Fourth International February 22, 2011
Declaration on the revolutions in the Arab world adopted by the International Committee of the Fourth International at its meeting in February 2011
1. The extraordinary victory for Mubarak, Egyptian people against propagating the historic significance of the revolution that brought down the Tunisian regime of Ben Ali. The shock wave from these popular victories in a few days has been extended to the whole Arab region and beyond, and influence the balance of power between classes on a global scale. Demonstrations, strikes, meetings, committees of self-defense, mobilization of the unions, students, democratic associations, faced with an absolute determination of the state apparatus and the first police forces. Millions of Tunisians and Egyptians were mobilized until the fall of dictators, and continue to mobilize and not to confiscate the revolution.
2. It is a process of permanent revolution, which closely combines the social, democratic, sovereign national and expands internationally. The effects of the global economic crisis, combined with the brutal oppression and the blatant corruption of the dictatorship, have joined the most disadvantaged sections of the people, the working class Organize with the middle classes, young people with the old, women with men. The Tunisian and Egyptian masses could not tolerate more economic systems that the marginalized. As in many neighboring countries, the integration to the capitalist globalization has led to economic growth, very productive employment and a concentration of wealth unprecedented in the unequal development of the territories and a general deterioration of living conditions and working conditions.
One of the main reasons of this revolution is the explosion of food prices in recent years. The rapid process of climate change has led to the current world food crisis, particularly in countries such as Tunisia. economic liberalization imposed by the IMF, WTO and the EU has resulted in increased insecurity for workers, the accumulation of land by the export-oriented agrarian capitalism, in drastic cuts in public services and in mass unemployment, which particularly affects young graduates. Plus, with the closing of the borders of the European Union to the possibility of emigration, and the market downturn work in the oil monarchies of the Gulf, would disappear every opportunity to escape poverty. P arallel, fundamental freedoms and the suppression of democratic rights by the police states that imposed a general social control, and lack of counter - the parties 'opposition' MPs were tolerated by the Tunisian and Egyptian regimes only as larvae, associations infiltrated or prevented from working - have meant that between the dictatorship and the people there were more than the figure of the autocratic leader and a devoted and fierce repressive apparatus. And the operation of the Mafia clan in power has come to delegitimize.
Finally, these two regimes are distinguished for their cooperation with the Zionist state of Israel, exasperating even more people they see as their suffering of the Palestinian people. Faced with all these injustices, have multiplied in recent years, strikes and social upheaval that have allowed an accumulation of experience but was unable to break down the wall of fear for most people. This wall has been submerged in a few weeks, and despite the numerous victims of the Tunisian people, then, in his mind as the Egyptian people, have supported a continuous struggle to escape the dictators Ben Ali and Mubarak.
3. With these victories, the peoples of the Arab region found an immense dignity, that they burst onto the political scene of democracy and class struggle, outside the lethal alternative (or combination) autocracies / Islam in which they were held for thirty years. class people, and primarily the working class of this region have gained the means to claim all democratic freedoms. Women to claim their rights and equality with men. Workers have gained the means to allege that a much higher level of over-exploitation of the programmni neoliberalism and deeply destabilizing devices imperialist domination over the region, Europe and the U.S., related the State of Israel. Do not mistake the Israeli government, in all its tendencies, claimed until the last of the West support to dictators. The revolution in the Arab region shows the potential for democratic and social emancipation of any mass struggle against injustice. The role of women in active mobilization is an unmistakable sign. This process allows the campaigns to combat racism and Islamophobia on the 'clash of civilizations ", trying to persuade us that the mobilization of the peoples of the Arab-Muslim opens the door to fundamentalism. This dynamic will affect the world. Immediately has already in Jordan, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania, although we can not predict at what pace and in what order will drop the ruling regimes, each with its own particularities. Particularly in Libya, where the regime has attacked the population with military aircraft and helicopters, and has already killed more than 500 people, there is a rapid worsening of the situation that requires our full solidarity. These revolutions create new and more favorable conditions for the Palestinian struggle, a struggle that encourages and supports the Fourth International. The Egyptian Revolution actually puts on the agenda for the end of that crime against humanity is the siege of Gaza. Faced with this situation, the answer of the Zionist state can become even more harsh and brutal. Need to be mobilized to prevent double. The dynamics of these revolutions also encourages the struggle against dictatorship in Iran and to China, where the opposition is inspired by the methods of coordination used in Tunisia and Egypt, as the use of social networks. Inevitably encourage the mobilization of immigrants originating in the Arab region, supertaken and oppressed in the advanced capitalist countries. More than ever we need to stand alongside these people.
