Monday, February 28, 2011

Elements For Rheem Water Heater 71-40d

Stop the repression of the dictator Gaddafi!

the side of the Libyan population in revolt,
the side of the Arab revolution
against any military intervention (the U.S., NATO, UN)

National Executive of Sinistra Critica

Libyan revolt goes and goes the bloody repression by the mercenaries and the forces loyal to Colonel Qaddafi. A brutal repression, which has not hesitated to use the airstrike on the people who were demonstrating in the streets. The news that there's talk of thousands dead - and it is shameful racism cynical of those who speak of possible "landing" of thousands of refugees and "illegal."
The revolt in Libya is primarily the result of anger against an authoritarian regime, which has expropriated over the years and any dynamic political subjectivity, to establish a personal dictatorship and family who played on the field of international political and geopolitical alliances in ways to ensure unbiased Gaddafi, to his family and their associates more economic and political power.
These are the reasons under which the Libyan leadership has found itself at times to play the part of the subject "imperialist" - clashing with the U.S. aggression and supporting also directly leftist guerrillas in Latin America, has called hundreds of times in the revolt against Zionism, but always leaving the Palestinians alone and driving them from Libya when no longer useful to the aims of the scheme, told the tale of the new system created by the revolution , but allying with many multinational companies in the West - playing the role of quiet "Swiss bank" a large part of international capital, as recalled by Gianni Agnelli, the Fiat, which had the Libyans as a partner, as they have Berlusconi, Mediobanca, Unicredit, Finmeccanica. A social and economic system that is based on intensive exploitation of a half million migrants without rights, up to in recent years massive application of neoliberal policies and get paid handsomely for the role of policeman of the Mediterranean by the European Union (Italy in the first row) that he wanted to concentration camps for migrants outside Europe.
the face of the leading pan-Africanist and anti-imperialist!

Today, the wind of the Arab riots, the resurgence of tribal conflicts and clashes inside the regime, the unbearable condition of a closed political and cultural - and certainly the work of underground services from various sources - have led to directed and deployed nearly a "civil war". But talk of civil war can not be an excuse for not taking sides and not take the side of those seeking freedom and social rights, against those who decide to use planes and weapons (possibly Italian and other countries "imperialists") to crush the revolt.

Faced with what is happening to the U.S., NATO and the EU are not mere spectators, with all their ambiguities and their desire to curb the Arab revolution and maybe use them to assert hegemony renewed presence and a new "democratic" in North Africa. Already
in Tunisia and Egypt have seen the differences between European governments (and the Israeli government) who tried to save the last of their men the government of those countries and the administration that Obama has sought to manage and / or arrange for a transition in their favor - to halt the process of permanent revolution that was taking place and to reaffirm their political and military presence, especially in Egypt, at the crossroads Strategy of the "Great Middle East" already dear to the various Bush ...
regard to Libya we arrived at the paradox - seeming - to hear ministers such as Frattini argued that they could not export to Libya, "European models" (but it was not for export European model of democracy that you went for the wars in Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, etc. ???); Secretaries of not less significant like Giovanardi (the family's complicity with the operation of detention centers for migrants) to disprove the existence of mass graves and blaming the press that "exaggerated" (after having massacred the eyes and ears with unconventional weapons to Saddam, never existed, or dozens of other massacres, more or less invented to organize wars and military interventions of various kinds), and chairman of the board for days refused to call his friend Gaddafi "in order not to disturb" (while using the Italian arms for his war against the population).
and other European governments have lined up for days to silence and complicity Italian, worried only their business, their place in the distribution of oil and the necessity of military control of migrants.
The enlargement and extension of the clashes in Libya have begun to talk of military intervention options "all on the ground", even "humanitarian war - more!
For the moment NATO - whose secretary, however, Rasmussen has made available to UN and EU military force allied with - but does not seem so eager to set up an intervention which is not familiar with the issues and without the security of a management that does not turn into a boomerang - as in Afghanistan things are not just fine, and already out of that quagmire without too much negative military and political consequences will not be easy.
This does not mean that the risk of military intervention is removed, especially as the U.S. - have decided that sanctions "unilateral" and have already sent military advisers on the spot and people alike - have long been the new military command in Africa (Africom) and seize the opportunity to tap the Libyan oil could be so strong as to lead to some form of intervention (perhaps by using again the mask of the UN - which we know exists as Father Christmas ...).

We must be then very clear about our position and our commitment in recent days.
not asking anything for an "international community" - and mystifying as harmless as they hide behind the governments and international alliances well defined - which in recent years has organized and justified wars and massacres in the name each time freedom, democracy, even
humanity ... by the European Union and the Italian Government - that we fund with our taxes and who speak in our name - we can only expect to immediately end all diplomatic and political relations with Gaddafi and other dictators, to remove any agreement Military and stop the arms trade to countries (and from each country, to put an end once and for all military spending), to do everything possible to welcome migrants and refugees arriving from Africa.
At the same time we say clearly that we are and will always be against any form of military intervention (UN, USA, NATO, European, African "...), in various forms over the years invented: NoFly Zone, troops" humanitarian "force Rapid Response - also embargoes against the people.

We say again: we are part of the Arab revolution, are on the side of women and men who have filled the streets of all the countries of North Africa and the Middle East in order finally to freedom, democracy and social justice. We are popular with the forces of those countries, with their social and political organizations, democratic and revolutionary.
Our allies can not then be the European governments or the opposition of their majesty as the Democratic Party in Italy in recent years that have fielded the same thought only military and economic policies and the same liberal and interventionist, not even the Arab military from the West who were armed and trained, not the new Arab bourgeoisie on the rise and are seeking to take advantage of them addressed to assert leadership. But they are not even any so-called leading "anti-imperialist" (like Gaddafi, as AhmadinNejad) that can govern only by crushing the freedom and the needs of their populations.

Our allies in Europe and around the world are the political and social forces that are fighting against privatization and globalization of capitalism and liberalism, against the expropriation of political participation, for social justice. With them we want to mobilize support for the revolutionary processes underway, with their strong demonstration of our NO to war and Western military intervention and our support for the democratic and revolutionary Arab networks.
Our allies are the social movements that in their meeting at the Dakar Forum launched on March 20 as "International Day in support of the Arab Revolt. On 20 March we will be there


National Executive Left Critique


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