Berlusconi, Marchionne and Marcegaglia, with the full support of the "unions accomplices "CISL, UIL and UGL continue the policies of massacre to download the social costs of the crisis on workers and workers, making this an excuse and a pick to clear rights and social gains, imposing the" law of the fittest ", ie bosses in the workplace and in society. In
workers across Europe will require austerity policies in the name of a reorganization of debt for which they do not carry any responsibility and that is a direct consequence of the rescue of the banks operated by all governments after the explosion of so-called "financial bubble cial "which anticipated and prepared for the recession.
separate agreements Pomigliano and Mirafiori, impact of economic crisis and the dramatic reduction in the value of wages and pensions have been added to the effects of brutal cuts in transport, social services, school and sanità .Padroni, government, an "opposition" compliant and unions Corrupt and complicit in the desire to want to cage fighting labor movement making it increasingly difficult to exercise the right to strike and limiting to erase the same direct trade union representation of employees. The nth
separate agreements, the first in the public sector and then in business, lead to a situation even more difficult for working men and women and point the way to masters and Berlusconi's government-in this fully agree they want to pursue: fragmentation, reduce, cancel the collective strength of workers, strike together wages, employment, rights, made systematic uncertainty and uncertainty about their future.
Across Europe, workers and youth have declined with the fights and riots that want to impose social austerity, the wind that blows from the countries of the Arab world shows that peoples oppressed for decades with hard work and sacrifices they have taken the path of found dignity, redemption, emancipation and liberation of their own. The wind was up to us and is contaminated with social resistance and mass movements that express themselves in the streets and in the Italian and European cities.
The days of 14 December in Rome, whose players were high school students, academics, researchers and teachers, young and insecure young people in the suburbs of our cities, and the strike organized by trade unions Fiom and some basic Jan. 28 have which demonstrated the potential of social struggle and the will to rebel against exploitation, oppression and social exclusion of young people, students, workers, immigrants, public workers. On March 1, we have seen, after the experience last year and the struggles of Brescia, Milan, Rosarno, Bologna, Casal di Principe and Castelvolturno, to return to the field of migrants, their leading role boost their self-organization. On 26 March, then, will be the turn of the movement for Water Service and the common good, has come to the streets in Rome along with the protagonists of the many environmental and territorial disputes that cross this country and its local communities, from Terzigno the Val di Susa, to the citizens of L'Aquila earthquake
The day of general strike promoted dall'Usb 11 March and 15 April of that of the Cub are many opportunities to give continuity to those protests, calling back to the center of the clash of the dignity and desire for redemption of the public and private employees, played by trade unions under which they are made, painfully, against the concerted, always challenging the monopoly and bureaucratic representation, which now arrives and threatens to hit the Fiom Cgil the same with the path chosen by the government and unions accomplices separate agreements to reshape labor relations and contract models .. but this deadlines, and only isolated from one another, are not sufficient.
should collect calls from various parties of movement, and in particular by 'National Assembly delegates and employees who Autoconvocate / e which was held in Rome on February 26, similar to that promoted by the students in the University of La Rivolta Sapienza of Rome and other universities in this country to a path of unit mobilizations, inclusive of all parties as "United against the crisis and the movements in progress. National Assembly Unit in Rome would be able to convene a large mass national demonstration to be completed by April, which reunites all opposites together social, trade union and political Berlusconi Marchionne.Un big national demonstration to say loud and clear "this crisis we do not pay, the pay masters, via the government cracks and committees of business, they go and Berlusconi Marchionne and all their friends. "An event that will transform the center of the capital in our Tahrir Square. Place of expression and self-organization of a mass protest that can be addressed social.
"Crossing" also strike called by the CGIL, May 6, totally inadequate and functional
renegotiation of his role agreed with government and employers, will only be possible if this event becomes the outlet of a process of grassroots mobilization against the policies austerity measure that targets the government, with the owners and is able to put in motion all the protagonists of social conflict: young people are insecure, students, workers and public workers, migrants and women and feminist movements took to the streets on 13 February. What is needed is a prolonged general strike throughout the day in all categories and generalized, that is capable of involving layers of workers, temporary or otherwise, that "normally" fail to exercise their right to strike. A strike that could "hurt" to the bosses and the government by stopping the flow of goods, hampering the transport, logistics and distribution, blocking roads, ports, airports, railways and traffic junctions.
In a word, we must act against the crisis in a unified, unifying struggles, movements, disputes the income and wages, against insecurity and layoffs, to redistribute the work among all and all, to defend rights and win new ones, proving capable , from bottom to defeat Berlusconi together, Marchionne, Brunetta and Marcegaglia.
rebel is not only right and necessary. It can also be a winner.
Sinistra Critica - Organisation for anti-capitalist left
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