But these processes can have global consequences even in the imperialist countries, where workers and young people are ever more heavily to the plans of austerity, not find his way to success: show us that a revolution from below in the twenty-first century can , which can destroy a seemingly impregnable political system and tear conquests only yesterday seemed unattainable!
4. The achievements of these processes are fragile in Tunisia as in Egypt, but essential for the subsequent development. Based on recent experience on the inclusion of long-standing and popular radical left-wing unions, the self-organization has grown massively when the demonstrators and residents of the districts was necessary protect themselves from attacks by police and militia power, Tunisia Sidi Bouzid from the neighborhoods of big cities and the Kasbah in Tunis, in Tahrir Square in Cairo Egypt from the districts of Suez or Alexandria Mansurah. Scenes unimaginable a few days before, Muslims and Copts have protected each other's moments of prayer, the workers and young Internet users, women and men, writers and taxi drivers have defended alongside the points attacked by Mubarak's cops. peoples have managed to disrupt the armies systematically attempting to fraternize with the soldiers. Dictators have fled, the directions of the ruling parties had to give up work under pressure mobilization, and popular mobilizations are continuing. In Tunisia, the most corrupt officials are prosecuted by the Justice, funds and assets of the RCD are confiscated, their offices have become houses of the people. Most political prisoners were freed. The police apparatus of the two countries, although there were not decommissioned, they are disorganized. Employees of ministries begin to exercise control over their leaders, such as the Tunisian Foreign Ministry who have obtained the resignation of the minister who had covered their praise of the French Minister Alliot-Marie. Many governors, mayors and public officials Tunisians had to resign. The Tunisian masses also came to ask for the departure Ambassador of France just arrived, after his dismissive statement. Several temporary Civil Service have been stabilized, the capital of the company's most corrupt leaders in Tunisia was nationalized. Similar processes are undertaken in Egypt. Officials have received wage increases of 15%, numerous workers' strikes grow despite the threat of new power.
5. Of course, the ruling classes did not remain inert and will always be more active against the revolutionary processes in the extension. In Tunisia, the "neutrality" of the army and the removal of Ben Ali has been offset by the permanence in power of his Prime Minister Ghannouchi and many leaders of the RCD, which had to be legitimized by the arrival of several opposition parties in the government and the largest union UGTT. The rejection of this and the popular mobilization have forced a second government, where leaders of the RCD is the only prime minister. But the new power is structured from the pictures of French imperialism, and takes all his energy, together with the Tunisian capital and the army to persuade workers to return to work "as before." It would close a parenthesis ... satisfied to announce general elections within six months. In Egypt, the army is directly ensures that the "transition", with the ominous interior minister Suleiman, known torturer, friend of Israel and known as American CIA agent. Even in this case, enjoining the people to be reasonable to allow the continuation of tourism and foreign investment, with the promise of elections in a few months ... and the threat of renewed repression. Sarkozy and Berlusconi governments, who have not seen anything of what was to happen and you are compromised in supporting Ben Ali, the European Union are at the forefront in demanding the resumption of business hours and return to the police blockades against migrants. U.S. imperialism, with the administration Obama is much more flexible by not providing for controlled movement in Egypt, pretending to ride him, but his close links with the command of the army as a permanent threat weighing on the Egyptian revolutionary process, and will require guarantees on the traffic along the canal Suez and maintaining the closure of the border in Gaza. Finally, international institutions will be able to demand respect for the fundamental of modern capitalism: payment of the debt even if unfair, respect of the full capital and foreign products, continued deregulation.
