Marco Bersani
Attac Italy
The more we approach the spring
ripubblicizzazione referendum for water, the more the powers that come in a panic. "Who's Afraid of the movements for water?" Begs the question. "Many and different from each other" is the inevitable response.
It is afraid that the Government , by Art. 23a, attempted the final delivery of water service management in the hands of multinationals and finance capital, gaining a widespread rebellion that produced the grid and record of 1.4 million signatures for the referendum questions. Ready to invoke the will of the people whenever the prime minister is in trouble, the government finally sinks into the nightmare idea that people can really decide on a specific subject and beyond any party affiliation here because he prefers to load on spending publish another 400 million euro - in times of crisis! - rather than bundling elections administrative and referendum vote, as common sense and public ethics impose.
It scared the PDL, which has just called -8 March in Rome, their local administrators for a day of study sponsored by Veolia, which is the largest multinational water, already famous for the "efficient management" 'Water for Aprilia, in Calabria, in Piedmont, Liguria and Emilia. It
afraid the Northern League, which must explain to its auditors and its voters-many-signatories of the referendum questions like federalism be reconciled with the expropriation of any possibility of a decision by local authorities on the management of a well as essential water. But even opposition phobias abound. From the Democratic Party's national secretariat , unable now to take a stand in favor of the SI, because such a base, which in many areas-more than welcome-is committed to collect signatures at banquets, continues to favor the powerful premises for over two decades have built alliances of power based on the Spa in mixed public-private partnerships.
And what of the summit of Italy of Values \u200b\u200b that, after collecting signatures on a question just soundly rejected by the Constitutional Court, never misses a chance to even apply for accreditation as a promoter of the referendum on the water, putting them all in the service of a campaign focused solely sull'antiberlusconismo politicized?
is great disorder under heaven, it was once. But we who have directed our gaze to the future prefer to look at all those women and men, whatever their starting point, they decided to walk together to release the water and democracy, creating an impressive path of social participation from the bottom and managed to impose water management on the political agenda of this country.
They fear the vote on the water, because calls into question all the liberal policies of recent decades and force to discuss another economic and social model, based on social re-appropriation of common goods and participatory management of local communities. but also fear the recognition of a new social subjectivity that exceeded the binomial "expression of a need / delegation at the Palace" to be building a path of collective participation from below, in saying "the water out of the market, profits out of the water, "says the need for a new paradigm: what belongs to everyone, everything and everyone must decide.
are women and men that March 26 will fill with joy and determination on the streets and squares of Rome in a major event national. It is women and men who exhibit the following day from windows and balconies thousands of flags to replace the water from below from the information that continues to guiltily hiding. Who wants to understand how it is changing the world, has only to follow them. For once listened to with respect.
Attac Italy
The more we approach the spring

It is afraid that the Government , by Art. 23a, attempted the final delivery of water service management in the hands of multinationals and finance capital, gaining a widespread rebellion that produced the grid and record of 1.4 million signatures for the referendum questions. Ready to invoke the will of the people whenever the prime minister is in trouble, the government finally sinks into the nightmare idea that people can really decide on a specific subject and beyond any party affiliation here because he prefers to load on spending publish another 400 million euro - in times of crisis! - rather than bundling elections administrative and referendum vote, as common sense and public ethics impose.
It scared the PDL, which has just called -8 March in Rome, their local administrators for a day of study sponsored by Veolia, which is the largest multinational water, already famous for the "efficient management" 'Water for Aprilia, in Calabria, in Piedmont, Liguria and Emilia. It
afraid the Northern League, which must explain to its auditors and its voters-many-signatories of the referendum questions like federalism be reconciled with the expropriation of any possibility of a decision by local authorities on the management of a well as essential water. But even opposition phobias abound. From the Democratic Party's national secretariat , unable now to take a stand in favor of the SI, because such a base, which in many areas-more than welcome-is committed to collect signatures at banquets, continues to favor the powerful premises for over two decades have built alliances of power based on the Spa in mixed public-private partnerships.
And what of the summit of Italy of Values \u200b\u200b that, after collecting signatures on a question just soundly rejected by the Constitutional Court, never misses a chance to even apply for accreditation as a promoter of the referendum on the water, putting them all in the service of a campaign focused solely sull'antiberlusconismo politicized?
is great disorder under heaven, it was once. But we who have directed our gaze to the future prefer to look at all those women and men, whatever their starting point, they decided to walk together to release the water and democracy, creating an impressive path of social participation from the bottom and managed to impose water management on the political agenda of this country.
They fear the vote on the water, because calls into question all the liberal policies of recent decades and force to discuss another economic and social model, based on social re-appropriation of common goods and participatory management of local communities. but also fear the recognition of a new social subjectivity that exceeded the binomial "expression of a need / delegation at the Palace" to be building a path of collective participation from below, in saying "the water out of the market, profits out of the water, "says the need for a new paradigm: what belongs to everyone, everything and everyone must decide.
are women and men that March 26 will fill with joy and determination on the streets and squares of Rome in a major event national. It is women and men who exhibit the following day from windows and balconies thousands of flags to replace the water from below from the information that continues to guiltily hiding. Who wants to understand how it is changing the world, has only to follow them. For once listened to with respect.
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