Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do Herpes Blisters Appear Alone

Gaddafi, the spring of the peoples in the Middle East and Latin American point of view

Gennaro Carotenuto

L ' Latin America is far from the Middle East, and not Just try to understand what is happening in Libya and the Middle East reading the press in Latin America. Disorientation and in some cases there would still be very disappointed to find news about improbable events in favor of Gaddafi, on the order that prevails in Tripoli, or at most a rubber-stamping agency subcontractors through clenched teeth. If it is correct to report a possible foreign intervention, the dangers of fragmentation in the country, or even disinformation at work, the silence of multilateral organizations, from Unasur and Mercosur, it is now deafening. Not be better with government, with the exception of Peru and Uruguay. From Brazil to Argentina, from Cuba to Nicaragua and Venezuela, reports and historical alliances, geopolitical concerns, fears and understatements, mean that social movements in Latin America, Latin America and Third World altermondista of South-South relations, seems not to understand and turn its back to spring of the peoples of the Middle East and does not make a good impression (or its interest and his duty).

becomes unbridgeable distance in the interpretation of the events in Libya, the entire geopolitical and ideological. Libya would civil war and popular uprising, in a form of interpretation where the aspirations of the people, the motivations of young people in the square, the balance of power through repression, no place. In particular media such as Telesur, but it is much better with Jornada or page 12, or the cream progressive Latin American information, read the facts only in insufficient optical geoenergetica. Media that while the mainstream disinformation manure scattered in handfuls, have enlightened the world on the Zapatista uprising of 1994, or the fall of the neoliberal regime in Argentina in 2001 and the coup in Honduras in 2009, now take refuge in the comfort of an interpretation completely simplistic, "the Amerikan want the Libyan oil."

About a hundred years trying to create their own place in the world struggling against repeated attacks on U.S. (military, economic, media), from whom it must defend its wealth and in particular its oil and nail with his teeth, he who sees systematically finance subversive opposition from abroad, can not read (or not to read, even for reasons of propaganda ) Libyan events in a single lens: Gaddafi defends the attack on Libyan oil imperialist. Just a few phrases of battutaro Libyan anti-colonial, slaughterer of migrants in accordance with EU directives and the sacred companion bunga bunga Silvio Berlusconi, in his fervor to please many of those in Latin America have a history of struggle for the crystalline ' self-determination and against interference foreign. In particular the interpretation of the Venezuelan government becomes totally realpolitik in the concern of losing an important ally in the key arena of ' OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, which was moribund and supine to Western interests when Hugo Chávez went the government in Venezuela and that was important, especially on Venezuela to become a factor of multipolarity in the world today.

concerns of NATO's intervention is legitimate but perhaps exaggerated and mostly hide a massacre that is already in place. In this Fidel Castro's editorial widely republished and commented on in the world is impeccable care and also to condemn the repression. But the interpretation of Fidel is all for the thesis "civil war", discarding the possibility of a popular uprising in progress and the awakening of civil society Libyan simultaneously, in the wake of the Net, with that of other peoples of the region.

What we are seeing in Libya would be the beginning of a "color revolution" other-directed or the West is another popular uprising against autocrats friendly to the West? Between hope and concern Fidel choose the interpretative key of fear. Hugo Chávez is also right to criticize the double standards of the international community in condemning Gaddafi and remain silent on the U.S. chemical bombs on Fallujah , sull'assedio Israeli Gaza and the systematic massacres of civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan. Chavez is right and his chancellor Nicolás Maduro to point out the danger of Western intervention and the division of the country at this moment more than one of those who look with horror the events Libyans consider desirable. But Chavez also choose the key of "civil war", which unfortunately takes sides with Qaddafi, against popular opposition that considers hetero-and implicitly assimilates to the opposition, the so subversive, it faces at home.

It is also true that some press reports seem exaggerated schematic (African mercenaries paid € 12,000 to murder to 10,000 deaths, rapes, house by house, even the video on graves) inducing one more time for caution as always, on misinformation spread by the handful from the mainstream. But you can not act as if Gaddafi is massacring its own people and as if the previous bombing of popular events is not just that of the gorilla Argentine Peronist against the people in 1955 to force the first fondomonetarista and unpopular dictatorship.

Many of the concerns are legitimate but it is also true that Latin American leaders and information appear to underestimate the fundamental aspects of what is happening in Libya and, more generally in the Middle East. No, we are not living in the Middle East a new color revolution by Washington-directed and blessed by the International Monetary Fund. In the Middle East are at the beginning, just beginning, a "springtime of peoples" similar to Europe back in 1848 when he lived in a few months, and without any preset agenda, got rid of Restoration governments imposed on the defeat of Napoleon I. However complicated it may seem Latin American integrationist duty is to abide by its own genesis and support without the fear that Middle Eastern nations are getting rid of autocratic regimes often backed by the West for decades. E 'duty of Latin America once again reveal the lie of' exporting democracy "and put the fires of rebellion that were born in the South.

At this time the western governments, particularly the most discredited of all, the Italian one, bragging are the risks of creating governments based on Islamic fundamentalism to impose a new generation of autocrats who do that everything changes because nothing will change. But there are many streets in burkas or bearded Benghazi like yesterday in Cairo and another yesterday in Tunis . And if there are the objective must be to support those boys and those girls from the shaved face uncovered so that they are able to express an alternative leadership. If no one believes in the people of the Middle East Latin America must believe in the people of the Middle East. There is no other way to Latin America, who recognize in young Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyans, Saudis ojala tomorrow, the same aspirations and hopes that structured the same in the 90 Latin American social movements that have proved their government . Until yesterday, the South-South relations were business (important) governments. Now the challenge is to become popular these South-South relations.

To achieve this it is essential to recognize the Gaddafi political enemy and not just the (whatever) geopolitical ally. We can not condemn the crimes committed against migrants from the United States, European Union and governments like that of Felipe Calderón in Mexico if we do not recognize Muammar Gaddafi in the slaughter of migrants on behalf of Silvio Berlusconi and other European governments. Perhaps they are false graves shown by the media, but they are not false graves in Libya where in recent years have ended the hopes of thousands of African migrants. When in 2008 throughout Latin America, Fidel, Chavez, Lula, Evo, exploded against the shame of the European directives against migrants, Gaddafi was at the EU contract out some of these crimes and do business with Gaddafi that the dismal Cameron, the sad Sarkozy el'impresentabile Berlusconi. The Europeans were the instigators, but Gaddafi was the assassin of those migrants.

On the other hand it is undeniable that although Libya is not an ongoing "genocide," Gaddafi is repressing its own people with a ferocity intolerable unpresentable, unforgivable. Perhaps the dead are not 10,000 as the system tells uninformative mainstream, but are still hundreds. And it is hardly a disgrace amendments to T elesur Al Jazeera is a strategic partner when she tells the U.S. and Israeli crimes but should be obscured when told of the Libyan people who rebel. We would like to see on Telesur images of children in Benghazi in the streets that lead to pictures of Omar Mukhtar, the hero of the struggle against Italian colonialism. E 'with them which must be Latin America!


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