Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Libya: Western peace activists against armed interference

growing worldwide mobilization against a military attack, and not only by the United States, Europe and NATO against Libya

Marinella Correggia
Nena News

The preparation of the appeal, the drastic stance (no intervention, of any kind) and even clear in its condemnation of the nature of the regimes that are under attack, has been entrusted to non-violence activist Kathy Kelly, who after many years of opposition to the embargo on Iraq in spring 2003 was in Baghdad during the invasion and occupation, with several members of the international peace activists' Iraq Peace Team. Then there was Bush, now Obama. But war is war. The Unac was thus placed at the center of the debate, and is preparing for April 9 in New York and 10 in San Francisco two large demonstrations against the wars the United States.
2. In France it was released a French-Arab appeal - "Do not Etrangère à l'intervention en Libye" - against the military intervention. The appeal (we are moving in two other similar France) supports "the struggle for the processes taking place in Arab countries" and denounces "the external forces that wish to interfere in order to sabotage the process. The people of Tunisia and Egypt with their revolutionary movements have failed to overthrow dictators linked and supported by imperialist powers. As with other peoples, now up to the Libyan people to decide their own future without interference, which would violate the UN Charter "(it is not at stake no aggression to other countries, the only possible locus a UN military intervention). The appeal also cites the case of war crimes in Gaza, dropped in a vacuum by the international community, and denounces the "one-sided media hype."
3. In Italy it is the network Disarmiamoli talking the same way: "The antiwar movement in recent days have mobilized alongside the North African community, took to the streets to support the healthy riots that are shaking the Maghreb and many other African countries . Our solidarity goes to the people in the fight against all regimes challenged by popular uprisings, without falling into the traps built on purpose to justify new imperialist invasion or interference, so as is happening in the Libyan case. We are for self-determination of the Libyan people and all peoples in conflict in North Africa, not to satisfy the infamous western pax.
4. These arguments in favor of the Arab riots and therefore against intervention of foreign states are found in the careful analysis of historical and contemporary Arab and Muslim world expert Mohamed Hassan, Ethiopia, former diplomat for his country, author of the book in 2003 "Iraq sous occupation", in an interview to the online media Investig'Action . According to Hassan, "to intervene in Libya would allow Washington to break the revolutionary movement throughout the area and prevent it from extending to the entire Arab world and Africa ": The U.S. and the West, caught out by the revolutions of Tunisia and especially Egypt, are trying to" recover "those popular movements, but beyond their hands (in Egypt itself, where the U.S. rely on the army to maintain a system acceptable, "there would be many young officers barracks that are organized in the revolutionary committees to work with the people).

The danger that U.S. intervention would like to see emerge is to prevent anti-imperialist governments in Tunisia and Egypt (at a time of crisis already even in the face of overwhelming advanced Chinese), in which case Qaddafi may renounce the agreements reached with the West, "would not be the first time you change horses." Hassan points out that the rejection of the mediation proposal put forward by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and other Latin American countries (and supported by various popular movements and Fidel Castro in his now famous article in the March 3 "The War of the unavoidable Born") is a sign that do not want a peaceful way out of the war in Libya. The Libyan people, says Hassan, "does not deserve a military aggression." It deserves better than this opposition movement that is falling Libya into chaos. " His impression is that the feelings of that portion of the population that is tired of the system (and all its many faults and corruption) are exploited by the opposition east of the country that wants the piece of cake, "Who are rest of the rebels? And if you really wanted to lead a democratic revolution, because they have the flag as the insignia of King Idriss, when the Pyrenean dominated the whole country? They asked for the opinion to the other Libyans? ". Hassan would request may be considered a democratic movement that "slaughters blacks" mercenaries considered Gaddafi, is seeking a civil war and calls for military intervention stranger.
5. Meanwhile, those who are asking questions trying to reconstruct the paths of misinformation that fed the call for intervention, not only from the eastern Libyan rioters. There is no evidence of any kind of "civilian massacres" and "bombing of cities." The figures in the early hours of the apocalyptic, 10 thousand dead and wounded 50 thousand advanced issuer Saudi Al Araby quoting a false representative of the International Criminal Court have proved to be plucked out of thin air. On 22 February the BBC and Al Jazeera also reported the bombing of Benghazi and Tripoli neighborhoods, but as reported by the Russian TV Rt , the satellites of the Russian army since the beginning of the crisis "did not experience any bombing" and the rest there are no photos or videos showing destruction.


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