6. In this process, the whole system should be dismantled in order to assert all rights and democratic freedoms: right of expression, right to strike, the right of expression, pluralism of associations, trade unions and political parties, presidential liquidation of the institution and the establishment of a provisional revolutionary government. It is necessary today the initiation of a process of free elections for a Constituent Assembly. Not to be confiscated by a new power of the oligarchies, this process must be based on organizing committees, coordination and people's councils that have emerged in the population. In this context, the anti-capitalist struggle central to the claims of a program to break with imperialism and the capitalist system: meet the vital needs of the working classes (bread, wages, work), reorganization of the economy in light of social needs, quality public services and free education (school, health), women's rights, extension of social protection (unemployment, health , pensions), radical agrarian reform, nationalization of banks and key sectors of the economy, debt cancellation, and popular sovereignty. This program is a government that serves the workers and the population in Tunisia is defended by the Left Workers League (Ligue de la Gauche Ouvrière). This is part of Front January 14, in which left the meeting that the government refuses Ghannouchi and advocates for democratic freedoms, a Constituent Assembly and the fulfillment of basic needs. This program is supported in Egypt by a group of revolutionaries being set up.
7. The Tunisian and Egyptian peoples, and all those peoples in the Arab region are still in need of our solidarity in the struggle for democratic freedoms. have even more need of our mobilization to loosen the grip of imperialist non-payment of foreign debts of previous regimes and financial restitution of property and assets of dictators, protection of national sovereignty of the people against the pressures of international capitalism; cancellation of international agreements signed by the former regime in the military, security and migration.
The revolutionaries of the world also have the essential task of establishing any possible links with the unions, associations and organizations of these anti-capitalist countries, to contribute to the consolidation of the revolutionary process underway, and support the self-organization of people who prendonoi part.
The ongoing revolution in the Arab region is our struggle!
immediate support the following initiatives:
Declaration on the revolutions in the Arab world adopted by the International Committee of the Fourth International at its meeting in February 2011

2. It is a process of permanent revolution, which closely combines the social, democratic, sovereign national and expands internationally. The effects of the global economic crisis, combined with the brutal oppression and the blatant corruption of the dictatorship, have joined the most disadvantaged sections of the people, the working class Organize with the middle classes, young people with the old, women with men. The Tunisian and Egyptian masses could not tolerate more economic systems that the marginalized. As in many neighboring countries, the integration to the capitalist globalization has led to economic growth, very productive employment and a concentration of wealth unprecedented in the unequal development of the territories and a general deterioration of living conditions and working conditions.
One of the main reasons of this revolution is the explosion of food prices in recent years. The rapid process of climate change has led to the current world food crisis, particularly in countries such as Tunisia. economic liberalization imposed by the IMF, WTO and the EU has resulted in increased insecurity for workers, the accumulation of land by the export-oriented agrarian capitalism, in drastic cuts in public services and in mass unemployment, which particularly affects young graduates. Plus, with the closing of the borders of the European Union to the possibility of emigration, and the market downturn work in the oil monarchies of the Gulf, would disappear every opportunity to escape poverty. P arallel, fundamental freedoms and the suppression of democratic rights by the police states that imposed a general social control, and lack of counter - the parties 'opposition' MPs were tolerated by the Tunisian and Egyptian regimes only as larvae, associations infiltrated or prevented from working - have meant that between the dictatorship and the people there were more than the figure of the autocratic leader and a devoted and fierce repressive apparatus. And the operation of the Mafia clan in power has come to delegitimize.
Finally, these two regimes are distinguished for their cooperation with the Zionist state of Israel, exasperating even more people they see as their suffering of the Palestinian people. Faced with all these injustices, have multiplied in recent years, strikes and social upheaval that have allowed an accumulation of experience but was unable to break down the wall of fear for most people. This wall has been submerged in a few weeks, and despite the numerous victims of the Tunisian people, then, in his mind as the Egyptian people, have supported a continuous struggle to escape the dictators Ben Ali and Mubarak.
