>>>> AutoForm WORKSHOP ON CRISIS <<<<
>>>> AutoForm WORKSHOP ON CRISIS <<<<
Attac and Left Criticism propose a self-training seminar on some specific aspects of the crisis. To encourage participation, discussion and learning, we decided to define the following organizational arrangements: It is expected the presence of a supervisor taking exposure front, but a facilitator who merely to introduce and follow the discussion. At the end of each meeting will be distributed in anticipation of reading material next meeting, which will be discussed in part as the specific theme. The workshop is entirely self-financing and will therefore require a token contribution of € 2 to meet the expenditure.
For organizational purposes is required to achieve accession to the contacts listed below.
WEDNESDAY 'March 9 20.45
>>> PUBLIC MEETING hours: "Crisis and Europe: PIGS * The Wolf!" * (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain)
Speaker: Giulio Palermo (teaches International Economics and International Economic Growth to 'University of Brescia).
WEDNESDAY 'March 23 20:45
>>> "European Economic and monetary policy"
Facilitator: Fabrizio Valli (Attac and Sinistra Critica)
WEDNESDAY' April 6 20.45
>>> "Work, welfare and redistributive policies"
Facilitator: Fabrizio Valli
WEDNESDAY 'April 20 20:45
>>> "economy in finance, mortgages and derivatives
Focus on the case of City of Verona
Facilitator: Aldo Balestreri (Attac)
WEDNESDAY 'May 4 20:45
>>> " Economic Crisis and Crisis label, such as idea development to end the crisis? "
Facilitator: Fabrizio Valli
WEDNESDAY 'May 18 20:45
>>> "Emancipation ill. The crisis and women's work"
Facilitator: Julie Lobb (Sinistra Critica)
Meetings will be held at
Ciclofficina THE WILD
bell street behind St. Thomas 4 / 9 riverside san michele, down the stairs
CONTACT U.S.: 347 2592560 Marco

attacvr free. it
Attac::: Left Critique
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