Giorgio Cremaschi
The secretary general of the CGIL,
Susanna Camusso, announced that the general strike is called for May 6. It 's the worst of the best decisions. The general strike has been called for months and finally it's done. But the date is too far compared to the urgent needs and problems and, above all, are not yet clear the size and contents of the strike. would be wrong to strike a 4-hour directed only against the government. It should be an 8-hour general strike involving all the world of work, including the precarious, and even that is directed specifically against the Confindustria and the system of companies, led by Fiat, is destroying the rights and contractual system. The facts speak for themselves.
The president of Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia, reopened the clash on 18 of the Workers 'Statute, claiming for the companies' flexibility in output, since the input is too much.
There is method in all this madness. The claim of freedom of dismissal puts the final seal to attack the contract rights, the Workers' Statute, the Constitution itself, which has accelerated with the attack on the rights of workers Marchionne Fiat. On the other
part is obvious that if one wants to pay all costs of the crisis on the workers and if the crisis continues, beyond the chatter, the attack on labor rights, wages, freedom, along with a new offensive on privatization and against the welfare state, are the only way to make money.
The point is that this reactionary line of Italian employers today is the concrete in a block trade union and political power that rules the country. It is often said that there is no negotiation is not true, simply blocking concerted and formed by the government today, a series of strong powers, from Confindustria, the CISL and UIL. It is excluded from the opposition policy, if they have not yet realized, and the CGIL, which still hopes that it is not. Yet the last trade agreement in which the companies have deliberately included standards such as the implementation of related work, as if made to prevent in any case even the most moderate of the CGIL, the signature, this separate agreement would have to demonstrate that the blockade political and economic union that governs today Italy is willing to continue in the margins of the CGIL and everything that somehow is not covered in his drawings.
It seems at this point that the secretary of the CGIL has finally overcome the reluctance and hesitation and is about to announce the fateful date the general strike. If so, it will be a good thing, taking note of reality.
The largest Italian trade union, proclaiming a general strike, however, were faced with two choices. The first is that it is clear that this strike can not be directed only against Berlusconi, but also against the Confindustria and inevitably against the power bloc of which are part of CISL and UIL. It will therefore be a strike that will build an array alternative to what is now builds the separate agreements, the related work, the contractual waiver, the denial of trade union freedoms and individual rights of workers and workers. It will be a strike, but union political in the sense that it is also the political power bloc against which falls in battle. But one must also be able to strike show the strength of all that the world of work , all that country, which now opposes the authoritarian designs of Berlusconi, Marchionne and their power bloc. must be done to stop a strike the country, and equally clear counterparts in the intentions of doing so. Therefore not a strike of four hours or the like, for some event, but a full strike, the whole working day, of all classes, we really try to feel the weight of work there is in Italian political life.
If this will be the choice for a general strike will inevitably meet with all the movements of struggle, which in recent months have responded to the attack rights. From students, social movements, civil and democratic. He will speak necessarily exceptional mobilization of women against the attack on the dignity of the person. Must be strong and open a general strike, will offer a civilian alternative to block social and political and economic bloc that governs the current disaster in Italy.
must insist on this now, even in the face of uncertainty, ambiguity and minimizing with which you want already declassified any decision by the CGIL. we mean a general strike that weights in the social and political life of Italy.
March 3, 2011
The secretary general of the CGIL,

The president of Confindustria, Emma Marcegaglia, reopened the clash on 18 of the Workers 'Statute, claiming for the companies' flexibility in output, since the input is too much.
There is method in all this madness. The claim of freedom of dismissal puts the final seal to attack the contract rights, the Workers' Statute, the Constitution itself, which has accelerated with the attack on the rights of workers Marchionne Fiat. On the other
part is obvious that if one wants to pay all costs of the crisis on the workers and if the crisis continues, beyond the chatter, the attack on labor rights, wages, freedom, along with a new offensive on privatization and against the welfare state, are the only way to make money.
The point is that this reactionary line of Italian employers today is the concrete in a block trade union and political power that rules the country. It is often said that there is no negotiation is not true, simply blocking concerted and formed by the government today, a series of strong powers, from Confindustria, the CISL and UIL. It is excluded from the opposition policy, if they have not yet realized, and the CGIL, which still hopes that it is not. Yet the last trade agreement in which the companies have deliberately included standards such as the implementation of related work, as if made to prevent in any case even the most moderate of the CGIL, the signature, this separate agreement would have to demonstrate that the blockade political and economic union that governs today Italy is willing to continue in the margins of the CGIL and everything that somehow is not covered in his drawings.
It seems at this point that the secretary of the CGIL has finally overcome the reluctance and hesitation and is about to announce the fateful date the general strike. If so, it will be a good thing, taking note of reality.
The largest Italian trade union, proclaiming a general strike, however, were faced with two choices. The first is that it is clear that this strike can not be directed only against Berlusconi, but also against the Confindustria and inevitably against the power bloc of which are part of CISL and UIL. It will therefore be a strike that will build an array alternative to what is now builds the separate agreements, the related work, the contractual waiver, the denial of trade union freedoms and individual rights of workers and workers. It will be a strike, but union political in the sense that it is also the political power bloc against which falls in battle. But one must also be able to strike show the strength of all that the world of work , all that country, which now opposes the authoritarian designs of Berlusconi, Marchionne and their power bloc. must be done to stop a strike the country, and equally clear counterparts in the intentions of doing so. Therefore not a strike of four hours or the like, for some event, but a full strike, the whole working day, of all classes, we really try to feel the weight of work there is in Italian political life.
If this will be the choice for a general strike will inevitably meet with all the movements of struggle, which in recent months have responded to the attack rights. From students, social movements, civil and democratic. He will speak necessarily exceptional mobilization of women against the attack on the dignity of the person. Must be strong and open a general strike, will offer a civilian alternative to block social and political and economic bloc that governs the current disaster in Italy.
must insist on this now, even in the face of uncertainty, ambiguity and minimizing with which you want already declassified any decision by the CGIL. we mean a general strike that weights in the social and political life of Italy.
March 3, 2011
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