3. With these victories, the peoples of the Arab region found an immense dignity, that they burst onto the political scene of democracy and class struggle, outside the lethal alternative (or combination) autocracies / Islam in which they were held for thirty years. class people, and primarily the working class of this region have gained the means to claim all democratic freedoms. Women to claim their rights and equality with men. Workers have gained the means to allege that a much higher level of over-exploitation of the programmni neoliberalism and deeply destabilizing devices imperialist domination over the region, Europe and the U.S., related the State of Israel. Do not mistake the Israeli government, in all its tendencies, claimed until the last of the West support to dictators. The revolution in the Arab region shows the potential for democratic and social emancipation of any mass struggle against injustice. The role of women in active mobilization is an unmistakable sign. This process allows the campaigns to combat racism and Islamophobia on the 'clash of civilizations ", trying to persuade us that the mobilization of the peoples of the Arab-Muslim opens the door to fundamentalism. This dynamic will affect the world. Immediately has already in Jordan, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania, although we can not predict at what pace and in what order will drop the ruling regimes, each with its own particularities. Particularly in Libya, where the regime has attacked the population with military aircraft and helicopters, and has already killed more than 500 people, there is a rapid worsening of the situation that requires our full solidarity. These revolutions create new and more favorable conditions for the Palestinian struggle, a struggle that encourages and supports the Fourth International. The Egyptian Revolution actually puts on the agenda for the end of that crime against humanity is the siege of Gaza. Faced with this situation, the answer of the Zionist state can become even more harsh and brutal. Need to be mobilized to prevent double. The dynamics of these revolutions also encourages the struggle against dictatorship in Iran and to China, where the opposition is inspired by the methods of coordination used in Tunisia and Egypt, as the use of social networks. Inevitably encourage the mobilization of immigrants originating in the Arab region, supertaken and oppressed in the advanced capitalist countries. More than ever we need to stand alongside these people.
But these processes can have global consequences even in the imperialist countries, where workers and young people are ever more heavily to the plans of austerity, not find his way to success: show us that a revolution from below in the twenty-first century can , which can destroy a seemingly impregnable political system and tear conquests only yesterday seemed unattainable!
4. The achievements of these processes are fragile in Tunisia as in Egypt, but essential for the subsequent development. Based on recent experience on the inclusion of long-standing and popular radical left-wing unions, the self-organization has grown massively when the demonstrators and residents of the districts was necessary protect themselves from attacks by police and militia power, Tunisia Sidi Bouzid from the neighborhoods of big cities and the Kasbah in Tunis, in Tahrir Square in Cairo Egypt from the districts of Suez or Alexandria Mansurah. Scenes unimaginable a few days before, Muslims and Copts have protected each other's moments of prayer, the workers and young Internet users, women and men, writers and taxi drivers have defended alongside the points attacked by Mubarak's cops. peoples have managed to disrupt the armies systematically attempting to fraternize with the soldiers. Dictators have fled, the directions of the ruling parties had to give up work under pressure mobilization, and popular mobilizations are continuing. In Tunisia, the most corrupt officials are prosecuted by the Justice, funds and assets of the RCD are confiscated, their offices have become houses of the people. Most political prisoners were freed. The police apparatus of the two countries, although there were not decommissioned, they are disorganized. Employees of ministries begin to exercise control over their leaders, such as the Tunisian Foreign Ministry who have obtained the resignation of the minister who had covered their praise of the French Minister Alliot-Marie. Many governors, mayors and public officials Tunisians had to resign. The Tunisian masses also came to ask for the departure Ambassador of France just arrived, after his dismissive statement. Several temporary Civil Service have been stabilized, the capital of the company's most corrupt leaders in Tunisia was nationalized. Similar processes are undertaken in Egypt. Officials have received wage increases of 15%, numerous workers' strikes grow despite the threat of new power.
