Thursday, March 17 18 hours NATIONAL HOLIDAY:
A hundred and fifty years from the unification of Italy
Within the series of monthly meetings of poetry
"Poets of when we went to school" by prof. SERGIO JOSEPH BENZO Giuliani and actor.

We have placed among the "minor" and we hastily confused "patriotic" with "patriotic". We run the risk of throwing away baby and bathwater. But the aspirations to freedom, the civilization of the renaissance poets, often in an Italy under masters, have been highly important in the spirit of the people involved.
Ben is the memory of the Risorgimento; well come back with a thoughtful reading of the young Leopardi, Manzoni and the choirs of Odes civilians, Berchet, the Righteous "Sant'Ambrogio" and why not? Diaries partisans of Tenders and ABB.
Maybe we will do a little 'Tenderness and resent them with a sufficient degree. But we need, now, their civil convictions.
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