E 'again to reality, with all its drama, to explain what it actually means what the nuclear option. While the Forum Nuclear spent € 2 million to present a misleading campaign on nuclear power as a discussion between a living room and another chess move, while the prof. Veronesi stated that he stayed without any problems with the radioactive waste under the bed (currently not received the opinion of the owners), while Kikko head is waving the other in a debate between explain the magnificent and progressive nuclear (and his bank account since he left the ecology), the reality, once again, and with all its drama, is at pains to explain what does this mean the nuclear option. The earthquake that has upset Japan has caused an explosion inside a nuclear reactor in Fukushima, causing a radioactive cloud, the evacuation of 140,000 people and the immediate admission of over one hundred people in the meantime, even the cooling system two other reactors of the same nuclear complex demonstrated abnormalities not yet settled and herald more dramatic concerns. Faced with such a scientific demonstration of the fact that nuclear power plants are inherently insecure, so any civil forum should do the only sensible choice as possible - the 'abandonment of a road efficiency obsolete, insecure, dangerous-diseconomies and shares the ideological campaign of nuclearists based on the now obsolete statements "could never happen to us" / "new plants would not lead to these problems" / "and in Japan, however, is not nothing serious happened" etc.. etc.
not happen of course a reversal of the government and the powers that be.
But that can happen is that the popular rebellion to those who do not hesitate to allocate 40 billion euro for technology that transmit energy, security and democracy in the hands of the usual suspects. The water
people convened for 26 March in Rome for a national demonstration ripubblicizzazione water and the protection of common assets, rights and democracy.
will be the manifestation of those who struggle for life and against its delivery to the profits of the financial markets.
must be the place in which even the anti-nuclear opposition demonstrates the widespread presence and its ability to mesh, its own radical alternative to an energy model "clean, territorial and democratic, their irrepressible desire for the future of the planet, generations present and future.
All together, happy and determined not to become active radioactive and ready to overwhelm with three avalanches YES to the referendum next spring the strong powers of water privatization and the return to nuclear power.
All and all the streets because of the stock market and life, we have chosen life and hope for the future.
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