Monday, February 28, 2011

Mario Salieri Treiler

National Assembly for the general strike and widespread

In the 3rd National Meeting, convened in Rome in the new Colosseum theater, we saw a clear leap in quality and participation, raising the need for a renewed and radical protagonist of the class, which emerged from more than 30 responses from male and female workers.

Assembly was attended by more than three hundred delegates and workers who have thus wanted to urge maximum unity and maximum punch in the fight against the model that Marchionne, after Mirafiori and Pomigliano, being extended over the same Fiat. That model, under the pretext of crisis and global competition, points to the dismantling of trade union rights and protections and wants to bring the plight of workers and employees of a back complaint secolo.La Marchionne's plan, as the only model of crisis management , saw the need to relaunch the platform of struggle on which demand a large and united mobilization against these anti-people policies:

- Crash of layoffs, closures of factories, outsourcing, cuts to education, research and social spending;
- Fight rising rhythms and productivity;
- Against speculation and financial, the main causes of closures and relocations;
- For the distribution of work there is, "work less work all" on equal pay and access to and continuity of income;
- For the stabilization of all the s precarious / e and the atypical deletion of the laws on job insecurity;
- To say No to the elimination of CCNL and restructuring of the rights of all the world of work;
- For a real and effective direct trade union representation of workers in all workplaces, all of all eligible voters;
- Against Bossi -Fini, for the extension of rights to migrant workers;
- Withdrawal of the "related work" and Reform Gelmini;
- Against the status of work, for the defense of the Workers' Statute

The Assembly, also calls on all trade unions, social, environmental and governmental opposing offensive manor to find a common path that builds a timely manner, beyond the ambiguity of the timidity and the constant postponements of the CGIL, a day of struggle and national mobilization and a large demonstration in Rome.

Therefore, we propose to all interested parties, a path from the bottom and part aimed at building a national assembly that will launch the mobilization.

Finally, we reiterate the need to build local coordination and / or strengthen and develop existing ones, to build a national coordination actually representative of all areas and can develop the class struggle throughout the country, contributing the construction of a true strike General and generalized unit and below.

Rome, February 26, 2011


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