-solidarity

Coordination of environmental organizations and civic committees in the province of Benevento

the President of the Province of Benevento

Fortress of the Rectors - Piazza Castello 82100 Benevento

SUBJECT: Comments to the Territorial Plan Provincial Coordination Plan (TCP).
After participating, 19 November, at the Fortress of the Rectors, the public meeting to present the PTCP, where we summarize some requests submitted by the Network of Environmental Associations and the Civic Committee of the province (Rainbow Network - Benevento eco- inclusive), with this note we intend to formalize a few observations.
During the meeting of 19 November, we have expressed our clear disagreement with the prediction in terms of implementation of the planned logistics platform in Contrada Olivola as infrastructure that we formulate an economic system in decay. In addition, we asked attention than the prediction of small systems biomass and related sectors, which were arranged for in the provincial energy plan (facilities that we would like to avoid, or at least not limited to power over 1 MW), and expressed our concerns with respect to solar farms on land, plants should only be performed the existing building.
Also with regard to the regulation of wind farms, we ask that in every town, and then throughout the province, are not granted permits over a number of wind turbines per hectare of land, taking account of those already made. The energy demand in many areas, in fact, is already largely met by the many already made, which often remain inactive.
Another observation that submitting to the attention of the Province, concerning the new high-voltage line connecting with Puglia seems to be provided by Terna. Where it is not possible to eliminate this infrastructure, we identify the corridors of existing services where the airline will cross the territory by reducing the visual and environmental impacts. For example, could be used on railway lines Benevento - Foggia, which already has a considerable impact. In general, high-voltage power lines should still be a preference for burial, and all connecting infrastructure should use existing tracks, avoiding other disfigurements the landscape.
In our view, environmental protection, biodiversity, landscape and economy based on agriculture and tourism quality should be the main goal of any instrument of territorial planning, and therefore, where possible and necessary, ask you to integrate documents with tools to plan:
the active protection of river and lake ecosystems (water, woodland, farmland, etc..), which are not only indications of constraints (ecological corridors), and the definition management strategies with the involvement of environmental groups and the provision of an agency / office management / supervision of the areas of Natura 2000 (SCI and SPA);
the identification of valuable forests and reforest areas with native species, not just the mountain but for all the different environments / ecosystems (plains, hills, wetlands, ...), in order to increase the overall biodiversity of the province;
identifying ways of leachate, routes, in addition to ecological corridors to allow species to reach the ground, the various places of our province or region without obstacles such as roads or urban areas, nature trails
mapping- and ecological areas for the creation of geological and archaeological sites in areas of academic interest;
identification of areas where there are old landfills, make sure the levels pollution, have the change of use;
prediction of areas where they can create ecological islands, places of storage for the recovery of secondary materials from waste composting plants and small sized for no more than 15 000 inhabitants.
In general, we ask you to make even the most stringent guidelines of the plan in order to protect agricultural land and limit the consumption of land for new development and new areas of expansion, in the presence of rooms per residence already in excess of requirements, and thousands of production facilities have already been completed throughout the province, especially in the last 20 years, and largely abandoned. Another objective is to be
objective is the restoration and enhancement of existing buildings, focusing on building quality and improving efficiency.
In this regard, we deem it useful to point out that the Rainbow Network Benevento adheres to the national campaign "Stop the use of the land," a campaign of opinion, formed in December 2008, which currently has over 40,000 citizens is approximately 250 associations and local committees, and we recommend that you carefully consider the arguments and proposals of the association.
The campaign aims to stop the consumption of land, offering to restore the existing buildings and limiting employment with new development, if really necessary, only to already urbanized areas, without providing further expansion, and also promotes the care, maintenance and the safety of the land, buildings and historic and artistic heritage. These policies, which take over the commitments made by our country with the signing of European Landscape Convention, may also be a great virtuoso flying to the economy, opening up hundreds of sites that not only safeguard the natural heritage and the beauty of our country, but the very lives of citizens.
On the other hand, Article. 9 of the Italian Constitution states: The Republic (...) the protection of the landscape and the historical and artistic heritage of the nation. The founding fathers we have therefore given a clear task: to take precautions to defend and protect the common good, not reproducible and non-mercerized which is the territory.
more so, having had to watch again, even in recent days, more and more frequent images of terrible mudslides that erase human life and dragged downstream the sacrifices of so many workers, disasters are always a result of the casting of concrete seal the area and spoil the landscape, we can not fail to insist on the PCTP, pending approval by our province, recalls that the municipalities will have to prepare or adjust PP.UU.CC. to limit the consumption of soil, carefully considering the real needs of the population compared to the volumes already built, both for housing needs for the service industries and manufacturing, paying the utmost attention to the security of populations in relation to landslide risk.
conclude with a summary of the recommendations already brought to the attention of City of Benevento in the procedure for approval of the PUC