5. Of course, the ruling classes did not remain inert and will always be more active against the revolutionary processes in the extension. In Tunisia, the "neutrality" of the army and the removal of Ben Ali has been offset by the permanence in power of his Prime Minister Ghannouchi and many leaders of the RCD, which had to be legitimized by the arrival of several opposition parties in the government and the largest union UGTT. The rejection of this and the popular mobilization have forced a second government, where leaders of the RCD is the only prime minister. But the new power is structured from the pictures of French imperialism, and takes all his energy, together with the Tunisian capital and the army to persuade workers to return to work "as before." It would close a parenthesis ... satisfied to announce general elections within six months. In Egypt, the army is directly ensures that the "transition", with the ominous interior minister Suleiman, known torturer, friend of Israel and known as American CIA agent. Even in this case, enjoining the people to be reasonable to allow the continuation of tourism and foreign investment, with the promise of elections in a few months ... and the threat of renewed repression. Sarkozy and Berlusconi governments, who have not seen anything of what was to happen and you are compromised in supporting Ben Ali, the European Union are at the forefront in demanding the resumption of business hours and return to the police blockades against migrants. U.S. imperialism, with the administration Obama is much more flexible by not providing for controlled movement in Egypt, pretending to ride him, but his close links with the command of the army as a permanent threat weighing on the Egyptian revolutionary process, and will require guarantees on the traffic along the canal Suez and maintaining the closure of the border in Gaza. Finally, international institutions will be able to demand respect for the fundamental of modern capitalism: payment of the debt even if unfair, respect of the full capital and foreign products, continued deregulation.
6. In this process, the whole system should be dismantled in order to assert all rights and democratic freedoms: right of expression, right to strike, the right of expression, pluralism of associations, trade unions and political parties, presidential liquidation of the institution and the establishment of a provisional revolutionary government. It is necessary today the initiation of a process of free elections for a Constituent Assembly. Not to be confiscated by a new power of the oligarchies, this process must be based on organizing committees, coordination and people's councils that have emerged in the population. In this context, the anti-capitalist struggle central to the claims of a program to break with imperialism and the capitalist system: meet the vital needs of the working classes (bread, wages, work), reorganization of the economy in light of social needs, quality public services and free education (school, health), women's rights, extension of social protection (unemployment, health , pensions), radical agrarian reform, nationalization of banks and key sectors of the economy, debt cancellation, and popular sovereignty. This program is a government that serves the workers and the population in Tunisia is defended by the Left Workers League (Ligue de la Gauche Ouvrière). This is part of Front January 14, in which left the meeting that the government refuses Ghannouchi and advocates for democratic freedoms, a Constituent Assembly and the fulfillment of basic needs. This program is supported in Egypt by a group of revolutionaries being set up.
7. The Tunisian and Egyptian peoples, and all those peoples in the Arab region are still in need of our solidarity in the struggle for democratic freedoms. have even more need of our mobilization to loosen the grip of imperialist non-payment of foreign debts of previous regimes and financial restitution of property and assets of dictators, protection of national sovereignty of the people against the pressures of international capitalism; cancellation of international agreements signed by the former regime in the military, security and migration.
The revolutionaries of the world also have the essential task of establishing any possible links with the unions, associations and organizations of these anti-capitalist countries, to contribute to the consolidation of the revolutionary process underway, and support the self-organization of people who prendonoi part.
The ongoing revolution in the Arab region is our struggle!
immediate support the following initiatives:
- the appeal of 'social movements Assembly, meeting in the World Social Forum Dakar, a global day of mobilization in solidarity with the revolution in the Arab world, March 20, 2011 (the anniversary date of the invasion of Iraq in 2003);
- the Conference of the revolutionary organizations in the Arab region Tunis, called by the LGO from March 25 to 27 ;
- the anti-Mediterranean Conference , NPA convened to be held in Marseille on 7:08 May next.
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