Monday, March 14, 2011

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Palestine March 15 end of the division

Ramallah, 14 March 201, Nena News
In an appeal joint, several youth organizations, have called for a popular demonstration to demand the end of the division of the Palestinian people and proclaimed March 15 "day of reconciliation." On Tuesday, the largest city in the West Bank and Gaza Strip will mobilize to take their respective representatives (al-Fatah and Hamas) renewed unity based on the principles and values \u200b\u200bshared by all. The same organizations, who claim their independence from any political party, have placed as a basic principle of the illegality of political detention and demand in the first place, "the release of all political prisoners held by the government of Gaza and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank. "
The end of the division, said in a statement, it can crystallize only through "the complete restructuring of the Palestinian National Council , and the creation of a new electoral model for the establishment of a democratic government that fairly represents all Palestinians in the world (West Bank, Gaza Strip, the territory of '48, and Palestinian refugee camps in the Diaspora). The same document with valuable insight, not only covers the risk that both governments can exploit the "day of reconciliation" in his favor, but the intentions explicitly denounces "the Fayyad government in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza are trying to co-opt the movement to serve their own interests and self-identification. March 15 is that of a people's movement for the people where every political or institutional support should be excluded. "
by the call shows clearly how young Palestinians are aware that the divisions within society are more than a simple friction and that there are acts of political and economic interests to maintain this condition. In addition, the same interests that do somehow part of a broader framework within which both Israel and U.S. stand out, is a sensation that seems to permeate the population although declare are only a few but that was the ultimate test as revelations emerged from the files of Wikileaks about the negotiations for East Jerusalem and the right of return.
The meeting of 15 March, although it seems to be felt by all of the claims related to the Palestinian question, you probably would not have acquired the form (or at least not this quickly) without the pressure of new events that are involving the Near and Middle East from Lebanon to Tunisia, Jordan to Bahrain. If up until now no one can say that the demonstrations in support of the revolution and the people who are fighting for freedom has been impressive, this does not mean that the Palestinians are inattentive to what the happening around them. They, on the contrary, they follow very closely the flow of events but can not prove that prudent, nailed to the two close to the Israeli occupation and internal political conflicts. Moreover, with the exception of the "numbers", expressions of support from civil society have been point and visible, and seem to raise the intensity at every opportunity. The "day of reconciliation" may be interpreted as the "Palestinian declination" of the "pan-Arab popular discontent" that is svalicando national borders (where the borders of we can talk) combining with particular enthusiasm the younger generation.
As a prelude to the event has been running for a few days on a hunger strike by some boys and girls who recently did a sit-in protest in al-Manara, Ramallah's central square.

In this regard, it is worth remembering that the appeal of the March 15 targets with particular emphasis on young people is the voice that they must start the drive towards the unity of a whole people, taken together the first and fundamental weapon to fight the Israeli occupation. Nena News


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