"We ask that you give priority to the protection of land and its wildlife, historical and archaeological and safeguarding the environment and quality of life as a tourist attraction, and that poses the greatest attention to the protection of the calling environment and rural land.
The recent development of tourism in the inland areas of Campania, in the coming years that will guarantee the economic livelihood of our communities, if we preserve the area's resources, derived from the need, more and more popular, to benefit not only of the many sites important artistic and archaeological sites but also common that, their quality of life, allowing visitors the opportunity to persist for longer times and for longer periods in the territories in the hinterland, not yet stifled by building and reckless . The tourist is maturing
the need to identify goals that are not consumed by one-off but giving the opportunity to interact in a more concrete, ongoing relationship with the land and their host.
For these reasons, we believe that it should be encouraged perceived quality of life, from the city and then by the visitor, especially preserving the rural vocation of our country.
You must also not be tempted to divide the territory into specialized areas: archaeological association, green, residential, commercial, administrative. A daily living requires that all functions are not centralized, but spread as far as possible.
To maintain and further promote tourist flows is therefore required to protect the agricultural landscape and natural everyday connotations that still characterize our region.
There are numerous examples, unfortunately, in our province, in urban areas who suffer from the lack of this agricultural landscape, creating a filter from a location other, is capable of regenerating the environmental quality of settlements. It 'important that tourists who travel in our area may experience the same ugliness that does not want to escape by turning to our territory, accompanied by those connecting roads to suburban commercial structures, clearing, to the eye, the agrarian landscape, tend to turn a small town with its own identity in a city (Or conurbation) without end and without borders to the village.
isolation, which in the last century has marked the inland areas of Campania, had constituted a barrier to development that now, in XXI century, in hindsight, is proving to be a competitive advantage in terms of identity resources and economic .
And the current system-wide crisis is leading to even more small towns and rural areas.
Over the past fifteen years, European industries have expelled 30% of the working class. The population growth of metropolitan areas has reached its climax and, in the last fifteen years, there is a reverse trend of the growth of small towns at the expense of large cities.
The world's population, already more than 6.5 billion, growing by 84 million individuals per year, within a few years, will come to the alarming figure of 8 billion. At that point, all will not be enough arable land on the planet to meet the food demand of the world population. And Italy has the duty to preserve a minimum of autonomy in this sense, preserving agricultural land from real estate speculation, especially the most fertile and rich. About 32 000 companies
Benevento, 14 500 farms are: when the economy of scale, typical of industrial production and retail, is in a recession, areas such as the Sannio, non-industrialized and low population density, are the most advantaged to hook that economy which, based on short chain, food safety, environmental and cultural tourism, is the only growing sector in the twenty-first century.
The world will emerge as players in the XXI century, the province and small cities: vaults of biodiversity and liveability, with their model of development, have preserved, despite the homogenizing metropolitan areas, identity and economy real.
We ask you not to pursue a strategy doomed to a maximum of overbuilding and infrastructure, which are the cause of the loss of environmental and rural vocation, to the detriment of the tourist industry and food industry (which is the only business activity that is undergoing the global economic crisis). This upset our rural identity and social, squandering a heritage that is, for the foreseeable future, a factor of growth and wealth that few other companies can boast.
We are witnessing a sea change that will in the world, the adoption of a new development model: administrators are now in a position to take responsibility for the future of their communities, "and this is particularly true for the establishment of supra-territorial planning instruments, which Provision of character that should enable it to address adequately and evenly, the future social and economic development of our province. Pierluigi

shared observations and signed by:

Benevento Rainbow Network - Association for a solidarity economy
Town of Euphemia - Node solidarity economy - San Lorenzo
WWF Association Sannio Benevento
CAI Italian Alpine Club. Chamber of Benevento
Civic Committee of San Salvatore Telesino
A Guard environment. Police Civic Committee of Slow Food Sanframondi
Southern Hemisphere Association for Fair Trade. Benevento
Center E 'finest set
Garden House Bethany. Garden Social Benevento Benevento
RNCD Clown Doctors
Lerka Minerka
La Cinta Onlus


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