Monday, February 28, 2011

Guinness Dog Accessories

The people of Libya win

a community of "Tide Socialist, left of the current Venezuelan PSUV

The people of Libya win.

The Arab revolt came in Libya. And this has taken its most violent. Gaddafi's government has unleashed a slaughter that shows to the peoples of the world the horror they are capable of dictators, or not subject to imperialism. airstrikes of protesters in the second largest city in Libya and the fire crosses Tripoli, the capital, is evidence of this massacre. Someone in the world tries to cast doubt on the reality of this revolt. suggests the interest of NATO and imperialism, in their desire to maintain control over oil and gas from Libya and the entire Arab world. This argument is preposterous, even if that interest exists. If proof were needed, the only measure to cut external communications, fixed telephony and internet, is a measure of a state of war. But in this case is against a nation that has rebelled against a dictatorship. From
independence leader, the late sixties of last century, capitalist dictator Gaddafi has become a partner in the European Union which provides the oil end of the desert, which was accepted by the United States which in recent years has been in close relationships. The price for this metamorphosis has paid and is paying the Libyan people. The same people who question the reality of the facts also suggest, of course, not openly, that something similar happens with revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt. But none of the "defenders of the Libyan people" against the aims of NATO has expressed support for the democratic changes demanded by the people. And do not openly condemn the massacres that are happening.
insurrection across the board.
What is happening in Libya was a popular uprising across the board. A revolt against the dictatorship that is proving to be bloody. The division into different tribes, some allies and others that are supposed enemy of Gaddafi, are part of a reality that is manipulated to construct the history of obscure interests that hide behind the revolt. However, what happens is part of the earthquake, the earthquake Democrat who runs the Arab world, throughout Africa, Asia and Europe. Those countries that persist in rebellion, in particular young people, are tired of repression, lack of gag and the future, took to the streets and not tornernno back. Especially since there is no return. On the streets of Tripoli and the Libyan cities are doomed, or wins the popular uprising and goes out of Gaddafi and his regime, or wins Gaddafi and cause a bloodbath far greater than that seen so far. Therefore, an important sector of the armed forces rebelled. So the masses are not afraid of repression. Because they know that if you go back will be worse. There is an ongoing insurgency across the line, but will close this chapter of the democratic revolution in Libya, will not be with an area of \u200b\u200bthe old regime that seeks to impose an orderly exit. Will not remain stone on the scheme or its decrepit dictator. Long live the democratic revolution
"Socialist Tide" is categorically declares solidarity with the Libyan people and the Arab people who struggle for freedom and democracy. Under the veil of lies and false statements concerned, there is the reality of a subject people for nearly half a century. The democratic changes requested by the Arab peoples are not only the right to vote. It 'also, and above all, the need for a dignified life. Working, living standards and future prospects denied by these dictators and their regimes. The people, the masses of that region of the world have found the path of struggle to get what they want. This specter is haunting all continents. And their struggles have opened the doors to international revolution against capitalism and its systems of oppression and misery. Just
massacres in Libya
Viva la revolution Arab


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