NATIONAL EXHIBITION ROME Saturday, March 26, 2011 Piazza Della Repubblica 14.00
YES 'to stop nuclear power, in defense of common goods,
rights, democracy
rights, democracy
Over one million four hundred thousand
women and men have signed the referendum to remove the management of water from market and profit from the water. They did this through an extraordinary experience of participation from below, without sponsorship policies and major donors, in almost total silence by the media.
Thanks to these women and men, in the spring of the Italian people would vote on a great battle for civilization: whether the water should be a common good, a universal human right and is handled in a public and participatory or a commodity to be made available to the market and major financial capitals, including foreigners. We who are engaged in mobilizing the people of the water, in the battles for social re-appropriation of common goods and the rights we think that the referendum to be substantial expression of democracy through which citizens exercise the sovereignty of the people on choices basic policy regarding the collective existence. To allow maximum participation, we ask that the referendum vote is merged in the next elections and before the celebration of the referendum impose a moratorium on the privatization process.
We also believe that nuclear energy is a wrong choice because it is a source of risky, expensive, unsafe and in fact an alternative to saving energy and using renewable sources. We are convinced that a victory for YES to the referendum next spring could be a first and fundamental step not only for the common good return water to the participatory management of local communities, but to reverse course and defeat the liberal policies and privatization of property common over the last thirty years have produced only the impoverishment of a large part of the territory and population and enriched few financial groups with a drastic reduction of the rights gained by determining the dramatic economic crisis, social, ecological and democracy in which we are still immersed.
Change we can and we can do it all together. Therefore we call upon all women and men of this country to a great national event of the people and movements of water for the common good to be held in Rome Saturday, March 26, 2011. An open event, happy and plural. To launch the victory of YES to the referendum for the common good water. And to say that another Italy is possible. Here and now.
Because only the participation is free. Why do you spell water and law democracy.
Promote: Italian Forum of Water Movements referendum committees "2 YES 'for the Common Good Water" IMPORTANT! The referendum committees Veronese "2 Yes 'for the Common Good Water" sought and endorsed the appeal filed by the Italian Forum of Water Movements and the National referendum committees "2 YES' for the Common Good Water" and will attend the national demonstration on 26 March in Rome.
are invited to join all the local people and fighting against the return to nuclear power and defending our territory, the rights of individuals and common goods.
We invite all who wish to participate to call as soon as possible by giving its name to: ERNESTO Bonometti TEL. 348.8219343

Thanks to these women and men, in the spring of the Italian people would vote on a great battle for civilization: whether the water should be a common good, a universal human right and is handled in a public and participatory or a commodity to be made available to the market and major financial capitals, including foreigners. We who are engaged in mobilizing the people of the water, in the battles for social re-appropriation of common goods and the rights we think that the referendum to be substantial expression of democracy through which citizens exercise the sovereignty of the people on choices basic policy regarding the collective existence. To allow maximum participation, we ask that the referendum vote is merged in the next elections and before the celebration of the referendum impose a moratorium on the privatization process.
We also believe that nuclear energy is a wrong choice because it is a source of risky, expensive, unsafe and in fact an alternative to saving energy and using renewable sources. We are convinced that a victory for YES to the referendum next spring could be a first and fundamental step not only for the common good return water to the participatory management of local communities, but to reverse course and defeat the liberal policies and privatization of property common over the last thirty years have produced only the impoverishment of a large part of the territory and population and enriched few financial groups with a drastic reduction of the rights gained by determining the dramatic economic crisis, social, ecological and democracy in which we are still immersed.
Change we can and we can do it all together. Therefore we call upon all women and men of this country to a great national event of the people and movements of water for the common good to be held in Rome Saturday, March 26, 2011. An open event, happy and plural. To launch the victory of YES to the referendum for the common good water. And to say that another Italy is possible. Here and now.
Because only the participation is free. Why do you spell water and law democracy.
Promote: Italian Forum of Water Movements referendum committees "2 YES 'for the Common Good Water" IMPORTANT! The referendum committees Veronese "2 Yes 'for the Common Good Water" sought and endorsed the appeal filed by the Italian Forum of Water Movements and the National referendum committees "2 YES' for the Common Good Water" and will attend the national demonstration on 26 March in Rome.
are invited to join all the local people and fighting against the return to nuclear power and defending our territory, the rights of individuals and common goods.
We invite all who wish to participate to call as soon as possible by giving its name to: ERNESTO Bonometti TEL. 348.8219343
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